
Name: 'Nilath' ('indigo') [Nisenliazaskanilath]
Gender: Female, (she/they; what, you think a pernese blue can't be a girl? or a girl can't be blue? HUH?)
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large (pernese gold) 11' s / 50' l / 80' ws
Colors: body shiny white with slightly mottled indigo blue armor; wingsails rainbow from red arm area to violet edges; neck ridge rainbow, jaw spikes and claws silver-grey; eyes rainbow faceted
Features: These dragons are 1/2 Dragonheart, 1/2 Pernese; hide with armor skin; four legs with heavy armor on fronts with 5 and 4 digits having claws; two wings having 4 visible fingers with sharp claws, no wrist thumb or claw; head is long and muzzle like, with knobs, paired jaw spikes, faceted eyes, spaced neck ridge; tail is split ended; egg layer, requires either bond or heart sharing
Powers: Winged Flight, Nilath is strong, swift, and agile in the air, and she will let you know it every moment she possibly can. She's slippery like an eel, and speaking of that she does like swimming too, and is exactly as sleek under water though she doesn't get the speed she really wants there. She can carry quite a bit of weight and prefers to only do so for humanoids and riders who understand that they are merely that: riders, not 'Riders'....
Teleportation, though adept enough to move from point a to point b, those points need to be visited before she can really go there more than once, and Nilath tends to allow others to guide her to destinations just in case she screws that up
Communication, Nilath's mind is sharp and clear, with a modest range of around 1 mile with the others in this group, less for those she doesn't know; she can sort out who she needs to be talking to with ease, though the only human she tends to speak with is Yodel.
Chameleon, that brilliant white hide is dazzling when she wants it to be, or dull if needed (... ew! no! I never need that!); she does have to concentrate on this to keep a color up, but why bother when she can just look perfect as is?
Exhale Fire, The ability to expel twin streams of fire from the nostrils. No firestone necessary! And thank goodness because that stuff is disgusting and messy. Her fire is quite hot, but has a short range, so she likes to do the pose below and just bellow like a scary dragon oooOOOOooo menacing!
Heart-Sharing , "Half my heart to make you whole." In dire circumstances, the dragon can split their heart and share it with another. From this point onwards the two are irrevocably linked, will feel each other's pain, and the death of one will result in the death of the other. She did not choose to bond at hatching, rather she felt that would crimp her style. If she ever chooses this route, it will be because something has gone horribly, horribly wrong, and she will need to reevaluate her lifestyle should that occur.
Parentage: Akheth + Dracar
Origin: Abstract Destiny pairs by Phe
Other Info: Blustery and bold, strong willed and intense, but she's a showman... er, dragon, and though it's not simple bravado, she is not a leader or a 'queen' regardless of how large she might be 'comparitvely speaking'. She's the Rainbow Dash type, with a liberal dose of Rarity thrown in, and yes she watches cartoons they're not just for children you know. Her half-brother enjoys having her around to pose and offer suggestions for events and styles, they play off one another very well.

adding story stuff here when i can