Chandelle Filidesehmei |
Name: Chandelle Filidesehmei
Gender: male, he/him unless performing, then she/her
Size/Shoulder/Length: 8' s / 120' l / 40' ws
Colors: body shiny super white; belly, fins, webbing, tail floof, and wing feathers brilliant yellow; eyes, gems, and antlers rich shiny gold-amber; claws and whiskers black
Features: as shown, the noodliest of noodle dragons, with only four legs and two wings, but with room for at least six of each betwen... webbed digits on all limbs, feather wings are actually larger than most dragons' at his height but they look comparitively small; tall webbed neck ridge, big floofy tail tip, and a double line of inset 'gems' along both sides from neck to tail (mid); can apparently just... twist around in virtually every combination of directions without harm
Powers: Wingless Flight, "Chandelle, how can one pair of wings possibly support a long noodle like yourself in flight?" Oh sweetie they don't. They're for show. Also, they're not small in case you haven't noticed but of course you didn't because you were too busy gawking at a lady's tail feathers...
Telekinesis, obviously the basis for said weightless wingless flight, though this also comes in the form of a remarkably speedy slither through the air if there's nothing in the way. Unlike some dragons among the group, Chandelle cannot teleport, so the next best thing is to scoot so fast no one can catch even a glimpse aside from sparkling yellow and white colors
Verbal Speech and Telepathy, Chandelle prefers to speak rather than intrude on minds, but can easily do so at close range (within 100 meters) particularly to any telepathic individuals. He has a very good vocabulary with an emphasis on bold snark and subtle commentary, yes you can have both in one sentence, let alone in one long, exasperated breath... He also uses body language to convey virtually any emotion you could need, twisting in knots or moving in just the right manner, waving his tail in front of his big eyes, or rolling those eyes and curling those little whiskers...
Pressure Control, where his sire's power seemed to skirt two aspects of the weather, Chandelle's hits yet a third - perhaps a focused form of telekinesis because the only time you'll see this in use is 'going super fast'. Able to almost completely remove the pressure in a spot, or create an incredibly dense pocket of air, anything within that spot will instantly feel the effects. Lightheadedness, dizziness, or sudden intense sinus pressure, he can use this as an attack as easily as to suddenly rescue a dismal excuse for a confetti cannon that fails to go off when it's supposed to thank you I know it was not your fault this never happened to you before uh huh, small things will float delicately and flutter downwards, or plummet like a brick under a hammer of air
Lightshow Gems, though they can't actually change color, the gems growing within his hide in their long double rolls (yes they look so tasty just like those button candy and I know I'm a treat, but I swear by all the gods in this dimension if you touch them I will take that wig off you so fast...) can brighten and dim, almost to the point of flash-bulb level brightness (antlers do this too). In this manner, Chandelle can create a hypnotizing strobe effect, and particularly combined with his flight moves makes for a very strong reason the group has an "Epilepsy Warning" sign prominently at every show...
Parentage: Mother (currently unknown), father Sehmei
Origin: Fur and Feathers Frenzy Redux, lines by Dray, colors by Phe
Other Info: There are so many reasons why he chose the name. First of course is that it's an aerial maneuver that is vital to everything that flies! And second, because that's the kind of feathers in a lovely boa. And Chandelle serves very much as both of those things. Always in flight whether flapping or not, often enough draped in clever ways around (his) friends or (her) fellow performer's shoulders. To sum up Chandelle in one word, "feisty" comes to mind. He's not spiteful, and will still rush to help others even if they're a 'rival' at a competition, and stands in solidarity with everyone in need of emotional support. But he's definitely not afraid to call it where he sees it, and will get up in your grille occasionally needing to be pulled back by the others (or, cheered on, depending) |