Lady Dilivi, Search Rider

Name Lady Rider Dilivi

Female, she/her, gay

Homeworld Alskyr, from Old World stock at Caledrus Hold
Species Space faring multidimensional dragon rider Human
Totem Bush Baby, the 'if you do not kill me soon I will surely die of fright' totem. Fast, nimble thieves, whistleblowers. +1 S/GM, +3 Bod, +1 RWP, -2 Luck, -1 Drive, +1 Looks, -1 Bonk, + 8 extra KK's.
Nut Feels like a Nut, a coconut-candied chestnut
Class Junior, 30kks
Smarts 3 > 4
Bod/Feet 6 > 9
RWP 2 > 3
Luck 5 > 3
Drive 3 > 2 (ride dragon 6, 2 other/vehicles)
Looks 5 > 6
Cool 7
Bonk 6 > 5

Family Ties and Sisters - has a very large family, all girls, that they can tap into for learning (Any Skill Cluster at 3), working, or passing the buck to when things go wrong. She is one of the middle-girls, with a Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior grade pack of them attending at any given time... and she is the current Junior to be in this list... (though four is all I'll be documenting whew). This group of girls all have a strong empathic (and in some cases telepathic) bond to one another, and regardless of their distance or even being on different worlds/dimensions, they know where each other are at all times, though they have all learned to ignore each other when needed for concentration or privacy. They can each rely on one another for help, extra eyes and ears, hands for doing hard work, and keeping secrets. They will never betray one another, but they aren't always honey-sweethearts with the whole group, they have their spats and their disagreements, but they all agree to disagree about certain things, unless everyone in the family all realizes 'something is off'. They won't hesitate to get outside help from their extended relatives, or even just 'other people', in those cases where their sister won't or can't extract themselves from a situation. Be it having detention for something they didn't do, or did do, or being enamored of - or by - someone that is Bad News, they'll all pitch in to help work it out


Luck - things go right for them just at the right moment, though this cannot be predicted and might not be 'right', don't rely on it too much or it will eventually backfire. Otherwise 'average' luck, she'll win some, lose others, but in a pinch and particularly if the world believes that things might go wrong for others, it'll go right for her in time to save those others from their fate. It tends to go a bit less good for her with regards to her love life and personal relationships which is why the connection with her siblings often enough includes a jam session of "these are what red flags are"...

Nature Sense - this power is 'always on' and uncontrolled, she can detect where the poison ivy is and avoid it, knows the overall health of an area within about 500 meters, and can tell where trails and other life have wandered. She's never considered this to be out of the ordinary even though her family keeps telling her they will get lost the moment they leave campus...

Dragon Riding - Of the sisters, she's more likely to be out on patrol, sweeping around looking for threats and to spot interesting locations, and generally speaking be scanning for new rider material. This has brought her into both conflict and connection with lots and lots of new people, which... again, is why her family must continually remind her that she's out there for the dragons to find bonds, and should keep her eye on those red flags... She has a terrific bond, and their powers are listed below

Clusters 12

*Adaptable Skill Clusters +3 Shared with whichever siblings are within 500 meters, she's best at tapping muscle memory which requires her to actively practice with that sibling for a few minutes to get the hang of it but she can also reliably pass along those physical skills very easily. These skills somewhat rapidly fade but will remain permanently with each of them shouldering a little here and there. Any physical skills she learns in this manner will get a +2 bonus for about a week, but unless she practices it purposefully it will go back to 'you can do it but no bonus/penalty' level

Active Outdoorsy Type +4 Dilivi loves to run, explore, hunt, harvest, take tours, and do all kinds of physical tasks. Good with hand-eye coordination for things like archery, as well as endurance for marathon-running, she's always in motion and always with a smile on her face. This does come with the down side of 'and she fidgets if she has to be quiet and indoors', which can be a bit disruptive if she starts getting too distracted

Skills 20

Ignores Your Parents / Local Customs With A Grin +4 While she's an excellent search rider, her interactions are often a bit... grating, to the locals. She's the type who would snatch a newly searched Lordling out from under his overbearing Lord father, the moment he's packed and ready to leave. She won't get into open arguments with locals, but she will eagerly get up in their faces about things she feels are 'wrong' with their culture, such as 'you won't let 'girls' do x and y?' or 'you know skin color is literally the least of a dragon's concern right'. Thankfully she does have a good memory for those locations, enough time will pass before she's at them so people will cool off if not forget about her... until she opens her mouth again

Dragon Care +4 Being out there in the multiverse or even just around the corner with a dragon, means she must know everything she can about how to help Zoody if he's injured, where to find the right kinds of food, and locations for him to sunbathe and fish without interference. She, like some others in her family, will hardly ever ride with a harness unless need be, and that's generally if she has stuff to carry for an extended trip, camping, or search riding - all of which are different packs and harness arrangements. She can help sew up a rip in a dragon's wingsail or minor cuts, knows how to soothe a bruised leg, but she also knows when to call for help if there are other issues needing to be addressed in a more formal dragonry for care

