Bratra, Quartermaster

Name Bratra

Female, she/her, straight

Homeworld "The Old World" of Pern, but one parent is actually from Berk?! Probably due to dimensional travel by Pernese parent
Species Human, Dragon riding from disparate dimensions
Totem Platypus, the 'what, is there something on my face?' Totem. Living an entirely random existence you get your jollies from other's misfortune. Whee!
+1 S/GM, +1 Bod, +1 RWP, +1 Luck, +1 Drive, +1 Cool, +1 Bonk, +8 extra KK's
Class Freshman, 20kks
Smarts 5 > 6
Bod/Feet 5 > 6
RWP 4 > 5
Luck 8 > 9 - **note below!
Drive 4 > 5 / 6 Ride
Looks 2
Cool 2 > 3
Bonk 7 > 8

^Grease Monkey - any piece of machinery that operates without a complicated computer, you know how to take apart and put together; ^offers a cluster for Mechanics; Everything from siege cannons to fine clockwork gears, Bratra is your gal to fix, maintain, or even invent them. She enjoys making devices that small dragons can use too, knowing that there are dragons who are gifted with thumbs as well as big brains! Shhh Zey shhhh, you've got... brains too...

HYPE! - can whip their friends, gang, students, and even staff into an absolute frenzy; but be careful it doesn't end up a dangerous mob (^all related team skills +2 for duration); With the limest of lime green dragons, Bratra knows she can attract enough attention but can she hold it? Of course! Listen, she has this great idea...

Dragon Rider - With a dragon from these bloodlines, Bratra's experiences can be expanded with her telepathic connection to other dragons, ability to fly or teleport, and overall attract attention in ways that a non-rider simply doesn't have. See below for dragon abilities!

Clusters 6

^Mechanical Aptitude +3 Tinkering and engineering is easy peasy when you are this confident and casually aware of metals, device physics, and the like. Bratra is one of those 'turns toasters into traps' sorts, though not willing to use her skill to create weapons particularly. Give her a piece of bubblegum, three paperclips, and a stopwatch and she'll chew the gum, make a lil' sculpture, and time her dragon's lap around the school. What, did you expect she'd be able to make some bizarre time-travel device with that?

^Team Building +3 (2) Bratra's intensity is catching, though she knows she's not always going to be the center of attention and treats that as a special occasion. Mostly she enjoys putting together people in the same manner as her repairs and devices: your team needs a scout and a defender, you've got too many offensive players. Your group could stand a den-mother type to make sure everyone's on the same page when I can't be here. And ideally - she will be mixing these two skill sets in her future profession of quartermaster of a Weyr!

Multidimensionality +1 She inherently seems to know just where and when she is, in relation to other similar dimensions represented by people, creatures, or objects nearby. While she and Zey certainly can and have moved between their home Pern and CHS during practice runs, she's been on other dragons and even taken by professors on jaunts here and there, and has a keen memory for those places. Zeyreth won't likely be the best at actually moving between them herself, but she'll definitely be able to follow and add to a team effort more easily than most

Skills 18

Ride Dragon and Animals +3 Bratra enjoys every moment she spends on Zey's shoulders, but she also knows that there are other types of dragons, and plenty of creatures that have been bred for or actively enjoy serving their riders. She would never treat any animal as 'burden bearing' unless they are meant for a specific activity - she's not going to put sled dogs on a racetrack, nor allow a thoroughbred horse pull a heavy weight. She studies animal physiology enough that in time she may make clockwork versions of them! Knowing how to distribute weight for pulling or lifting, putting the right harness or gear on correctly, all of those things are important along with making sure that the creature in question wants to be ridden. She learned that from mom's light fury!

Dragon Recognition +3 Having a strange combination of dragons in their family home all her life, Bratra realized she could tell subtle and not-so-normal differences of the breeds of dragons. Even with the Old World, there were clearly dozens of specific builds and bloodlines that show up around campus now, and that's been complicated by all the other worlds with non-Pernese dragons. Beyond the obvious breed differences though, she can also tell each individual apart easily. A group of blue dragons, sure, but one's from Talor Cliff, another from Gallimim, that one's from Dragonsoul wow when'd you pick him up?

A Gift Of Literacy +3 She knows that not every girl on Pern gets the opportunity to even learn to read and write, and she's taken to it with gusto if for no other reason than to be able to leave comprehensive information behind when she's built or organized something. She keeps meticulous notes, and as a technical writer she's positively brilliant, again willing and able to exploit this natural talent in her future job duties!

