
Name Kazkegu (cause KAY goo)
Age Adult

Hydra Dragon - unknown breed but with obvious features of both dragons and hydra; hide skin; four pawed legs; two large leathery flight capable wings with four internal fingers and a short wrist thumb; body is quite cat-like and flexible but also somewhat... padded; 10 heads with one being dominant (the red-yellow eyed) however each can pay close attention to their specific charge and knows how to do everything the main head can, notably each of these heads can filter out the noise or telepathic chatter around them and focus on a specific target easily

Art by Rachael/Shadhahvar from Nexus exchange/request 2006

Post Instructor, Coach for all draconic sports with a specialty in intergalactic softball and non-bonded types (so not necessarily 'combat training and rider-friendly' sports)
Tenure New (2023, after a lengthy stint at the Healing Den and Alabaster's Gems for training)
Smarts/GM 5 Individually
7 Collective if the heads are all focused on a single task
Bod/Feets 8 Agility, is definitely able to fly and pay attention to any given thing below
3 Manual Dexterity, he can utilize special items to write or type, use electronics as the headsets, etc but is not able to do fine manipulation
RWS 5 Students truly appreciate the ability he has of being able to one-on-one
Luck 2 Doesn't rely on just luck, it's skill that's important
Drive 0 Driving a vehicle, who does that at his size?
5 Flight, Is strong in the air but tends to take short slow flights not speed or fancy moves
7 Ground Navigation, under the height of about 25 feet he's a master at movement
Looks 2 Intimidating but still obviously a coach and not some rampaging monster
Cool/Mouth 5 He hangs out with professional Softball players! Woo!
Bonk 12 As a hydragon with this many limbs he's got a lot of beef to him
Note he is around 9' at shoulder joint of wings, 40' long from main nose to tail, and about a 55' wingspan (a "medium" sized dragon around these parts)

Flight - his wings are very broad and shaped for lifting while flapping quite hard, and he will do that often enough, though he prefers to jump down to catch air rather than flap to gain it; he's strong enough to carry several humanoids or a dragon smaller than himself, but not for longer distances; he is modestly agile in the air but with that many heads he can tell what's going on around him and pick a central line to fly rather than zip around everywhere

Telepathy and Verbal Speech - His mind is pretty strong and he can communicate with ease to those around him, within 10 miles he can ping distant telepathic minds, and up close around 500 meters he can connect with non-telepathic people or dragons. His mental voice sounds just like his verbal one - clear, loud, slightly gruff and deep; he doesn't have to shout to get his point across but can do so to chilling effect if he chooses to have all of his heads speaking the same things... Each head does have a faintly different frequency or feel to the voice, and the choir instructor has begged him to join their afterschool group sessions for this reason

Mental Network Coordination - with ten heads to deal with, you'd think he would be a difficult communicator but he is remarkably good at multitasking and keeping everyone on a team involved properly; this power works best at ranges less than 300 meters, but if there are fewer to communicate with he can extend the range considerably (a team of 3, 6, or 10 behave differently and require different levels of attention); he can keep up a steady conversation with half a dozen individual minds if they are telepathic themselves, though increasing the quantity will also cause the other heads' energy to seep in. Note that he is not allowed to use this power during team events against other schools, they must keep it on the level and not 'cheating' and he understands this - besides, the kids gotta be on their own some day!

Sonic Control - The secret to his spooky voice is that he does control sound to an extent; he can narrowly focus each head's speech or sounds at their intended target, though he cannot do this constantly, and since the teams aren't always hooked up with headsets and receivers of their own, he handles games with it rather than electronics; this will wear him out so he can occasionally be heard outright shouting after a longer game or one which has gone into extra innings, he prefers to conserve his energy and not be distracted, barking out a few words and using his wings as signals when needed

Clusters Teamwork! +6 With his strong mind he can take even the most rag-tag of groups and make them work as best as they possibly can. Any group of 3 or more working together with his coaching will have a dramatically higher chance of success, and if they are going against a team of higher skill their weaker points can be mitigated to give them an equal footing

Look At You, Doing The Thing +5 He has a great grasp on assessing what an individual can do or shies away from, and assigns them based on their value and potential. Sometimes this leads to a stage-fright incident but more often than not it allows a student to blossom and do new things even they might not have known they could achieve

Sportsball!! +4 If it has a ball or something like one, and it has more than one person to play with it (jokes aside) he knows the rules, he knows the methods, strats, stats, scores, and even quite a few of the players. He can tap a lot of varied sources for aid on the field, and keeps up on most sports purely for the enjoyment of it. His heads can all be talking about different ball sports to individuals at once, and only when there's a major clash of rule types would he have to pause to sort it out

Instructional Expertise +3 Above and beyond his genial approach to coaching, he simply knows how best to get a kid - or an adult - involved in their education. Even 'problem' students with poor grades experience a boost in morale, figuring out how to do the homework or hashing through their tough studies. He also isn't afraid to get a kid to sit down with one of the admin and be placed in another class if things are going badly for them. He believes there is no-harm-no-foul to admit that a tough class is too hard, after all there are big leagues and junior leagues, hobby levels and professionals, for a reason, and some things are just not 'for' everyone!


