Teenagers on Hol Carramba High Homeworld Chart! The Homeworlds in HoL are pretty skanky. I've edited them because some of them are downright naughty. Last Edited 11.30.23 this list is very out of date compared to the full generator's. Strongly recommend just using that. Roll 1d6, that's your "Down", 1d10 to get your "Across". If you don't like the results, eh - roll again. Or just choose. Or, let someone else choose for you. The *#'s are unique worlds not used in the HoL book. Explanations are below the chart. Otherwise they should all be pretty obvious. Appearances of students from any of the worlds without specific descriptions can be quite random... |
Roll 2 v |
Roll 1-> |
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |
1 |
Gullible IV Free subscription to Galactic Enquirer |
Orlando IV Two free pieces of equipment at start of game |
Manwich IV +1 Bonk/Meat, Eat Anything +1 |
Lowenbrau IV Fake ID! You're usually voted to get the KEGS! |
Whodunnit IV You come with an accent, and +2 Explain Anything |
Cuddly IV Automatic Power: Talk to Anything Furry and/or Cute |
Jade IV *1 Magical Realm of NH, elves, trolls and leather |
DePlan IV Fantasy Planet, cause nearly impossible things to happen, but without control over duration of illusory "science" |
Atlantia IV Water World - gils and cannot breathe air. Mer-people. |
Mars Automatically a male, tiny and green with big bug-eyes. |
2 |
Duct-Tape IV +2 on Technology Cluster, Unlimited supply of tape |
West of California *2 Surfing Knack, Inter-dimensional travel skills |
Blomiwad IV You are oblivious and are interrupted constantly, sorry |
Travolta IV +1 Bod/Feets, +2 dance |
Triptych III *3 Always come in 3's (mmf, mff) and have shapeshifting powers |
Manson IV +2 Organize Fundraiser, but -1 RWP |
Spooky IV Goth Planet, -2 RWP but +2 Cool, Apply Makeup +1. Don't make Eye Contact |
Falos IV +1 Technology Cluster, choose a Gadget |
Kthari IV *9 4 arms and 2 wings, Star Wars universe refugees. Non Human Martial Arts +3 |
Dragaera IV *12 World of magic, demons, and exotic social castes. Gain magic. |
3 |
Accumen IV +2 Smarts/GM, one friend or ally on staff |
Tufnel IV Withstand Bagpipes +3, Stat of choice to 7 |
Refried IV Take It Like A Man cluster +3 |
Light & Leisure IV Two Stats may be raised to 7 |
Spank Me IV You've got a monkey on your back. It talks |
Dalai IV You're a Golden Child - followed by 1d6x1d6 Zealots |
Splain IV +2 Know Anything |
Babylon IV You're doomed to disappear midseason... Or at least during a class or two... |
Venus Automatically female, tall and slender with bug antennae. |
Swash IV World o Pirates! Arr, come with bad pirate lingo, eyepatch, hook and parrot. Optional ship. |
4 |
Anthro IV *4 Furries! NH = anthro; NVN = 'taur; RW = monsterous. Can have magic or priestly skills, fantasy weapons |
Fabio IV +2 Looks, -2 Smarts/GM, Big Hair, Posturing +2 |
Hamill IV You have a Mentor to teach you, and are Pursued |
Chic IV Got a Really Hot Big Sister who can get you "stuff" |
Starsky IV Get a Vehicle for free, and Drive It skill (not stat) +2 |
Mentos IV +2 Luck, if you eat a mint, you can always get 5 guys to move your vehicle - no matter its size |
Speedo IV Looks or Cool to 7, Wear Anything +2 |
Corinthinan IV Access to Unlimited Equipment |
The Matrix v IV You're able to access the school via some port or other - virtual class or virtual student? Automatically have head jack interface, Computer Skill +2, and Kung Fu +1. |
Ninja IV World o Ninjas! At odds with the Pirates of Swash IV. Comes with all-black ninja outfit, throwing stars, seppuku frizbee. Automatically gains Invisibility +2. |
5 |
Raygun IV -1 Smarts/GM, +2 Combat Cluster |
Jackson IV +2 Bod/Feets, +1 on any Musical Cluster |
Irk IV *5 Always getting free stuff in mail, always attempting to take over world |
Zed IV *6 +3 Bod/Feets, come with bad b/w markings, and 4 arms |
Elbow IV -1 Smarts/GM, +4 Country/Western trivia or Skill |
G IV You've got cannon fodder- er, a kid sibling around for kicks |
Java IV You own an Espresso machine and know how to use it |
Another Earth You're from another Dimension's Earth - pick a theme (fantasy, sci fi, etc) |
The Nexus *11 Dragonries and magical locations between planets and universes. Gain pet, magic/power. |
Ursa Minor *14 Headquarters of MegaDodo Publications, automatically comes with a Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a Thumb, and a Babel Fish (languages = all). |
6 |
Betty IV You're addicted to something, possibly common on Earth |
Tenchi IV **7 All have big hair and some with bunny ears, can use magic as Power |
Vegas IV Bright Lights (can't be blinded), +2 Drive, lacks common sense (gambling), may have tiger, fancy headdresses, motorcycles as gear |
Pink IV Pick any Skill Cluster at +4, it'll be your "profession" |
Heart of the All Consuming Void AKA Hell. RWP +2 |
Zekira IV *8 Family Ties, Always command respect (tall); NH = + power; NVN = +power +mutation; RW = bizarre breeding +power +odd |
Fabricated World You're from a completely fabricated universe (comics, fiction) |
Planet XX *10 Psionic anthro-Kin, exiled but now with options. NH = anthro; NVN = 'taur; RW = monsterous sized. Gain Power/Magic and skill to use it +2, but hunted by non-local Humans. |
Bugtown *13 As close to HOL as anyone would like to get. Black and white lineart people, who regenerate from the dead... Automatically gain weaponry enough to fill a large suitcase. |
Broken Home!
