Welcome to the Paragon City Special Studies Program student roster!

Paragon City is a fictional place created by those wonderful folks at Paragon Studios.

The PSSP is a school for young superhero kids in training. There, they are given a place to stay (girls separate from boys) and educated to their own degree of ability. Every age category save pre-school is taught here, though the bulk of the students are in grades 5-12 (primarily due to powers and mutations arising during puberty).

The basic educational program includes Literacy, Math, Social Sciences and History, Biological and Physical Sciences, and Arts. Specific 'trades' are then taught when the student has manifested a power or ability. Those who are suited to tough physical duties are given training in weights, sports and body development. Those who are more suited to empathy or telepathy have specific courses designed to train and strengthen their abilities. Each student will be taking a unique set of courses.

The school is not free, however it is a cheaper alternative to most private schools, and grants or scholarships are available for older students. Also, for graduates, consideration is given to place the new superhero into a position where their skills and powers will do society the most good - and where they will get the most out of their training.

The staff and instructors of PSSP are experienced in dealing with their own powers, mutations or situations, though not every one of them is powered. Most of the standardized subjects are taught by 'normal' teachers. However many of those 'normal' folks have relatives or friends who have gone through this same schooling system.

Current Student Roster

Sonith Jensen - Senior, f, codename Silverfish

Powers - vibratory senses, microwave and heat production, armored skin, limited flight

Candidate at F4

Draca: Silver Surfer

Bonded to Sunset Red Cekionyth

Jet o'Ket - Senior, m, codename Rocket

Powers - fire aura, fire production, strong flight

Candidate at F4

Draca: Green and Red Hollywood

Bonded to Electric Sunset Mayionyth

Quincy Hu - Senior, m, codename Biolume Boy

Powers - chitinous skin armor, extra eye, radiation production, electric blast

Candidate at Sanctuary of the Sun

Draca: Yellow and Black Sunspot

Chosen by Green Fire Yatharani

Pierce Wise - Junior, m, codename Icy Demon

Powers - cold tolerance, ice production, limited flight

Candidate at Kabre Spheres

Draca: Pale Blue Icey

Bonded to: n/a

Kayt Greene - Junior, f, codename Darkflash

Powers - darkness control, light sensitivity, tangible dark force production

Candidate at Flamma Agua

Draca: Red and Blue Spidey

Bonded to: Nalina-ver Li'Multigenus

Shayne Monk - Junior, m, codename Duststorm

Powers - temperature control local/self, wind production, stone congealing, wind based flight

Candidate at

Draca: Grey and Black Batbatman

Bonded to: n/a

Beatrix Rose - Soph, f, codename Molten Glacier

Powers - armored skin, natural weaponry protrusion, limited fire aura, ice production

Bonded to Brown Snisk Giveaway Weyr Between Worlds

Draca: Dark and Light Blue Depthstone

Blake Rockwill - Soph, m, codename The Clod

Powers - stone body, stone armor production, localized gravity/density control

Candidate at Kabre Spheres

Draca: Green and Purple Hulkster

Bonded to: n/a

Josie Fontaine - Soph, f, codename Cryofission

Powers - energy production, ice production

Candidate at

Draca: Green, Gold and Yellow Mergrrl

Bonded to: n/a

Frankie Maxwell - Freshman, m, codename Maxtor

Powers - bony protrusion/natural weaponry production, toxin production

Star City's BWR giveaway Bronze Marked Yyliart

Draca: Green, Gloved and Masked Masky

**Ono Nact - Freshman, f, codename OnoNachuagin

Powers - mental manipulation, emotion control, limited illusion/camoflage

Candidate at

Draca: Orange and Black Tigurrr

Bonded to: n/a

**Helene Aurus - Freshman, f, codename H'zardus

Powers - toxic/radioactive armor, radiation control and emission, limited healing

Candidate at

Draca: Green and Dark Green Emerald

Bonded to: n/a

Some names created at Seventh Sanctum

City of Heroes images technically (c) to Cryptic Studios (they rendered em) but character image ideas (c) Lethe.