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Totem Chart for Teenagers on Hol Carramba High! *Last updated and continuing to add things 2025 onward; all are included in random generator (teddy, maggot, dragon, tortoise, bull) 12.18.24, Added trash panda Roll 1d10 and 1d6: 1,2 = 1-10; 3,4 = 11-20; 5,6 = 21-30 ... or 1d30. As if you have a 30 sided die. Later in the chart: More adult-oriented totems for graduates, instructors and staff, and 'generic people you might meet'. ^ indicates appropriate for students |
Note that any of the stats altered by the above numbers that go over 6 may be traded in to 'Kudos at a rate of 5 KnacKudos each above #, or kept at their unnaturally high number with permission from the HolMeister/Admin. **I've ignored this rule for so long it's quite easy to have kids or instructors with stats well over 10, don't worry about it. HoL Totems the short version Parakeet, the Gunnin' for the Window totem, repressed, never content, rebellion-a-brewin kinda teen Poodle, the Bad Haircut totem, likes to bitch, don't like to get involved. I just want to get my car out of this bad area. Lemming, the Cousteautem, Akin to the Moth but just not enjoying itself nearly as much. Wears a lot of black and carries a shitty dog-eared copy of "Catcher in the Rye". Sloth, the Jesus Keep Your Shirt On totem, middleman operator supreme, smuggler, fence, used car salesman Chinchilla, the I Am Sneaky But Please Do Not Immerse Me Fully In Water Or All My Fur Will Fall Out In Clumps totem, secretive, quiet little freaks, the chinchilla often manifests itself in the form of the Dark Arts: skullduggery, subterfuge, telemarketing Scallop, the All Muscle totem, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry Moth, the Wantonly Covetous Of Burning Death totem, pilots, daredevils, missionaries, anyone drawn to the glories of folly. You know, A Yutz Earwig, the Tile Grout... MMmmmmm, Moist totem, Ostrasized, scum ridden creature of the shadowy depths, you want nothing more than mildewy laced vengence Sea Cucumber, the Softrock totem, the quintessential Middle Of The Road accountant type Bush Baby, the If You Do Not Kill Me Soon I Will Surely Die Of Fright totem, fast, nimble thieves, whistleblowers Platypus, the What? Is There Something On My Face? totem, living an entriely random existence you get your jollies from other's misfortune. Whee! The Carramba High Totems added for this game Teddy Bear, the Dragged Along For Security Purposes totem, but serves a strong purpose and can take way more hits than you expect Maggot!, the That's Why They Call It A Tzu totem, this kid is destined for the military god help us all Beach Bunnie, the Oh My God, We're Wearing The Same Suit totem, bubble headed and cute, that's about all Leech, the Blood Sucking Slimey totem, would rather have you go first. No that's okay Jackalope, the Mythological Roadkill totem, fast and probably faking it Dragon (Student version), the Yes I'm Not Fictional totem, could have been born right here on campus but now it's just normal Dolphin, the If We Had Thumbs We Wouldn't Need Saving totem, sleek, fun living and completely at other's whim Porcupine, the Hug Me totem, Looks stand offish but is actually very friendly Amoeba, the I Just Can't Decide What To Wear totem, always undecided about something, but quite enthusiastic about it all Virus, the Come On, I'm Not Infectious Any More totem, highly adaptable and apparently fun to be with, but evil to the core Racehorse, the Man, I Gotta Pee Like A totem, stubborn, used to winning, and whining Aardvark, the Earth Pigs Rule totem, uses big words and larger swords to get their point across. Often referrs to self in the third person Tortoise, the Once I Warm Up You Can't Stop Me totem, not very smart, not very agile, but will get you there safe in their own time Horny Toad, the Hey Baby - Ouch! totem, constantly looking for mates, uses any means necessary Gargoyle, the Only Comes Out At Night totem, pretty big but quiet most of the time Spider, the Itsy Bitsy totem, lots of limbs so it won't have much to lose Jackal, the Scary Harbinger of Death totem, scary. Dark. Misunderstood. Slobbers when happy or upon hearing a dinner bell Red Bully, It Gives You Wings Or At Least A Shiner totem. Big, dangerous, and willing to dive in head-first Adder, the Oooh Pretty Scales Owww That Hurt! totem. Pretty, fast, naturally slender and lithe, and will definitely bite you if you get too close Trash Panda, the Look What I Found! Whoops, Please Help Me Out Of This Bin totem. While adorable and smart they tend to get into trouble a lot New Totems for Adults and Assorted Other People Battleworn Grump, Experienced and Sick Of This Shit, military and paramilitary, grizzled gang leaders, they've seen it all, don't underestimate them Dutiful Lieutenant, the Yes Sir Right Away Sir! totem, not a lackey but a right-hand to a leader, organized and willing to get their hands dirty Eager Beaver, the It's Four AM We Have To Get Going totem; regardless of the duties, they're always up for service and always going to excell Captain of Industry, the Born Into It But Willing To Do More totem; able to benefit from their family's wealth and improve upon it significantly; Evil? Maybe? Weekend Warrior, the Hold My Beer totem; somehow managed to make it into adulthood, even though everything they do is to one-up someone else, no matter how dangerous (this is the grown-up Red Bully....) Augmented, Did They Ask For This? totem; whether permission was granted or not, this individual has strong cybernetic enhancements that allow them to interface with computer systems or perform feats beyond typical folks... at least behind the computer screen Dragon (Adult), Serious Business If You're Calling On A Dragon, generally the large and in charge versions that aren't attached to people (yet), not the ones who rain terror on villages. Maybe... Mommy Deerest, Maybe If You Listened You Wouldn't Be In That Jail Cell Now totem, somehow attends PTA meetings and gives everyone PTSD Tiger Mom, Living Vicariously Through The Next Generation, No, That Was My Grandmother totem, the difference between Tiger Mom and Mommy Deerest is that the Tiger loves her children even if she pushes them pretty hard... |