Citrini Terrena

Name: Citrini Terrena (though she hesitates to use the last name, because breed baggage!)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 13' s
Colors: body pearly soft white; wingsails and spine ridge gem-toned citrine green-yellow; fur tufts citrine; gems amber-yellow; eyes amber, claws grey
Features: Pernese + Niteshan/Piralan Asandus
Powers: Winged Flight, and she's damn proud of that fact. Citrini's flight is strong, and she's taken to practicing with some of the weyrlings and other folks on the dragon field at Carramba, to the delight of most students, and with the eye on becoming an instructor for gym classes; strong in the air during wind, rain (though neither of those are quite common in the area) or over the blustery waves of the ocean (which definitely is common!) Citrini delights in the mobility they offer and will hardly ever be seen just sitting around when there's flying to be done
Teleportation, as good as she is in the air, Citrini tends to let others do the teleportation, as her size and energetic flapping might mess things up. She can teleport, short or long distances don't wear her out, but she simply wants someone else to guide her there
Communication - Verbal Speech, Telepathy, both of these things are quite strong for Citrini. She's smart, and has a big vocabulary particularly for local use and psychology terms; this has allowed her to edge her way into the guidance councelor arena with her sponsor Yodel, though they haven't yet exactly got a department for dragon students. She speaks in a chipper and high voice, though can drop into a more somber tone when needed
Shapeshifting (human-dragon), like some in the team, Citrini is capable of moving into a humanoid shape, though her talent with this is weak and she only uses it infrequently for meeting with parents of troubled kids on their own level. When you need to speak with lips and not a muzzle, she'll focus on this power. It does leave her a little winded afterwards, though she has no issue making her appearance consistent and not accidentally reverting even under stress
Seedling Reproduction, even if she does enjoy a romping flight (thanks Pernese parent, and also thanks she likes an audience how's that for inappropriate for teens?) she has felt the occasional itch of those gems on her hide to suddenly bloom into actual 'plants'... flowering, which is very pretty but also very weird to her. She is fairly certain there are others whose 'pollen' might encounter her own lurking around, but she is not ready to become a parent - not yet, how about later, under more controlled circumstances, okay? Thus, she has taken to paying close attention to those buds, and when they start developing, it's time for a lesson on 'how to use condoms for all species and genders'... Yes, she has people help her put condoms on her blossoms
Parentage: Enbanonth and Quaestuo Terrena
Origin: Yakima's gem square 2022 April, hatched at the Last Oddessy ; doll Doll Divine Setsuna Loli
Other Info: Wings aren't just for babies. What good are they if you can't keep using them? Maybe she's just selfish but she personally likes having full-ass wings as an adult. Everyone else (well almost everyone) she associates with has wings, and are grown-ups! Citrini tends to be quite defensive about 'being' a grown-up. She isn't immature in any way, in fact she's just as grown as the others in this team. But she remains touchy about how her sire's people respond, and how embarrassed they are, and how much they treat her like a little kid just because of it. Citrini therefore has become a bit of a youth advocate around town, because even though Crescent City, and particularly the Carramba and C4 (college) campuses are quite 'safe' overall, there are still a lot of families who don't 'get' it, who are convinced that kids are going through phases or 'will grow out of it' or... worse, 'need to be set straight'. While she's definitely a girl-looking-for-a-guy in terms of partnerships at some point, she's the strongest ally among the team, for folks who are anything-other-than-straight. She won't go bursting in on conversations, she waits her turn, and is both passionate and persuasive about the goals of the whole Rainbow crew. She coined the term, as well... Citrini is all around the energetic 'just graduated, now a teacher' type, who is old-enough to know her own presence can affect those around her, and young-enough to know how it affected her.



adding story stuff here when i can