Name: Crux, "found"

Age: young, perhaps 4 standard years, old enough to be out with his pack but too young to be on his own for long

Species: Loth Wolf, fairly typical in appearance, with four long skinny 3-taloned scaled legs, narrow and long heavily furred body, pointed muzzle with scales mixed with fur, huge ears, and a straight furry tail

Family: only his new pack, now. His original pack went on their migration through the hyperspace tunnels that Loth Wolves are capable of making. He is now alone as a single member of his species, but never alone with his friends among the Jedi and Vorts

Profession: Force-user, is too young to have a proper set of skills, but knows far more about the Force and how to move through it than other species

Origin: Lothal, hidden pack of Lothwolves among the canyons and plains

Current Whereabouts: Depends on whether they're traveling or remaining on Xen, but generally speaking 'Twoarth Dimension's Xen'

Height/Build: at present is around 2 full meters tall but will grow to an adult size of nearly 3 meters at the shoulder; narrow and gangly, and will likely always be

Appearance: body fur is silvery white that blends with darker grey shorter fur on limbs and under neck, face is multiple shades of white, silver, grey, and black, with scales being slightly reflective; legs are darker and have graphite scaling patterns; eyes are icy grey blue. Silently able to move around, but on harder surfaces his claws can be heard clicking. His mental voice is bright and happy sounding, but will certainly mature into a more resonant and knowing sort of sound. His physical howling and speech are high pitched for a Lothwolf, but not yappy like a canine puppy might be to other ears
** Image originally stock from chrysonfrax on deviantart

**also below, some copied from group page.

They'd gone without him, he hadn't really anticipated how abrupt the travel through the hyperspace tunnel would actually be! He thought there was time to look around, but ... apparently not.

They had already opened the tunnel, already begun running, causing the images along the mural walls of their temple home to blur with activity. And so perhaps it was that opening that led him to be where he was finally found - and named. The World Between Worlds, a place that he found both scary and filled with ghosts. He knew he heard his ancestors there, but he heard other things too. He howled, he cried out for his pack, his family, but they had breezed through this place and were somewhere else entirely now, not even on Lothal. He'd overheard that conversation at least, but he didn't know where they were going.

Nor why, but now he wasn't even on Lothal either, and now he was alone.

Young enough that he was distressed by this, and still without a proper tribe or pack name, he howled and whined hoping beyond hope that one of these odd portals might open. He could see faintly through some of them, to worlds that were definitely not his home, or to events that did not clearly occur in his own lifetime.

He knew that time passed, though he wasn't hungry. He slept as he might have at home, but with his tail curled around his black nose and huddled up next to one of the rounded doorways just in case it might open and let him out. And, just in case he wouldn't fall off the odd narrow passageways which linked all of them together. Had he been older and more sure of step, he might have sprawled out on the walkway, but he was young. He'd slipped and fallen on muddy embankments or that one time out of the tall-tree on the plains, he didn't want to fall and have nothing to break on. It frightened him more than having injured his ribs.

The Lothwolf had lost count of the number of sleeps he'd had, but it was just more than his foreclaws. It was eight, he only had six toes there.

He did feel the humming of the walls, a strange group of echoing voices, and to that, he began to feel less hopeless, and more excited. He howled, he called once more with more desperation than he intended. Walking between the doorways, maybe - maybe... He heard more than his own voice, though - and more than just those other unknown things. He heard purrgil, they were friends to the Lothwolf, they were similarly gifted with flight through the stars and space! But he didn't see any of them here, he only heard their cries, echoing his without the stress of being left behind.

A bright light, almost like how his pack looked as the images and Force sped around them when they opened the hyperspace tunnel looked, burned his eyes. Something must be happening, something would surely...

When one of the doorways spilled a whole group of bipeds out, he was still slightly surprised and abruptly yipped. The purrgil's echoing calls nearly deafened him. But there were other voices, humming deeply. He heard them distinctly, were they coming from another of the portals? The group that arrived however captivated his attention. He felt their concerns, their wonder, he was able to see and sense their personalities, but was still wary. Bipeds were often apt to shoot at his kind, to kill when they thought their cattle were being preyed upon. While some of that might have held truth on Lothal, this was not Lothal.

^^This is a sacred place,^^ he thought to the group, while still apt to 'speak' in his own tribe's tongue. But still clearly understood, somehow.

They were connected, "truly, as the Force connects all living things," Mochifa said, her voice trembling with more wonder and surprise than any of their group had heard, "we are one with the Force, and the Force is one with us."

^^You have come! You have come!^^ The voice was mixed with the keening howl, coming from a large creature - a Loth Wolf! He was so excited now, they were friendly, not farmers trying to protect their food! He could sense so many backgrounds and interests among them.

