General Alejandro Serrano
Dean of Fortuna Valora



Name Alejandro Serrano

Male, he/him, widower

Homeworld Twoarth, Skinside Argentina
Species Human, possible magic ancestry
Totem Battleworn Grump, Experienced and Sick Of This Shit
s+2, bf+1, cmd+3, luck+1, drive+2, looks-1, cool+2, +15kks
Nut Doesn't seem like a nut when you first meet him, but then you realize that he's more of an avocado pit, sometimes barely there and easily dealt with, but others he's pushed most of the fruit to the edge and would leave a massive hollow if you removed him. Essential for the formation of the fruit, but sometimes you need to get a knife and start whackin'...
Post Dean of Fortuna Valora, also instructor;
Retired Army General though of whose army no one is sure any more
Tenure Founded the school, irreplaceable
Smarts 8
Bod/Feet 5
Command 6 / 12 (18)*
Luck 5
Drive 4
Looks 3
Cool 8
Bonk 5

Stemming from a set of strange magical talismans that he and his team discovered while rooting out a gang who had hidden in the nearby ruins, Alejandro gained abilities that subtley boost his skills and give him an edge when he needs them. Note that these come in physical forms, and can be taken away, used by others, or even broken by extremely talented mages at a distance. He wants to avoid those things at any cost, so he's had them modified to look like his normal gear, and blend in flawlessly visually - unless you can see magic, though he's also got other items on his person usually that can blur those lines and make them harder to detect

Stealth - Alejandro's ability to blend in with the scenery was originally merely a skill, but is boosted tremendously by the use of one of the talismans he has, which has taken the form of a small grey-colored button on his utility belt. He can activate this and slip completely undetected around an area, provided there's at least something to hide near or behind, and that he doesn't just up and run around loudly. It covers his sounds as well as visual appearance, but he can still be detected by those with very high perception abilities or those who have magical or psionic senses, as it cannot protect him from being 'seen' by aura detection or empathic powers. It lasts as long as he needs it, and can be turned on and off at will as long as he can touch it with his fingers, so if he's bound he might have a hard time reaching it. This power only affects himself and his gear being worn or handled, he can't take another person into hiding unless he's wearing a cape or trenchcoat - which he will on occasion do for his daughter only

*Charismatic Leader - One of the talismans is extremely well-suited to a man who is already intelligent, commanding, and attracts the right level of obedience among people in his charge. It poses as a lapel rank marker, and does not need any further activation. It increases his Command ability tremendously, and even if he's among people who have never been in the military they will most certainly salute as he gives them instructions. He's more than intelligent enough to know how to do this without actually barking orders, but he can do that too, and the effect is stunningly effective particularly on those who are military (to them, this ability acts as an 18). While he's not a stunningly handsome man, and looks deceptively innocent when he wants to be, anyone under the influence of his commands will carry them out as though they all but worship him. To hear them describe him, they really do believe he's the best thing since solar power... He does have to take care around those he notes might be a little too zealous, again he's smart and can figure out who those people are, and leaves them just enough attention that they will carry out his commands properly, and not over-do it leading to disaster. Note that this power is also apt to be overly effective on Zekirans of any Status, but particularly of Budak and Bayaran - some of whom have been sent to this school in order to be trained 'properly'

Clusters 21

Military Command And Presence +7 Everything Alejandro does is on a tight schedule, with proper orders and delegation. He can almost instantly know just by looking at someone whether they've been in any military or have a background in obeying or giving orders. Aristocracy, Zekiran high-ranked people, or even members of cartels rather than street thugs, all easily fall within his field of expertise. He is very good at making checklists, timetables, reading maps, decrypting and encrypting messages, all the jargon and lingo are his to command. If a group are in his care he is able to command up to 12 people with a few words, delegating duties to lieutenants and letting them decide who else to bring on, or confer with a small group of like minded folks around a war-room table to make bigger plans. All of those groups benefit tremendously from his skills, and their rolls are all at +3 for individual work and +4 for teamwork purposes

Skills 24

Arcane History +4 In order to best locate and understand the talismans he's trying to find, Alejandro has delved deeply into the language and code of ancient texts, magical script, symbology, and other forms of magical knowledge. He is not able to personally enchant things, but he can pick up virtually any item of power, and figure out how it works or what it specifically does. Also this offers him a bonus to not pick up things that are cursed or somehow will damage the user

Swordsmanship +4 Though he is certainly well-versed in modern combat with ranged weaponry including pistols and rifles on up through cannons and gunnery, Alejandro prefers the elegance of a saber at his side. That the saber he has is also enchanted is a bonus, right? He will eagerly instruct the school's swordsmanship class and do it with style. He knows the ins and outs of blade formation, care, their history and different fighting styles, and who should or should not be using them