Roll twice and combine results! |
* 1 Jade IV - From the comic book Gold Digger. A fantasy world full of magic and conflict, it's where Gina Diggers' mother is from (read it already!!). Strong, bulky fighters, lean magic users, crafty thieves - elves, trolls, gnomes, or human, also shapeshifters come from here. *2 West of California - A broken, drifting set of small islands cast off from California's coast during a large multi-dimensional earthquake. The Islands themselves are teaching their inhabitants (usually only one per island, and there are thousands of them) how to more perfectly Surf. People from West Of California tend to be surf bums, observant, peaceful and careful, yet strangely clueless about reality. *3 Triptych III - The world of Triptych shapeshifters, where life is quite odd and always furry. They always come in a trio - two guys and one girl, or two girls and one guy - never a trio of the same gender. They also always have shapeshifting abilities which combine three animals with their human form - Take one small, one medium and one large animal (often small bird, medium "pet" style, and large hoofstock or predator), and mix them. They are considered Not Very Near Humans when they are in their shapeshifting forms, but Human when they're not. Their powers are not always under control, their clothing shapeshifts with them into fur or feathers/scales. *4 Anthro IV - "Elanè" fantasy world generated by Ilya Farber, where everyone is furry. Any animal is possible here, as well as magic users, priests, and "fey tainted" creatures. It is a fantasy world with antlers... Equip characters from here with typical D&D stuff. *5 Irk IV - The Irkan Empire is trying to take over! Well, Zim might not be at Carramba but any other Irkan Invader could be. Jhonen Vasquez' wonderful world. You're usually little and green and have small antennae. *6 Zed IV - A world of tall amazon-like women. And men, but mostly women. They are pale, dramatically black and white in appearance, bearing four arms and markings on their bodies and faces which remind most Teens of a Kiss concert. Zeddians are extremely flexible physically, but usually have a quirk of emotions which will set them off - they get into a lot of fights. **7 Tenchi IV - If you combine Ah My Goddess and the Tenchi Universe with a strange dream I had, you'll get Tenchi IV. Most of the inhabitants of this world have those big rabbit ears (or variations on that theme) and REALLY big hair, along with keen facial markings (as seen in AMG). Their magic skills can range from simple psionics to book magic, to combat magic and necromancy. They do not always know about space travel. They now have a website, the Usagi Shimai. Also also, they are now on Dragondeep and known as Gelgelans. *8 Zekira IV - One of my own worlds, a nexus itself like Carramba. Zekira is a business planet and a strongly "caste" based one. Money and inheritance is more important than love or strength, it's up to the Teen to stay in that Will. They can pass as Human, but are unusually tall (around 7 feet) and come in ALL colors of the rainbow. They are slender, sexy, and can also be quite highly arrogant. Some of them are genetically engineered, to have psionic powers or mutations of the body. Everyone from Slave through High Holder might go to school together, though, it just depends on what the family wants for you at Carramba. More info HERE. *9 Kthari IV - Actually Mahar IV, a Star Wars spin. The Kthari are tall, humanoid, with features of both birds and felines (and a bit of bat). They have four arms with talons on one and paw-claws on the other, a lion-like tail, and large wings which vary by breed from tiny colorful flightless ones to huge leathery flight-wings. They tend to go catatonic in hyperspace. They use a unique eye-gouging form of martial arts with the claws on their wingtips (provided they have the wing structure). *10 Planet XX (twenty) - Where deviant Kin are tossed. A prison planet? Well kinda, but it's lush and not polluted, a very pretty world actually. The inhabitants are all anthro-style animals, with psionic powers ranging from simple telepathy to genetic manipulation and shapeshifting. They usually have a great distaste for Humans, so they're not going to be very friendly to plain old Earth humans. Gain random Power. *11 The Nexus - The space between worlds, between times (also known as between, too). Though you're not supposed to be able to dwell there, locations such as the Healing Den, Ryslen and the Vella Crean are all part of the Nexus. Most likely to have draconic pets or even be a dragon, inhabitants of the Nexus are priveleged to have extra magic or psionic powers. *12 Dragaera - Stephen Brust's terrific universe of high fantasy magic and politics. Go read the books. *13 Bugtown - Where dead things regrow. Matt Howarth's comic universe. * 14 Ursa Minor Beta - The Hitch Hiker's Guide universe, if you don't know, you never will. Ninja IV - Because ninjas are soooooo sweet! Swash IV - Did you know that global warming is the result of too few pirates? Another Earth - Any place where Earth is still Earth but something different happened - like the Nazis won, people descended from Dinosaurs, Magic works, or other such things. Sliders is a great show for this kind of thing, where things are "just a little different." Some of the Teens living here on Campus are from Alternate Earths. Also remember: Carramba High is NOT on "our" Earth. It's on a world called Twoarth, which is described elsewhere. Fabricated Universe - Any other fictional universe from a comic book, tv show, novel or anime. I only included a couple of them which I really like. All other planets might be described in the HoL sourcebook Buttery Holsomeness, and I will not duplicate them here. For copyright sake, any planet I've created based on someone else's world is purely because I love that world. Notice I didn't put P**n on it, though goodness knows I could have... |