Each of their experiences, their perspectives and history, uniquely imagined, but gently shared in a wash of the Force's unifying energy. And there before them was this long-legged slender canine. Silky white fur and long blacker legs, large ears and a black ruff, and keenly intelligent eyes under those expressive scaled brows.

"He seems... young," Ivah'dasa breathed quietly.

With that said, the Lothwolf tilted his angular face, ears akimbo, ^^Young, I am young, you are too!^^ Then those ears moved around in a shyer formation, ^^... are you lost too, though?^^

Because they were all in this place together, they felt the keen and sharp sense of loss and solitude from him. Raycholokli moved toward the wolf, and they all realized just how large the breed was... He was young, and the equally young Wookiee girl - though taller than her peers already - barely came to his neck! None of them had been in the presence of a full sized adult Lothwolf, after all. But the Wookiee eagerly reached up and the Lothwolf equally eagerly pushed his long scaled nose onto her hand.

^^It is so good to see someone... anyone...^^

"What is this place?" Dari asked, "and ... you're lost, here? How?"

"Do you have a name, young one?" Mochifa gently asked him.

His head tilted again, comically large ears finally returning to a forward-facing direction. ^^I have been here a long time. My ... family moved on. I was... distracted. I saw them running but I ran in a different way.^^ Here he paused, the sharp embarrassment returned, ^^I had not earned a name yet, for myself. But I have one now, call me Crux! I am Found!^^


It was only after the group moved through one of those doorways, the triangular one with odd symbols and a bluer tint to it, that Crux realized the extent of how lost they all really were... But how comfortable it was at the same time. He had a pack, he had people and each of them knew their role. His was yet to appear, but he did first and foremost become legs for the young Rodian Ciizla. He could carry the Wookie girl too, both with a little practice might cling on to his shoulders or neck fur.

But this place was not for racing around... Not yet. The smell of it was weird, and everyone including Crux thought it was perhaps a carcass left nearby, or something. There was no such thing, but there were other voices, the strange hum from earlier that mixed thoroughly with the purrgil's song. But now, it was clear that there were four voices lifted.

The group carefully located them, these odd people with pointed hoof feet and bent legs, multiple eyes upon their heads, and a spare third arm stemming from the center of their chests. But it was that third arm that caught the Force, everyone saw the glowing around it and their bright eyes. Communication was established - the three of the aliens and another three including the friendly Ciizla and Raycholokli - and after that it was just a cascade of chatter.

Only Crux seemed a little left out, but he too spoke in 'standard', though he still preferred to mentally connect even with the Vorts. "There are threes, but for me," he was much taller than Kaggat but came to the elder Vort, "they were three but for you, too!"

"Then I wonder, who might complete our triune?" Kaggat chuckled, and scritched the Lothwolf behind one of his immense ears - which Crux seemed to like quite a bit. He liked it even more when the Vortigaunt told him, "your name means Found, in my tongue."

Nearly everyone paused and waited before erupting in chatter. How could the Lothwolf name mean the same thing across what appeared to be dimensions let alone different species language?! It was Mochifa that again said, "the Force binds us all, truly."

(( read the rest of the group page ))


Crux was quite happy to sit and watch from a bit of a distance, as the bipeds chatted or waved their arms around and laughed and wondered. He was a bit tired, it had been a long day. He was also still young enough that his energy waned and he knew he didn't want to be half-asleep at any important announcements. Part of his sleepy mind thought but this IS an important announcement, but he had to set it aside. He put his long narrow snout onto his paws, outstretched and dangling over the edge of the building he sat on.

He thought perhaps he was dreaming, on seeing a vision of his family, his pack. He saw them on a stony outcropping, but the stars were foreign to him. He only knew those above the plains of Lothal, and the oddities of this Xenian realm. They howled, sang, but did not cry. They howled his name, Crux, and he could have sworn that they looked right at him --

When he awoke with a chuff, there were eyes staring at him, closely, and Crux yelped again, hackles bristling out of surprise.

<<I am sorry! I didn't mean to wake you!>> The mental voice belonging to those eyes and that strangely broad face called out. It was a feminine voice, and a young one. Perhaps ... as young as he?

<<Who are you?>> Crux blurted out, realizing that she'd appeared at some point over the evening, and also realizing something that the Jedi and Vorts had not.

The portal had opened, it was the start of another eight day cycle. Oddly enough though, while he was briefly pondering that notion, she seemed to also be thinking on it. He knew very well that her mind was now somehow connected to his own. Whether it was the Force, Vortessence, or something more - maybe they'd find out together.

It turned out that she had discovered that same pulsing eight-day cycle herself, from her home Miande. Few if any others understood her when she asked about it, so she had set out on her own, to look for its source.

