Nel-Tuk and Cicak, Neighborhood Security

Name Nel-Tuk
Gender Female, she/her
Age Adult

Schattarneki Dragon

Fur Color/Markings: Green/Blue, Spike/Plate Color: Green, Eye Color: Red-Brown
Hatchling Size (below): 4' s / 6' l / 150 lbs
Adult Size: 10' s / 40' l / 77' ws / 275 lbs

Post Security Detail, Carramba High Campus Area
Tenure around 13 years
Smarts/GM 5
Bod/Feets 6
Luck 4
Drive Flight 6
Looks 3
Cool/Mouth 3
Bonk 9

Winged Flight and Surprisingly Good Ground Work - Nel-Tuk is decidedly good at movement, though she tends to not do a lot of swimming everything else is her playground! She prefers to be thorough and careful when flying a patrol pattern, doesn't go too high and tries not to buzz heads going too low or fast. She can go quite fast both in the air and running on the ground, so during beach parties or mountain climbing events she loves letting loose

Camouflage - Did you notice that her dark blue markings sorta kinda changed there? Yeah if she's in any kind of blue, green, or 'industrial grey' areas be they natural or structures, she can consciously blend in with them; other colors can be challenging, the most she's managed is a desaturized steel-silver, yellowy-green, and an indigo blue

Burning Mist Breath - When there is trouble needing a barrier put up, and the cops or public work department are still on the way, she can set up a strange lingering 'wall'. At first it looks more like a heat distortion with a bit of glitter in it, but then it will actively ignite if someone gets too close or it's disturbed - this works best near or on the ground, and in calm air, because in any amount of wind including that caused by fast moving vehicles, it'll eddy away into a little fire-tornado before burning out into sparks. She can place about 50 meters of this, in a 4" wide and 1 meter high swath, or as that volume might be condensed, in a cube, or upwards, the shape is entirely up to her needs and the air motion

Create Small Projectile - Now look, this used to be just a silly thing done in classes with like, shooting spit-wads through straws, but she's become incredibly good at creating little, non-lethal, pellets of... dunno, something maybe it's fur, mixed with snot? It can be shot out similarly as her breath weapon but actually isn't breath at all, she merely uses that motion to set it into place. This pellet can be painful if it hits at full speed, close by anyway, though it loses velocity quickly and is best used within about 50 meters at most, kind of like a single slug from a shotgun. It will 'blat' against a solid object, visibly remaining until washed off, in a brilliant blue shade like that on her coat; if it hits something softer like a person or tree, it might even knock over light-weight things (under about 50 lbs) if they're unsteady, and will definitely leave a bruise where it hit like a large paintball, which the substance also looks and smells like, washing clean pretty easily

Clusters Civic Duty! +6 She will always put others before herself. One of the earliest benefitting from the draconic voters laws, she participates in and encourages others to register and vote, and during voting days around the area she's always ready to help out and make sure that nothing goes wrong

Local Navigation +5 both on the ground and in the air, she's quite knowledgeable about the lay of this land. She got to watch as the campus was expanded, rearranged, and finalized with new floors and connectivity, access points, and whole dimensions made much more directly accessable. When you're looking a little lost, she'll be there to help get you to your destination

Laws and Rules +4 whether they're the same, yeah, not always. She understands the difference between justice and law, law and order, order and guideline. She knows when someone is trying to break any of those, and also when someone doesn't mean to be breaking them, and treats them according to their severity, but also always gets down to the reasons for those breaks or flubs, seeking out help for people who really need it

Knacks Knows Somebody Who Knows Somebody +4 Who lives where? What shops are found in this mall, did you know the parking lot has been in use for sketchy shit? She hears everything, well okay she actually relies quite a bit on Cicak for this gossip and information, and is as organized with keeping people straight as she is with navigating to their homes and businesses. This also aids her in finding the right people to hook up with when there's a party, someone in distress, a lost animal, and pretty much anything else going on in the area
Job While she had been tempted to become a teacher, she realized her heart is more in the motion and getting people where they need to be aspect of her student life. So she's made sure to have licensing classes, and is a certified Neighborhood Patrol Officer, working with Crescent City's police department. She and her partner (in job only) Cicak work in, near, and around the CHS campus maintaining safety during peak hours, helping get students from home to school and back again safely.
Art By: Lakota, birthday for shard
Dragon *
Pets? Cicak doesn't really count as a dragon, nor a pet, but he's definitely always around when she's on patrol

Old Information and Hatchling Picture:

Though she's young, Nel-Tuk is quite happy to have been selected to come to Carramba from Splintyr. She's hardly the weirdest student out there, and at least since she's got four feet and can sit on the floor and still see everything fine, that saves the school on tables and chairs! (wewt!)

In the time Nel-Tuk has grown up, she's now involving herself a lot with transporting students from one area of the school to another, under the guise of hall monitors! The fact that she's pretty big allows her (like the other dragons) to intimidate any student that doesn't want to comply with the rules.

1st Period Advanced Pain Compliance Tech with Rugan and Tenken
2nd Period Big Game Hunting with Axemurderer
3rd Period Genetic Engineering: Animal Theory with Shy
4th Period Cartography with Rex 903
5th Period Current Affairs with Talshoy
6th Period Living Mythology with El'bis
7th Period Fiction Writing with Singe
8th Period Security Assistance


Old Information:

Cicak is a Kellbre male from Aanusil, one of those creature-people that often don't get the attention they deserve. While he's not all that smart, he is quite agile and is often found clinging to the ceiling tiles of a classroom looking in on the students. He's around 6 feet long, slender, and perhaps has some kind of power that allows a creature of his size to cling like that...

No one knows if he has a class schedule.


Pretty much the same information applies now - he is something of an unknown, though he did attend the school (we know this because he has a 'Decent' grade average across four years?) (and he wasn't kicked off campus like any non-student or invasive type might have been), and now works as Nel-Tuk's second set of eyes and senses across the campus. Cicak does indeed have strong telepathic abilities and can project his senses to his work partner, so what he sees and detects, she can get a good heads up. Need to make sure no one's smoking where you're not supposed to or before you're of age to? That sniff on the air will instantly be conveyed to Nel-Tuk and she'll ... handle it. Since he's reasonably small and quite clingy he still is able to lurk up in the corners of classrooms, under building awnings, and wrapped around light poles.



Other Info: