Dragon |
Name: Tamileth
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small, 11'1" s / 50' l / 90' ws (larger than parents)
Colors: Bloodstone; body mainly rich and shiny teal and aqua-green in large softly gradiant patches, including both sides of wings, all with small confetti splatters of righ red-gold and yellow-gold, most heavily streaked in a large swath across both sides of wings, faceted eyes often green, claws light
Features: Basically Pernese, split tail, 3 fingered leather wings with long webbed wrist thumb all clawed
Powers: Winged Flight, sleek and swift, with agility that's almost unrivaled among her group. She is able to stop and go, hover, and fly in virtually any direction all while Frank is able to sit on her shoulders and aim carefully, she's remarkably stable. She can fly for a moderate amount of time at speed, but does like taking short rests for longer journeys
Teleportation/Nexus Travel, With Frank's sharp eyes and mind, her target locations are very easily reached, having memorized plentiful landmarks and locales on Twoarth and Pandora alike. Like one of his bullets, she's there and gone in a flash, though offworld destinations are a little slower to reach, and she does rest after an interdimensional port. She is fast enough and clever enough on the wing to be able to literally dodge bullets, herself, even with Frank riding her, though he will take a minute to recover if she's done it too much very quickly
Telepathy, her mind is like a smooth worrystone, easily concentrated on, smooth and warm to the touch; she is somewhat chatty but also an imposing persona to encounter, so if she wants to make an entrance she does so by directly addressing people's minds
Unassisted Firebreath + Damage Resistance to Fire, Go ahead, try and burn her, good luck with that, she's able to walk through a bonfire or other dragon's flame with ease. She doesn't tend to use her fire breath but does have the ability to cry easily flammable items, or scar living things at distances up to 100 meters accurately
Poison Elemental Breath + Damage Resistance to poison, Ahh but that flame is nothing compared to the vile bile she spews, which will create an instant plume of noxious and foul smelling gas where it lands. Breathing this in causes any biological creature to need to purge, coughing and spitting, and becoming incapacitated if they are unable to leave the area quickly enough. It weakens their body significantly, reducing their physical strength and agility, so even if they do manage to get out of that cloud they will be doing far less damage and have difficulty hitting anything anyway. She is also quite resistant to any poisons, venoms, and disabling weapons, while she might take a little physical damage it won't have the side effects, even from Grace's Slag weapon
Telekinesis, very apt to use this to assist her flight, Tamileth keeps her rider from slipping or jostling and can even be flying inverted but he'll never notice!
Parentage: 2nd clutch of Green Foydisth [Brown F Hildemeceth + Black Theurth] and Blue Rattanth [Green Rilendeith + Brown Honoth]
none yet
Origin: Academia de Magica (parents linked on page)
Art By:
Mageling - Owner; Jabberwocky - Shading /Shine; Kitelli - Shading; KaiserFlames - Lineart; Nomi - Colouring
Other Info: Outgoing and sure of herself, Tamileth expects a lot of attention and helps Frank garner it with ease. Her regal bearing is clear when she postures with him, she's not really 'arrogant' as much as commanding and a bit imposing. As a warrior expected to be directly involved with firefights and danger, she eagerly awaits every opportunity to show off. |