Fly And Chew Bubblegum +3 Quite adept at multitasking and enjoys the occasional moment when someone else realizes that half his heads are doing something other than 'what they think'

Statistical Wizardry +3 If he's among peers in the sports department, that means one thing - they get to talk shop and he talks a lot. He knows when things are going over the heads of onlookers and tries to keep his knowledge of RBI and TS% and ATS reigned in while in public but those after-hours sports-bar conversations can be filled with as many acronyms and abbreviations and raw numbers as they can handle

Cleans Up Well +1 He hasn't had to 'clean up' except once or twice, meaning 'not wearing his baseball caps and headsets', but that doesn't mean he won't treat an important meeting with some gravity. He owns the hydragon equivalent of a tux and ties, but also tends to keep himself clean and well-groomed overall anyway for those parental meetings or sessions with professional teams

Period Class Teaching
2 Draconic Track and Field
5 Draconic Track and Field
6 Draconic Track and Field
7 Draconic Track and Field
8 Ball Sports
  Junior Galactic Softball Team afterschool activity
Bond ?
Hatched Abstract Destiny (Derivative Works)

** note please that I am absolutely brained out from the home situation in real life, so this will have to do, I wish I could have done much more but I want to haaave something at all rather than none. **

How would your candidate present themselves to Nairyg? What would be their motivation and/or reasoning for wanting to stand for her clutch?

Coach Kazkegu would never boldly claim that he 'cleaned up well', but he definitely did in this case. With word spreading around the Nexus, and even to the campus bulletin boards specifically catered to such things, he knew that he had to act.

The track and field classes he taught were quite fun, but often just as exhausting as being on the road following the Galactic Softball games. So during Spring Break, while the kids were getting a bit of a rest and concentrating on their intellectual studies and making sure that their grades were uniformly high enough to continue with the afterschool activities, he arranged to be brought to the Destiny.

There was something he needed to do, he got permission and the requested forms to fill out, he'd handle that if and when he returned - well he would return, just.

If he returned with another...


He was well aware that there were other hydra, or hydragons, or perhaps other multi-headed beings at this event. He got the impression that someone didn't want this, but also that others were very hesitant to allow the rest of them there either. He carefully skirted the area and stayed well away from anyone that might glare. Hardly meek, hardly small, this hydragon would not have been recognizable by his students if they were on the field. But that hardly mattered now, because this was, in a word, more of a grown-up matter than the students at Carramba needed to deal with just yet.

Kazkegu then realized that most of the dragons that students at that self-same school had come back with teenagers and not grown-up people... He chuckled to himself. Maybe he was overthinking. Maybe not... As he was allowed entrance and came before Nairyg, it was very obvious that she was absolutely every bit the queen in this room. He was very glad that he didn't have his baseball caps on. He would have had a hard time removing them all in respect and nervously holding on to them.

He did bow, all of his heads low and with this 'main' the only one to raise up once more, Kazkegu tried to meet at least one pair of her eyes. Finally, he realized she was assessing him, so he more formally returned to an upright posture.

"What might you bring, to my beloved children?" She asked; quietly, not stern, but carefully.

He took deep breaths, only needing to speak with the one head, but it was harder than expected to keep the others silent. "I am a teacher, a coach -" he paused and hazarded a brief mental nudge, a query to see if she was amenable to see through his memories. "At an interdimensional school, I coach team events as well as running and physical education. I get to instruct a wide variety of students," he gained a little confidence, presenting - whether she was looking or not - a series of thoughts about his various daily tasks. "Mainly dragons, non-human types, bigger students that lacked a place or specific instructors before now."

He let himself give a little grin, "some of my students will be going professional, on the softball circuit." He cleared his throats again, "but what I might bring to your children is an opportunity to not only learn among a wide variety of otherworldly sorts, but I ... well, I need an assistant! Someone who will be capable of showing their own flair and sensibility, I don't want to be their only example, maybe they would have a different take on things, and our students need that too. I would never demand they work with me, or even the school, but I could offer a stable home location, and even travel to far off worlds too when we compete."

He hoped that would be enough, he didn't want to over-do it.