Starthief Students

** Dragons from Starthief, apparently Eastern Nazo even though they have feathered wings and not leather ones like their siblings... These two are sponsored to the school, brough there by Tonja, and will eventually join the Ten on their patrols around Crescent City and beyond.

Parentage: mother Kinkaloynlth, father Adathachecth, Star Thief clutch 1
** from hatching story **

Menakuyth, a cream and another female came forward, and merely announced her name, and her decision to return with Tonja to Carramba High. A green male came stumbling forward, tripping over his paws, in his rush to catch up with Menakuyth, “My name is Chianjerth, and I want to go with my sister to Carramba High!” he almost tripped over his own words, and the audience laughed softly.

Nazo information from site
Colors (common in both genders) Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Purple; (uncommon in both genders) Black, White, Gray, Brown, Earth-tones, Metallic-tones, Gradients
Markings: Spots and stripes are both possible but uncommon, other markings may be achieved through breeding.
Size: Ranges from 12 feet from nose to tail tip, to 65 feet nose to tail tip (their ratio seems to be 1:4:7.5 so they are actually tall for their length)
Climate: Suited for just about any climate, they can adapt pretty easily. They are most at home in a temperate area.
Temperament: Personalities for the Eastern Nazo range from dragon to dragon, and is impossible to determine.
Diet: Carnivore exclusively
Pack: They are a pack group, preferring to stick together than to roam alone, and there are usually more females than males within the group.
Intelligence: Average to above average in intelligence
Natural Abilities: Flight, Teleportation, Telepathy, Empathy, (apparently also have verbal speech thanks to the hatching being formatted this way, if they were telepathically speaking there was no indication), Firebreath
They may also have elemental abilities, or other special abilities. This is determined by parentage and breeding.
Breeding: They can breed as often as they desire, with little restrictions as long as the mate is close to their size, and typically lay 4-8 eggs, which the female will care for until the time that they hatch. Should there not be a bond available for the dragonet, the mother will care for them until they are capable of being on their own.

These dragons didn't exactly languish in the school system, but it took quite a while to get them rolling. The stats listed below are 'new' (for 2023) and their original schedules are shown as well as their newer ones.

Name Menakuyth
Gender Female
Homeworld Holic / Starthief
Class Junior now
Nut definitely Not
Totem is a dragon - cream (earth tone) with rainbow feather wings
adult size 12' s / 50' l / 86' ws
Smarts 4
Bod/Feet 6
Luck 3
Drive (flight navigation) 5
Looks 5
Cool 6
Bonk 9
Powers Winged Flight (6)
Teleportation (5)
Telepathy (6)
Verbal Speech (2)
Empathy (5)
Firebreath (5)
Healing (5)
Energy (4)
Air (5)
Clusters Shhhhhh (stealth) +3
Skills Intimidation +3
Anatomical Expert +3
Dramatically Aerial +3
Knacks Choosy With Friendship +3
In Your Best Interest +3
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Big Game Hunting / Vasquez / Excellent
2 Mythological History / Kuumba / Excellent
3 Veterinary Tech / K.Marad / Excellent
4 Dragon Care / Kenobi / Excellent
5 Cartography / Lari / Superb
6 Powers and their Use / Treason / Excellent
7 Vortal Communicatin / Bethoi / Excellent
8 Draconic Literature / Bethoi / Excellent
Notes She is a superb student, though very, very quiet - the type who might become the 'loner' but she's rarely alone, and almost always wants to include others if they look like they're lagging behind
Goals Likely to become a rescue dragon concentrating on rural areas, large animal retrieval, structure collapses, etc
Original Schedule 1st Period Dispelling Things with Lethe
2nd Period Advanced Role Playing Games with Gray
3rd Period Paintball Team with Axemurderer (she loves playing this sport! Yes she makes a big target, but who wants to shoot at a big dragon?)
4th Period Property Damage Control Issues with Ramrod
5th Period Measuring Up with Haital
6th Period Optimism Under Duress with C'thain (she's the thing that might cause some fright - overcome this!)
7th Period Religion and Belief with McPanda
8th Period Fur-Side Studies with Peacemongrel
Name Chianjerth
Gender Male
Homeworld Holic / Starthief
Class Junior
Nut Oh, Quite Nutty
Totem is a dragon, green with rainbow feather wings
adult size medium, 11'6" s / 48' l / 8o' ws
Smarts 3
Bod/Feet 2
Luck 5
Drive (flight navigation) will be 5 eventually...
Looks 6
Cool 1
Bonk 9
Powers Winged Flight (4)
Teleportation (3)
Telepathy (4)
Verbal Speech (6)
Empathy (3)
Firebreath (5)
Healing (1)
Poison (2)
Earth (5)
Clusters Luck Is A Skill Right? +3
Skills Just Under The Wire +3 (almost always 'late but not late-late')
No, He's Just Clumsy +3
Wouldn't Hurt A Fly +3
Knacks Better At PR Than You +3
Great For Display Purposes +3
Period Class/Instructor/Grade
1 Non-Human Heroics / Foxx / Excellent
2 Draconic Projectile Control / Brianola / Excellent
3 Draconic Team Sports / Halmoni / Decent
4 Genetic Engineering: Animal Theory / Hu / Decent
5 Business Math / Sila'Casar / Decent
6 Royalty and Regular Folks / Wynnah / Decent
7 Archaeology of Earth / A.Sanger / Decent
8 Journalism / Leland / Decent
Notes Yeah he'll never be that great with some things, but he's come a long way
Goals Still very much on board with becoming a superhero, and easily poses and chats with reporters on sites where others are doing the more dangerous stuff
Original Schedule 1st Period Mastering Flight with Tempest (he needs this one!)
2nd Period Heroic Ethics with Peacemongrel (wanna be a superhero!)
3rd Period Dungeon Crawl with Ashigaru (how perfect, a dragon in a dungeon!)
4th Period Electronics For the Future with A.Takahara
5th Period Business Math with Varnhagen
6th Period Non Sentient Languages (plants?) with Luau
7th Period Archaeology with A. Sanger
8th Period Fur-Side Studies with Peacemongrel