Name: Kuwwippuy (koo wip poo wee)
Age: around 250, an adult
Species: Wookiee, born on Kashyyyk
Family: Unknown, not abandoned but it's been a long while since he has been to his homeworld as he had been taken in as a youngling to learn the ways of the Force at the age of around 12
Profession: Master Jedi, a Force-user with a tremendous amount of strength and cleverness, his small 'Light Daggers' are evidence of his abilities to create small objects and tweak electronics to his liking. He would have been an engineer or mechanic if he hadn't developed Force abilities
Origin: as above, though has spent much of his life residing in various Jedi temples and school sites, protecting them and the students there, or exploring the galaxy at large looking for younglings to encourage in the Force
Current Whereabouts: Twoarth's Xen, see story! However, once contact with Karen Kenobi is established, it's highly likely that he will travel with several younglings and Padawan to her world of Izorrat and work from her own Force school, since the location is far more to his liking with great trees, an almost-endless forest, and the climate his species is more accustomed to. His dragon is comfortable on either world as long as there's a body of water to lounge in
Height/Build: 8'5" at least / with legs like tree trunks and a sturdy body, you might think that this large Wookiee is inflexible or lumbering, however he's anything but! He is able to maneuver delicately around in nature as easily as his nimble fingers can manipulate electronics, even without getting his fur singed...
Appearance: very shaggy but well kept fur, in shades of brown with black markings. His base fur is a reddish brown shade, his head is more golden brown as are his hands and feet; black markings over his shoulders and chest/high back, across his midsection, and over his forearms and lower legs; eyes are turquoise and tend to glow with Force use as shown, they are quite brightly blue-green normally; When he is not manipulating his daggers, his hands can easily be seen to have long and mobile fingers, and apparently his Force ability extends to being able to
** Image modified from star wars toy found online from the Legion toy/game line
Force Abilities: Able to sense and control many aspects of the Force, mainly at close range. He appears to be able to use telekinesis and sense through short distances to 'touch' up to 2 meters away from himself, and lifts small items under a pound worth without even thinking about it. So he can essentially be hip-deep in a landspeeder engine and require a new tool, feel around with the force, locate the tool, and bring it to his hand in one completely natural movement.
His mind is quite sharp, he can deduce methods, decode script and read many different languages, and work on code very easily, coming along with the electronics that are in frequent use around the galaxy.
Physically he is able to use the Force to leap great distances, climb with endless ease (added bonus with Wookiee claws) even up vertical cliffs or trees that can support his weight (or...maybe not even support it, somehow he can climb trees thinner than himself), and balance on narrow items like logs, ropes, cables, and branches surprisingly well.
He has a tremendous boost to his physical strength as well, not merely being a Wookiee, but added Force allows him to lift tremendously large weights, even without the aid of telekinesis. He can swim for hours without tiring, and can swim against a stiff current or deeply dive without needing to surface for breath much longer than most, and he can see in those conditions as well.
Kuwwippuy can endure electrical jolts and shock as well as being physically impacted, suffering nearly no damage from either of those things, which makes him ideal to head out and stand between any given danger and the Younglings.
Lightsaber: in the same shade as his eyes, a rich turquoise blue-green, bearing an aqua glow around them.
His small paired curved blades serve as his saber, a decision he made early on when he was drawn to not one but several small shards of a kyber crystal as a youngling. It's obvious that the pair of shards were from one larger crystal that shattered before he found them, so his blades function nearly as one when in his hands. They are small compared to a typical blade, but that said: he's a Wookiee, his arms are much bigger than a human's, so each of them are nearly the length of a human forearm. Their mechanism has two modes, he can use them as straight blades if needed, where he'll hold them with their blade next to his thumbs, or in defensive curved mode as shown with them pointing back and his thumbs at the pommels. The defensive mode allows him to create curved eminators, spring loaded devices which hold their form and weave the blade's energy into a curved web. This can actually be modified into rounded shield shapes as well as longer sythe-like forms depending on the needs of the moment. |
**read the rest of the group page and their original team-up (( translated to Standard ))
Kuwwippuy worked on some of the human buildings, with their blessing. They were all intrigued but also a little intimidated by his bulk, something that any given Wookiee would know about back home anyway. It was when he started fixing delicate electronics like the door locks and sensor arrays that they really started paying more attention to his skills. While some of them might have thought he was merely a brute in a thick coat of fur, they appreciated his nature and his abilities more and more. Structures that had been damaged by impacts from stray floating rocks, or even their own experiments, were being fixed up piece by piece. He would go in and move the bigger parts of collapses away first, and they'd all comb through the rubble to make sure they even needed to fix things.
His own preference for being high up and in a more natural looking area led him to roost in a small outpost structure that overlooked one of the Human research facilities. Moored to the larger island, he could 'fall' with a loop held in his hand, tethered to the mooring line, and he enjoyed this more than most... It was half a kilometer of freefall!
