Inita |
Name: Inita Filidechiroptidae-Ventul
Gender: Male (He/They)
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large 13'2" s / 65' l / 70' ws
Colors: body shiny white with shades of jade green and darker green on belly armor, face and feet armor, gel-tail parts, and wing feathers, lighter aqua-green-blue fluff on tail ends; wingsails white, claws white, eyes violet, gem turquoise
Features: noodle dragon, hide with feathery fur and segmented armor on feet, face; four legs with clawed paws, two wings with feathers and leather; head has external ears and a large feather crest to shoulders; tail is split and has large spades along with 'gel' like ends; Bonding is possible but not necessary.
Powers: Winged Flight, obviously with wings that big, Inita is quite capable of long flights and lifting heavy weights... not that he does either of those. He'd rather be on a stage overacting. Acting! His wings are very expressive and mobile, and he loves to use them as props or clothing
Teleportation, as part of a set of psionics, Inita is very good with precise teleportation though he does leave a bit of a wind wake behind him because he's not small
Communication - both verbal speech and extensive psionics with a good range for mental speech, and Inita prides himself on being remarkably well spoken; that is to say, he is an AC-tor, a ham, and will memorize speeches to throw out at parties or events. He doesn't mis-speak or mis-use them either, he's well aware of most sonnets meaning and double meanings...
Telekinesis, he can lift half a class full of students, or a closet full of costumes, and is known to do both before a show
Functional Magic - to create simple light, small sounds or illusions, patch holes in walls, or cause moody fog to roll in on a stage, this is what he lives for, and though there might be other uses, he puts all his efforts into putting on a great show
Healing Magic - though this seems to be an innate ability, he's not really that good with it. He will help someone who's stubbed their toe or banged their head on something quickly, but if there's a lot of blood oh-lord-he's-gonna-faint...
Shapeshift - from human to draconic forms, including 'parts', he will always have a gorgeous mane of green feathers and a mask of jade on his white-skinned face, but he can blend in with students and dragons alike; he tends to practice humanoid motions and then put them to use in his draconic one
Parentage: Oplintas Filidechiroptidae + Zaira Ventul
Origin: Abstract Destiny February 2022 by Phe; Rinmaru Ascension Couples maker
Other Info: Obviously full of himself, but with a sharp mind and a keen wit, Inita deserves the attention he gets. Sure, he over-does it but who doesn't want to have a little fun on stage? He can be a touch overbearing, so generally Yodel keeps him with the more advanced classes so as not to intimidate the first-years. |