Knacks 4

Weirdness Magnet Indeed +4 Maybe it's her Berk parent's lifestyle of several generations worth of dragon training, or just being part of two very different worlds herself. But Bratra thrives with the notion that all manner of things can and do happen around her. She just... likes to be able to mitigate any of those bad things that also happen

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Dragonry Recordkeeping and Data Collection / B.Kshau / Excellent
2 Dimensional Travel and Pocket Universes / Lane / Excellent
3 Calculus Basics / California / Decent
4 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis / Excellent
5 Speculative Engineering / Valarian / Superb
6 Exotic Team Sports (Draconic Events) / Brasedi / Excellent
7 Technical Writing / Wheeler / Superb
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott / Excellent
Pets None permanently but sometimes she'll have an animal just show up beside her, and have to hunt down who their caretaker really is
Parents? One Pernese brown rider, and one Light Fury rider from the world of Berk, where fanciful dragons coexist with human friends. While a light fury isn't exactly 'like' a pernese dragon they do have overt similarities, and as such she could 'pass' when they came from between back to dad's home.
Siblings? Has younger siblings: a pair of twin brothers, and a young infant sister
Image From Meiker Elequinoa Goth
Other Info

They live off campus at the dragonry's shared housing; since Zeyreth is quite small they have a shared dorm even when she's grown from hatchling to weyrling.

**They have an Unlucky, Unlucky personality -- Bratra gets blamed for all manner of things, most of which she's never had anything to do with. But that just means that she can then 'save the day' and make a big 'comeback'! Her luck is stunning, but acts a bit like a "Weirdness Magnet" since many odd people and events occur all the time around her. She knows when an event is going to occur, which is partly why she developed the HYPE ability. Making sure that no one is injured from a meteor strike that happens to 'target right where she is', having to fix up the broken-down manual-transmission vintage '67 VW Bug she was riding in with friends, that kind of thing.



Name: Zeyreth (ZAY reth)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Sport, 6'8" s / 25' l / 40' ws
Colors: Lime Green, a brighter green than you'd ever seen on a dragon, with dark almost-black green markings on eyes, stripes on neck, feet paws, and zig-zagging from mid-back to tail tip on the spine; wingsails are slightly lighter overall, body has slightly darker shading on 'upper' parts and very bright on legs
Features: Nontraditional Pernese, with sleek head and tail, no spinal ridges, but otherwise four legs with thumbed forepaws, leather wings with 4 internal fingers and a wrist thumb with claw underneath
Powers: Winged Flight, At her size, Zey is able to fly indoors in a large enough venue, or down empty building halls, turning corners and hardly ruffling curtains! She prefers to be within sight of any given landmark because yeah yeah her memory ain't what a bigger dragon's is, but she knows where home is! Enjoys trick flights and stunts, and as long as her rider has got the right gear with her, she can perform low-speed maneuvers or high-speed diving for shows equally well. She is not remarkably strong for lifting, so it's usually just her rider and whatever is needed for their personal trips or gear
Teleportation, while she's capable and can follow instructions for where to go, Zeyreth is not confident in her abilities and prefers to have another dragon help focus her energy with a team. She'll go wherever is clear in her rider's mind, of course! But she won't deviate from that image, and sometimes that may be a little more of a curse than a blessing. She can teleport locally to spots within sight without any problem, it's longer distances of non-visually spotted locales, and offworld that she balks unless given coaxing
Telepathy, Zey's mind is bright and bubbly and definitely not the brightest bulb in the box. Inquisitive but forgetful, happy to be around people or dragons alike. She has a good range on her dragon-to-dragon connection, up to 50 miles easily and with recognition of which dragons are 'the best ones' to talk to, but prefers to speak only to her rider rather than broadly to other humanoids
Assisted Fire Breath, she will be unlikely to chew firestone more or less because she's far too small to make much of a difference against Thread or any other enemy threat. She knows how to do it, and can belch out a pretty decent plume of fire hot enough to melt surface wax for a surfboard or light those tiki torches on the beach... that's about it
Greeny Gold twotone Dulathand Silvered White Flurry Tehndarinth with added Vaoth (markings)
Mate/Offspring: None yet, but she'll probably flirt with whatever small dragons are around
Origin: Unknown Pernese dimension, laid before being brought as an egg to Twoarth
Art By
: bought from and colors/design by 8Siren, on Bronzehalo lines, from Deviantart
Other Info: Yes, she's a bit of a dimwit, but she's a loveable dragon and has never crossed a line or been too intrusive. She will eagerly help carry crates and objects for her rider while on all four feet and not flying, a stock-dragon for the warehouse?