The younglings and scientists down there could all sense the opening of the Portal, now, and when the Force alerted him to something 'new', he was immediately interested. It seemed to be a low, rumbling voice? Not like Crux, not like the Vorts, but something that sang in a shattering of echoes, a deep bellow, followed by chiming in a frequency that could barely even be heard with ears. The deepest part of it thrummed through his whole body, but even the Vorts didn't know what it was saying.
He did.
He approached the portal's island with care, as always. There had been times when nothing came through, but then also... a few strange people who had to sadly be killed - armed and ready to attack everything that came near, or animals that were so savage that even Lane didn't want them on 'his' property. And then, rarely but seeming to be increasing now that they were all together here, something marvelous.
A brilliantly green and teal shaded shape was moving gently around, sniffing the air with a very long snout, moving its heavy clawed fingers over things with care rather than with intent to destroy. It obviously heard the Wookiee's approach, even if said Wookiee was nearly silent to any normal ears. The Jedi Master looked over this creature with a discerning eye. Though the coloration seemed 'leafy' at first, he noted that it bore more in common with the crystals and flecks of mica on rocks when the light hit it. A beautiful creature, to be sure! One which...
"You want a body of water to swim in," Kuwwippuy stated, not startling the creature but causing it instead to take a closer look at him. Finished with its initial appraisal of the area, apparently, now it turned to the Wookiee himself.
"y-y-oo wa-nnt a-a-a b-bo-dy offffFFFff wa-ter-ter to-to sssswimmm in-in," it said, broken Shyriiwook sounds coming from somewhere around it, and definitely not from its mouth. Maybe its head, Kuwwippuy looked at it while it spoke again in a similar manner, and sure enough the strange crystals around its skull very-faintly changed and glittered - the sounds were being focused through the crystals.
"Water," the Wookiee asserted, "that way," he pointed, and then began walking. Nearby, near enough to help comfort the creature certainly, was a glowing blue pool, fed by some underground source. It wasn't like the larger waterfall across the island, but once the creature had come this far, it raised its long face and gave a thrumming sound, rather loud to Kuwwippuy's ears, and seemed satisfied with the results.
"Waa-terrr," the creature asserted, and put its clawed foot into the pool. It almost immediately removed it, but the Jedi had seen that response - and done it himself!
"Energetic," he said, "alive, with the Force, or... Vortessence," he growled in his language, and the creature pushed its paw back into the water with more confidence.
From that moment, though, a strange connection directly formed. Like the Vorts had established with their dragons, and Crux with his, it seemed to be his turn, as Kuwwippuy's mind felt this new dragon nesting within his own. An understanding - this wasn't the only language that the Wookiee knew, and this wasn't the only tongue that the dragon had mastered!
"You will be very good with translations," Kuwwippuy stated, leading the brilliant dragon to the human structures above.
Within his mind, Kuwwippuy knew that this dragon's name was Jawmefrux, 'spelled differently than it sounds', as was common for many creatures named by others. Though he did understand Standard, the humans on Xen spoke numerous languages themselves, and he hadn't really gotten around to understanding many of them yet. But Jawmefrux would! In time, anyway! |

Dragon |
Name: Jawmefrux (YAW meh frooks)
Gender: Male, chaser
Size: medium (bulky) bipedal 11' h / 45' l / 54' and 50' ws
Build: burly, but sleek, very muscular under a layer of rubbery skin
Physical Features: overall seems to be varied from the 'Icarus Drak' line, but is clearly not a Drak; semi-bipedal dragon, four limbs with three heavily armored talons on forelimbs, which are shorter than the hind legs bearing five thick toes and hidden claws, forelimbs can grasp but are not very nimble, they're more useful for holding on and gripping hard than for manipulation, while hind legs are obviously built for movement and may be of use in many environments from soft soil and sand, marshy muck, to dry hard packed soil and rocky areas; Four lobe-like wings with three internal fingers, having unusual amounts of crystaline-like horn material around wrists and up to middle of the wing-arms on top, their shapes indicate a heavily water-based life style, as they are sleek save for the growths, and are rubbery to the touch; head is long and narrow with a chin extention, unusual snout, and a broad, flat forehead covered with more crystaline growths, which form horns at the jaw edge, somewhere in there are external ears but they blend in with the crystal appearance, and all of it may serve to help focus sounds, has large eyes with modest binocular vision; neck has several curved horn crystals and back has a large amount smoothly forming a rider's brace behind wing joints; body is held high and is longer than expected, though the tail is quite long and heavy it often will drag on the ground, and is tipped with a cluster of hard crystal horns; this dragon's skin is rubbery like a dolphin's and though scales are somewhat visible, they may not be reptilian in nature, more due to crystal formation, since the skin is also slightly shimmery and reflective
Genetics: will carry any or all of those features to offspring based on partner; may choose either egg-layer or live-bearing partner; will carry the Icarus Drak naming convention should he be paired with a Drak, thus his offspring will inherit ux- or -ux based on gender
Colors: Body is mainly a rich darker green, with deep teal-green shades crossing it in jagged stripe pattern from dorsal area and on fronts of limbs, lighter on neck but present on both neck and backs of wings and down tail; underside has brilliant yellowish green pattern with a smattering of dotting and bubbly looking brighter areas, present on tips of wings as tinier bubble-like reflective patches; forelimbs have more teal shaded hands and forearms also with the bubbly wobble markings; face is brilliant aqua-teal and marked with more greenish dotting; Wingsails have many shades of dark and mid-greens in faintly butterfly-wing formation, with a brilliant swirl of yellow-green visible only on undersides and only at certain angles; all crystals are shades of deep green and pale green, though they are clearly crystaline and the highlights and depths vary based on lighting and direction they're seen (this applies to entire dragon's coloration, really); eyes are violet with light blue sclera
Stats: Strength 6, Speed 3, Endurance 6, Agility 2/6, Health 4, Intelligence 3
Abilities: Winged Flight, while those wings definitely can carry him into the air he does have to work pretty hard to remain there. However it helps him dive off high spots, able to catch the wind and glide to safety, or maneuver to a safer spot on the way down.
