
Name: Oltyth (Olty'isa)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Size/Shoulder/Length: small (noodle) 4' s / 16' l / no wings
Colors: Body shiny white with metallic gold belly armor, neck/tail spines, claws; glowing red eyes
Features: Noodle with four-forelimbs; These dragons are 1/2 Pernese, 1/4 AAM Beast, 1/4 Infernal. All of these dragons are Basic #2 in AAM ranking. They have four "front" legs, Infernal style, and no back limbs. Has small Pernese headknobs but spikes are growing out of them...
Bonding is highly likely.
Powers: Running/Climbing/Swinging, since she has no wings but still needs to get around, Oltyth holds her tail high and scurries on her limbs somewhat like a scorpion might. Also, she will just run straight up poles or even walls if they are textured strongly enough and can handle her weight. She's taking trapeeze lessons from the lemurs over at the Animal People Playhouse.
Teleportation, The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind, she is surprisingly good with short range rapid teleports, though less adept with any distance farther than 10 miles or so.
Communication - Telepathy, The ability to communicate mind-to-mind and Verbal Speech, The ability to communicate in spoken words; she is not necessarily a chatterbox but she definitely does like to talk and chat when there's time, and she does keep up with all the good gossip around campus
Breath Weapon (Fire), The ability to breathe a gout of fire, she perhaps can light candles and cigarettes with a tiny laser-accurate flash of yellow-golden fire, and that... is about it, she's hardly a fire bug. Paired with that - Fire Immunity, Invulnerability to fire, this at least is quite strong.
Venomous Stinger, The tail-barb is venomous, though not tremendously so, and she's noticed that when she eats things from the ocean (say, anenome or jellies) that have their own stingers, hers becomes a bit more potent; she does not intend to stab anyone with her tail, that's uncouth
Parentage: Mother Green-Rainbow Akheth father Blood #2 Kagisir'isan

Sibling w/family tree Rhaokarn
Origin: Twisted Fate / March 2022 giveaway by Phe
Other Info: The first of several dragons that Yodel seems to have collected under his very colorful wing, Oltyth tends to go by her Pernese styled name unless she's feeling very, very put upon. She works quite well with stage hands, and since she's not all that big she can squirm around in the lighting or curtains to make sure that everything is going smoothly on a stage production.


adding story stuff here when i can



Name: Oltyth (Olty'isa)
Gender: Female (she/her)
Size/Shoulder/Length: small (noodle) 4' s / 16' l / no wings
Colors: Body shiny white with metallic gold belly armor, neck/tail spines, claws; glowing red eyes
Features: Noodle with four-forelimbs; These dragons are 1/2 Pernese, 1/4 AAM Beast, 1/4 Infernal. All of these dragons are Basic #2 in AAM ranking. They have four "front" legs, Infernal style, and no back limbs. Has small Pernese headknobs but spikes are growing out of them...
Bonding is highly likely.
Powers: Running/Climbing/Swinging, since she has no wings but still needs to get around, Oltyth holds her tail high and scurries on her limbs somewhat like a scorpion might. Also, she will just run straight up poles or even walls if they are textured strongly enough and can handle her weight. She's taking trapeeze lessons from the lemurs over at the Animal People Playhouse.
Teleportation, The ability to teleport anywhere within sight or that can be strongly visualized in the mind, she is surprisingly good with short range rapid teleports, though less adept with any distance farther than 10 miles or so.
Communication - Telepathy, The ability to communicate mind-to-mind and Verbal Speech, The ability to communicate in spoken words; she is not necessarily a chatterbox but she definitely does like to talk and chat when there's time, and she does keep up with all the good gossip around campus
Breath Weapon (Fire), The ability to breathe a gout of fire, she perhaps can light candles and cigarettes with a tiny laser-accurate flash of yellow-golden fire, and that... is about it, she's hardly a fire bug. Paired with that - Fire Immunity, Invulnerability to fire, this at least is quite strong.
Venomous Stinger, The tail-barb is venomous, though not tremendously so, and she's noticed that when she eats things from the ocean (say, anenome or jellies) that have their own stingers, hers becomes a bit more potent; she does not intend to stab anyone with her tail, that's uncouth
Parentage: Mother Green-Rainbow Akheth father Blood #2 Kagisir'isan

Sibling w/family tree Rhaokarn
Origin: Twisted Fate / March 2022 giveaway by Phe
Other Info: The first of several dragons that Yodel seems to have collected under his very colorful wing, Oltyth tends to go by her Pernese styled name unless she's feeling very, very put upon. She works quite well with stage hands, and since she's not all that big she can squirm around in the lighting or curtains to make sure that everything is going smoothly on a stage production.


adding story stuff here when i can