Self Sufficient Camper +2 If it involves being out long enough to have to dig a latrine, hunt local game for your night's food, and figure out protection from elements, Dilivi enjoys all of it. Standing in the rain is enjoyable until it's a hurricane, let's find a cave! Put out that damn camp fire this is a dry area! She has her own archery kit, knows how to assemble and use a kayak or raft, and can gut a fish she's caught with her bare hands

Knacks 6

Red Flags -4/+3 While this can be a disaster, her personal life is the only time that negative will occur. If it involves anyone other than herself, she's quite good at understanding how to best extract someone or face down a domineering person, even if they're not being Searched. But when it does involve her, hooo boy. It's like just the wrong people always want to 'get closer' to her, and she lets them until her family and dragon say otherwise

INDOOR VOICE, WHAT'S THAT? +4 If you need to shout across a very large space, or deafen an angry mob with a command, she's definitely got that covered. She's used to being outside anyway, and keeping people appraised when she can't use telepathy means she yells with clarity and confidence

Will Always Help Expose Injustices +3 She absolutely is a whistle-blower, and when she sees a place that is in dire need of social change, she'll call on her sisters to help get things done. When it's just her, people might not take a blue-riding girl seriously. But when it's no fewer than four of them... You don't mess with her and her family, and you don't mess with the kid that's being picked on because of their religion, or the business that's owned by a furry in a skin town. It's that simple. Change or you get cut out of any future dragonry events and searches... Her word carries weight in that regard

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Nexus Geohistory / T.Kshau / Excellent
2 Journalism / Leland / Superb
3 Parkour and Free Running / Saqqaf / Superb
4 Dragon Care / Kenobi / Superb
5 Non-Human Culture / Zero / Decent
6 Allergies Are Everywhere / Virus / Decent
7 Business Math / Sila'Casar / Decent
8 Careers: Diplomatic Envoy (Dragonry Worlds) / TBD / Superb

None right now, but if she does a lot more offworld stuff she'll probably need to grab a good teleporting flitter or familiar type

Parents? Ordare and Vidialla, high ranking Lord and Lady originally from Caledrus Hold but with strong interdimensional connections allowing them to branch out to gather more information for Lord Rider Engel back at Alabaster nearby.
Siblings? Diviari, Dilivi, Dilla, Dillore, with at least three more younger and one older, all will attend CHS though their eldest only attended one year due to being old enough to have graduated already
(Oradali; - these four -; Alidare, Lorioda, and Ralidaro in that order)
Image From Doll Divine X-Girl
Other Info

All the girls live in the dragonry group housing, and as each one has impressed they move into their new suitably-sized private weyrs in the Magical Housing area. This allows them to more easily access their homeworlds using portals, and has access to the entire campus as well. When they return home to Alskyr they will likely have their own finely-crafted locations at the Alabaster Weyrhold's quarry

They have a Maverick, Courageous personality. - She is a search rider, but mainly due to her dragon's penchant for it. She herself would bring anyone and everyone to hatchings, with a little bit of picky to keep certain people out, so it's mainly the dragon's duties with her tagging along for support.



Name: Zudenlunth (ZOO den loonth) "Zoody"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 7'4" s / 32' l / 55' ws
Colors: Blue, a light dusty shade lightest under body with slightly darker grey-blue on nose, paws, wing arms and markings across wingsails, and tail tip; white star mark on forehead and small white marks on shoulders and upper thighs
Features: Nonstandard Pernese, no headknobs, ridges, or tail split, but otherwise standard for the breed in all ways, though much smaller than normal for a blue
Powers: Winged Flight, Zudenlunth is zippy and extremely agile, and can hover easily in the air even at low altitude. He does tend to get whipped around a little by high winds, so he will try flying only in reasonably calm weather. He's capable of carrying his rider and perhaps one other or packs if carefully placed in harnesses, but prefers only his One
Teleportation, as speedy as his flight, he can instantly relocate anywhere within a 500 meter area in a flickering dart, moving up to a dozen times without tiring (though... let him do that without a rider, oh please, please?). With a concentrated effort however, he can move up to 200 miles at a pop and resting only a minute or so before doing it again.
Telepathy, Zoody brings an amusing comment or sharp jibe to any interaction, he's charming and talkative. He can connect with his rider at any distance, and her family members if they are near her even across dimensions. He can communicate with and sense sentient beings, be they dragons, humans, and anything in between, at up to 10 miles with discerning empathy under 500 meters. So he does like to sniff out groups and overall locations, and then get up close and personal to decide whether anyone's really worth searching
Unassisted Firebreath, he is able to breathe fire without using a chemical reactant, though he's not practiced with it. This feature will be dominant among any of his offspring even with pure Pernese mates
Greeny Gold twotone Dulath and Blue Sixth with added Yuth (colors) known twin sibling to Zedrolainth
Mate/Offspring: None yet, will be smol, fast, and smart
Origin: An unknown Pern dimension gathered by random luck
Art By: Adopted from and designed by 8Siren with BronzeHalo lines on deviantart
Other Info: Like many blue dragons on Pern, Zoody is quite good at sniffing out potential riders. He's had to nudge his rider away from some of the people they've found, as they are obviously bad news - obvious to anyone but her. Protective but eager to continue their work, he'd rather help distract her with a new search, than try to pull her away from an abusive partner