Water Movement and Survival ,
where his build shines is in water, both shallow and deep. Jawmefrux is not particularly agile in the air, but under the water or in shallows, he is positively graceful! His legs, arms, and wings, as well as his overall shape and that massively strong tail, all contribute to different aspects of being in liquid. He seems to have no trouble slipping through thick muddy surfaces such as clay along a riverbank, sticky seaweed, loose sand and very wet packed sand alike, running with nearly no change in speed, or scooting along on his belly, while digging at stones or roots with his hands. In any form of liquid other than 'toxic waste', he seems capable of diving, swimming around as though a seal or otter might, with his body being flexible enough to twist on itself, and utilizing his wings to propel along. In deeper or more open waters, he can attain remarkable speed, erupting from the surface to glide over waves matching the speed of even fast moving boats, and diving much farther than most humanoids can tolerate due to pressure or lack of oxygen. He has the ability to hold his breath for more than an hour at a time, even at such depths, and suffers no ill effects rising rapidly to the surface, though he is aware that any riders or companion creatures might be endangered by such a thing
Deep Bioluminescent Vision, When he is far below the surface, or indeed in any given very-dark location, his body and particularly those crystal formations in clumps on his head, shoulders, and tail, will give off their own glow. This is definitely visible when he's diving deeply however, since the pressure seems to compress them and creates a sort of piezoelectric power to them. He's much brighter in deep water than if merely exploring a cave, for instance. But even in a dark land-based cavern, his glowing and shimmering crystals will be enough for most humanoids to see easily, though when he moves the lighting moves with him; he can also just plain see in near-dark conditions, but he's hardly ever been in such a condition that his own bioluminescence doesn't fill in the light for his eyes... All that said, his non-water vision is not that great, he's able to focus on things between 1 and 50 meters but beyond those in either direction it rapidly gets blurry and he uses other methods to get around
Sonic Boom sonar attack, while he can hear easily under the water as well as above, the crystals on his forehead and neck help him focus on faint sounds, from a very vast array of frequencies. Mainly low-frequency sounds under the water, but his crystaline headgear actually has a lot of smaller crystals acting in a manner similar to the inner ear of a humanoid (which he also has, for more conventionally higher frequency sounds). He can produce waves of focused sound, using them to detect large format structures while under water, this doesn't work on land particularly well, and can't be used to sense things like 'individual fish' but could easily detect and disrupt a large school of fish that are all in one location. He can then take a moment to concentrate and 'click' a huge bolt of such sound directly at things, and shatter weak structures (less than a foot thick, not metal) and stun or damage living things within about a 100 meter range. Like dolphins and whales, he can 'herd' fish into a specific area, and then stun them using this technique, and then gather them up with his powerful clawed fingers or just eat them all with his open maw. Above the surface, while he can shout quite loudly, it might only stun those directly nearby or within about 10 meters, just because loud. And though this all goes along with his keen hearing, he is not harmed by very-loud or nearby sounds no matter how intense
Speech Emulation, though he cannot produce speech from his mouth, Jawmefrux can emulate delicate speech patterns and sounds easily. From dolphin chatter to deep whale song, to the calls of seabirds, and human speech, he can hear subtle things and create echoes of them, and with that comes understanding. If he is told (mentally) what something means, it's his forever. He is one of the few non-Vortal creatures around, that can understand nearly the full extent of Vortigaunt speech without being telepathically able to sense their context
Portal Sensitivity, though he cannot create his own teleportation effects, he's easily able to spot and identify portals which are opening or teleportation going on within about a 250 meter range. Bigger portals or ones which have other aspects such as being powered by machinery or very strong Vortal entities are detected at much greater range, up to 2 km
Parents: none known
From: StephsAdopts on Deviantart
Bond: Kuwwippuy
Meeting Notes: above |