<<We did a thing called 'triangulation' when we came to another place, my friends the Vortigaunts, they do that wherever they go, and now we all do it too. Maybe... maybe now you're my third!>>

She tilted her head, budding horns and flopped ears making her look even more amusing than Crux had when he would do it. <<Your... your third? Who else is there?>>

<<Oh!>> Crux got to his feet, legs just as long and gangly as they were a year before, but now a few inches longer... He looked about, the landing pad and the lunch tables were not empty, but they didn't show much he wanted to show off. <<I think we have to go inside, hopefully it will be big enough for us.>>

<<Inside. Oh, down there? Where->> She gave a bit of a gulp, both mentally and audibly, <<there are quite a few humans there.>>

He felt her trepidation, her deep seated worry. Something back in her mind told her that they were Bad News. But perhaps, now, she might get over her fear? It seemed to him to be in the same vein as his own pack's sensibility of running from bipeds, since they might take shots at the pack. But these people here, he knew already, they would never do such a thing. Particularly not with her being his Third!

So down they jumped, startling a pair of scientists who had been chatting nearby, not having realized that there were any more oddities present than before. The interior of the structure was more than tall and wide enough that they could walk side by side, but when they had jumped down, Crux noticed her wings!

<<You can fly!>> He asserted, and she nodded, opening her wings a little, they couldn't be fully spread in the hallway.

<<I won't be as big as you will,>> she admitted.

Before they found any of his new two-legged pack, she introduced herself properly, as Dagusu Sara. She seemed to know both his name and its meaning, likely from the mental connection she'd formed. So when they did find Kaggat and the others, he spoke with a clear proud burr.

"This is my third, our third, until you find someone like they say you all will," Crux announced. It did require a little explanation to onlookers and Dagusu both, though she easily understood - threes, threes, threes, two.

"Then for the moment, even though we don't have the official titles, would you mind if I called you padawan?" Kaggat asked, and even Dagusu felt the honesty and earnest desire in his mind. Though she wasn't a Force user, nor a Vortal power, she could still sense the magical energies of them both. She would only ever truly be attached to Crux, and it would definitely take a while to get used to all the other bipeds around. But some were so different, and they did tend to stick with who Crux knew, rather than lurking in these human halls for long.

Dragon Name: Dagusu Sara (dah GOO soo saw raw)
Gender: female, clutch-layer
Size: small 5'6" s / 27' l / 35' ws
Build: thicc and evenly distributed
Physical Features: Miandakhar, feline-inspired four legs with retractable claws and large paw pads, furry on all but wing arms and sails, two large leather wings with four visible fingers and strong wrist digit (all with pads <3); head is broad and flat-nosed with large round external ears, and upswept back-pointing horns, and long piercing fangs; tail is very long and has a venom stinger end; note: Can remain unbonded, or bond to a dragon or other non-humanoid creature. Will not willingly bond a human or humanoid, but may consider being sponsored by one
Genetics: BB Dd (2) mm Aa s (l)s (m) Ww PP CC
Colors: Patched Lynx Black, mostly white body and wingsails liberally spotted and marked with graphite dark-grey and black, particularly on tail with darkest tip and spotty markings; pawpads, horns, and stinger dark grey, eyes dark blue
Stats: Strength 4, Speed 5, Endurance 5, Agility 3, Health 3, Intelligence 3
Abilities: Winged Flight, Dagusu is a good long distance as well as speedy flier, though prefers not to do many aerial tricks
Portal Control, can open various portals to places that she's been to before, big enough to walk easily through, lasting only as long as she concentrates; can open smaller ones for other purposes such as spying or confusing prey
Telepathy, speaking in a strange hissing lilt, Dagusu listens first and speaks last, unless there's something important on her mind; she can connect with her bond easily, but usually lets Crux do the talking
Fire Magic, prefers to use this to light lanterns, illuminate paths as she walks them, and punctuate any statements she might need to emphasize, but she hesitates to do much more with it, worried that it might damage surroundings or harm people she cares for. She can definitely make a lot of shapes, from whips and arrows that she casts toward prey or enemies, or shields to vaporize any incoming projectiles, and being around her bond-friend's group of Jedi she's been learning how to refine and become more confident with its use
Steam Breath, has very warm and moist breath that when breathed in the right conditions will produce a thick layer of fog where she places it, or obscure view, but also may scald or blister unprotected skin and eyes. She would rather keep this ability to entertain than damage, however, and has been known to help with sauna production
Venomous Stinger, remarkably potent but easily contained, this stinger can pierce all but the heaviest armor or even magical shielding; the venom will be very painful, for the moments that a living thing is able to perceive, which will be thankfully 'short'; can also opt not to inject any venom, but even then that's a foot-long pointy bit...
Parents: none known
From: birthday giveaway from Ktrenal 2023
Bond: Crux
Meeting Notes: above