Re'ven |
Name: Re'ven (rhubarb)
Gender: Female, she/her
Size/Shoulder/Length: small 7' h bipedal / 22' l / 26' ws
Colors: White-Red Glitz; body is sparkly glitter white with strong contrast in shadows; feathers range from deep rusty red through bright red, to a saffron orange, and ticked with white and black at tips; red eyes
Features: Whorling dragon, bipedal raptor-bodied with high long back legs, and smaller forelegs, all with large claws and hind featuring huge curved inner claw, forelegs have feather elbow ruffs; wings are feathered and somewhat short; hide with feathers; head has tall feather crest and two feather bobs, pupiled eyes; tail is high and has a fan of feathers at the end
Powers: Winged Flight, not a strong flier, save for quick, short flights and moving between narrow areas such as dense trees or, more likely, busy city streets with lots of people. Even with her long tail moving around for balance, she has hardly ever smacked anyone with it when she makes hard turns around those downtown blocks. Though she is certainly 'large horse sized' she isn't relied upon to move anything other than herself and what gear or outfits she needs for a performance.
Teleportation, Re'ven is equally quick to move like the dappling lights from a disco ball, and has been known to induce a seizure or two so she keeps this in mind during performances where a lot of lights are being flashed. Her range is somewhat limited, around 100 meters at a burst, but unless she has to press for longer distances, she can do these little jumps all but indefinitely.
Verbal Speech, a vocalist and songstress, with a range that simply defies description. Her normal speaking voice is reasonably high and sing-song, but her singing range drops into a low rumble or a glass-shattering high note sometimes at the same moment.
Frost Breath, she cools her own drinks, thank you! Though she is certainly able to create dangerously cold temperatures with her breath weapon, she would never dream of using it as a weapon - unless there's a very great need (such as some asshat throwing slurs at a party, oh hell no honey you do not get to say those words here - pffffffffsssssssssssh better than a fire extinguisher!) she has a short range on this power, less than 50 meters, but she can fan it out into a large room-sized cloud, producing, along with her fire magic, their 'fog' effects...
Fire Magic, with a voice like this, 'torch singer' comes to mind, and occasionally she lights torches just by walking by them. If she lets this magic get out of hand, she does sometimes risk actually setting fire to venues, which is also partly why she sprays the place down with her frost breath first...
Parentage: Mother Silver Whorling Lore, father Nebula Red Whorling Se'lere
Origin: Dray's Chaos of Color Wave 1 Clutch 2 (original)
Other Info: She prefers the center of the stage, the spotlight, and lives up to every expectation of such a marvelously bright dragon. She has a truly spectacular singing voice, and as such often is called upon for lead roles. But that's not saying that she always wants to be in that spotlight, and she would never - ever - begrudge another their turn in it! |