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** note please that I am absolutely brained out from the home situation in real life, so this will have to do, I wish I could have done much more but I want to haaave something at all rather than none. ** How would your candidate present themselves to Nairyg? What would be their motivation and/or reasoning for wanting to stand for her clutch? Coach Kazkegu would never boldly claim that he 'cleaned up well', but he definitely did in this case. With word spreading around the Nexus, and even to the campus bulletin boards specifically catered to such things, he knew that he had to act. The track and field classes he taught were quite fun, but often just as exhausting as being on the road following the Galactic Softball games. So during Spring Break, while the kids were getting a bit of a rest and concentrating on their intellectual studies and making sure that their grades were uniformly high enough to continue with the afterschool activities, he arranged to be brought to the Destiny. There was something he needed to do, he got permission and the requested forms to fill out, he'd handle that if and when he returned - well he would return, just. If he returned with another... *** He was well aware that there were other hydra, or hydragons, or perhaps other multi-headed beings at this event. He got the impression that someone didn't want this, but also that others were very hesitant to allow the rest of them there either. He carefully skirted the area and stayed well away from anyone that might glare. Hardly meek, hardly small, this hydragon would not have been recognizable by his students if they were on the field. But that hardly mattered now, because this was, in a word, more of a grown-up matter than the students at Carramba needed to deal with just yet. Kazkegu then realized that most of the dragons that students at that self-same school had come back with teenagers and not grown-up people... He chuckled to himself. Maybe he was overthinking. Maybe not... As he was allowed entrance and came before Nairyg, it was very obvious that she was absolutely every bit the queen in this room. He was very glad that he didn't have his baseball caps on. He would have had a hard time removing them all in respect and nervously holding on to them. He did bow, all of his heads low and with this 'main' the only one to raise up once more, Kazkegu tried to meet at least one pair of her eyes. Finally, he realized she was assessing him, so he more formally returned to an upright posture. "What might you bring, to my beloved children?" She asked; quietly, not stern, but carefully. He took deep breaths, only needing to speak with the one head, but it was harder than expected to keep the others silent. "I am a teacher, a coach -" he paused and hazarded a brief mental nudge, a query to see if she was amenable to see through his memories. "At an interdimensional school, I coach team events as well as running and physical education. I get to instruct a wide variety of students," he gained a little confidence, presenting - whether she was looking or not - a series of thoughts about his various daily tasks. "Mainly dragons, non-human types, bigger students that lacked a place or specific instructors before now." He let himself give a little grin, "some of my students will be going professional, on the softball circuit." He cleared his throats again, "but what I might bring to your children is an opportunity to not only learn among a wide variety of otherworldly sorts, but I ... well, I need an assistant! Someone who will be capable of showing their own flair and sensibility, I don't want to be their only example, maybe they would have a different take on things, and our students need that too. I would never demand they work with me, or even the school, but I could offer a stable home location, and even travel to far off worlds too when we compete." He hoped that would be enough, he didn't want to over-do it. |