Diplomatic Sway +4 Even if he has no real authority, he always seems like he belongs in a situation when he wants it that way. He does overall have 'good' intentions with regards to international and even interdimensional relations, and has seemingly elected himself as a diplomat to certain portions of the Zekiran and Zeddian visitors to Twoarth. Since he is equally charming and experienced, he does a good job working with those authorities, as well as those here on Twoarth, but don't be fooled - he is being watched very carefully by those who showed up first, and at the first sign that he's overstepping his authority they will definitely move in to stop him

Knacks 5 Clean And Neat +6 He does prefer a tidy location, but he will do it himself, not relying on anyone else to make his bed or sweep his porch - that's been part of his daily life since he was 15 and he's not about to give up on it now. Also he's a touch paranoid so he doesn't want anyone else touching his shit. This does also apply a -2 to his Picky Eating status, he is quite particular about the food he eats, not merely because he's from a country with amazing food as well as having been in the military for such regimented times and styles of presentation, but because he knows he's apt to be poisoned at some point, right? He will balk at 'let's just go to Micky Dee's' or a sudden surprise dinner, and will politely but firmly decline invitations to places he hasn't first investigated fully (usually sending Bethany to make sure they're on the up and up)
Period Class Instructing
1 Ancient History
2 Speech and Debate
3 Swordsmanship: Martial Combat
4 Swordsmanship: Defensive Combat
5 Speech and Debate
6 Ancient History
Pets None, though he does know how to command and train canines
Partner? Adora, Sadly passed away in the incident mentioned, but he's had his eye on a certain lady... (not knowing that she's definitely not interested in men, let alone with him...)
Children? Andrea Serrano, daughter
Image From Doll Divine David Kawena Disney-Prince Maker
Other Info Below

This big bad is a controlling male general. He plans to take over the world with the seven mystic talismans. He commands a ragtag group of outlaws and is secretly in love with the hero - sayf lol she's gay this won't work out well for him. Skin: Light brown Hair: Short, curly, auburn Eyes: Dark brown, large Height: Tall Weight: Quite muscular Build: Somewhat narrow his duty attire resembles a traditionally-tailored sailor suit in dark colors. His preferred weapon is a saber He is a really picky eater and looks deceptively innocent. He has stealth powers that come from a belt. He has technology powers that are focused through a series of rings. - his medals are all enchanted? You received them when a project involving a magical talisman went wrong. ALEJANDRO SERRANO

** The talismans that his team discovered have been looted, with several of his team members simply running off with the ones they'd found, and he is bent on retrieving all of them to become the superpower he 'deserves' to be... The drug gang that had been holed up on an ancient ruin hadn't bothered with any of these small trinkets, as they were superstitiously apt to avoid them. His team had been tasked with bringing the gang in, but half of them absconded with both talismans and drug money, having succombed to the allure of shiny wealth. Even though several of his men 'vanished', it was easily explained, since many people would have done the same, greed will do that to you, he said. He maintained his rank and was promoted to General.

Other talismans however were still present and at least two belong to Alejandro now. He has done extensive research on their origins and knows that there are 5 others to be collected, and he knows the whereabouts of 3 of them currently. In his searching for the others, he's also found plenty more, seemingly specializing now in their identification, historical significance, and use.

He had a young wife, an archaeologist and researcher named Adora. With their daughter back at home, he knew that he had to protect them from any further greedy bastards, including the non-magical drug lords that his task force was now known to break up. In his military history, he gained status and power, popularity, and confidence after this raid. But within two years, those drug lords had managed to stage an elaborate 'accident' which killed his wife while she was bringing their daughter Andrea to an event. Ever since that time, Alejandro has vowed revenge, and adds that vow to a growing list of things he intends to do with himself before passing his power and titles to his daughter.

Moving to the United States allowed them to take root where other magic and dangers lay, though he no longer has control or influence directly with the military here. But because his daughter shows some amount of superheroic ability, surely affected by the many magical devices and trinkets he's collected over the years, and she had originally been slated to attend a series of schools leading up to Carramba High School. But for some reason he decided that this wouldn't be the best course of action - he was the best teacher she could have, and he wanted to surround her with the 'right' instructors and friends. Establishing his own school when she was 8 years old, has allowed him to cultivate a very specific kind of student body and a very specialized team of instructors.

The Fortuna Valora school is a four-year high school, private of course, and actually quite high end and expensive to attend. While he does allow a few to attend that can't afford the entrance fees, this is only after extensive negotiations and deals with the parents. Whether the children know that their futures are now dictated by this man at their school is unclear, but their parents sometimes... meet an untimely demise. Over time, it's become quite clear that Alejandro, while he means well for certain people, is very much the villain in his methods. He keeps this under wraps as much as possible, but it definitely seems to be influencing who sends their children to his school - including those who may actively call themselves 'supervillians'...



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