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Name: Djenzaa Tervu - this name was given to her by the Jedi that found her Age: 17ish, born BBY 37 and carbonite-stored around BBY 20, kept on Kamino's Ontogeny dome for observation and safety with a group she brought Species: Zabrak (hybrid? given her highly atypical appearance and the fact that she flaunts it, she cannot possibly be a purebred of either known breed, though perhaps she is a throwback or mutant) Family: parents unknown, as she was abandoned as an infant less than a year old by them at a Jedi temple; It's not clear whether she was abandoned because she displayed masculine traits such as coloration and even horn-buds, or because she was very clearly Force Sensitive and they wanted to avoid entanglements with the Nightsisters - they would absolutely have killed the child being so completely different from their pale-skinned hornless type Profession: Jedi, though never officially given the title of Knight she absolutely has the training for it, she was given very strong training by multiple masters (they... did keep getting killed off before and during the Clone Wars after all) and finally she went into hiding along with a number of Jedi Younglings in tow, retreating to the supposed safety of the deep sea on Kamino. Her training has not been completed, nor will it likely be, unless... Origin: deposited to Yavin's moon where apparently the ancient power influence on her Zabrak parents drew them; she was pretty clearly born on Dathomir nearby. Picked up by a group of Jedi exploring the area and somehow compelled by her exceptionally strong call, distressed as a starving child left alone Current Whereabouts: The Ontogeny Dome, with her eye on thawing out the younglings... they have Jedi knights and even masters here on this weird colorful world called Twoarth Height/Build: 6'4", quite tall and lanky, she might have looked delicate if not for her height |
Appearance: almost all of her physical traits are unusual, either by virtue of being almost entirely absent among Zabrak of any type, or because her gender would normally forbid or preclude them. She has charcoal-black base skin, with blood-red markings on face, neck, shoulders, and body, though no tattoos to accentuate them, they are all naturally present. She has brilliantly white, silky and straight hair that she keeps cut short or shaved depending on her mood, it grows quickly; visible through those strands of hair however is a short crown of sharp, upturned horns. Zabrak women aren't known for these. Also odd is that she has eyebrows, a trait highly uncommon at all among their race, even when hair is present. Her eyes are pale amber-yellow, brightly contrasting her skin. She isn't remarkably 'feminine' like most of the Nightsisters that would be comparable, and has very long, lean arms and legs, strong fingers. Her voice is raspy, though not deep, it's always been like that, and is possibly damaged from her time alone as an infant. She prefers to wear Jedi gear, though is not above picking up garments locally, and has a penchant for leather goods Uses two dual-ended Force staves that glow with a fiercely white energy, or can be put together and held as one thicker unit with blades on both ends quite resembling a scythe, though she is more than adequately talented with a traditional lightsaber and martial arts for times without a weapon. BBY 37, early - to her parents (or at least mother's) surprise she was born quite unlike what she was supposed to be. This led to her being brought offworld to Yavin 4, the lush moon which had ancient Sith temples (or were they Jedi? they were probably in use by both over the millennia), and left in one of them. Since her parents did at least recognize how powerful she was with the Force, they decided why waste it on Nightsister tribes that would be horrible to her? BBY 37, later - she somehow survived as an infant under a year old, showing endurance which is also a trait common among Zabrak males - she is so much more durable than expected, partly why the Kaminoans wished to examine her more fully when she arrived. A group of Jedi, including at least two Masters and several Padawan exploring the area felt her distress through the Force long before they landed near that temple. To discover a child so intensely gifted was both surprising and eagerly relished, and thus they brought her to a creche with other similar Younglings. She was raised in a group, no questions asked - she belonged with the Jedi BBY 33 - her quick reflexes and strength of Force senses put her at the top of her classes among the younglings, though she does seem to lack a certain amount of tact; the Masters believe that her gusto and passion for learning can be harnessed, as long as she maintains a steady Light course BBY 32 - taken with many in that group (and some older ones) to find a Kyber crystal and learn to assemble her own lightsaber, she actually finds several small ones that all 'called' to her, and while highly unusual, she is encouraged to create whatever she can with them. Technically brilliant even as a young child, she creates very functional - and odd - weapons as shown. She will continue to modify these staves as she grows up BBY 29 - enlisted as a Padawan to her first Master, even at her young age she shows promise. Twi'lek Master Huz Wikon guides her to strengthen her 'people' skills, while also maintaining her rigorous physical training. He knows that they will be gearing up to fight, though he also believes that one so young should not be put directly into harms way BBY 28 - harm comes to Master Huz, and Djenzaa is picked up by Jedi Knight Aadeor, a Miraluka woman whose Force sensitivity was well known. Together they located numerous Younglings, and potential new Jedi, a duty which Djenzaa positively relished; Djenzaa has since determined herself to be a guide for younglings and children of any type BBY 25 - Huz and several others including a number of Padawan as well as civilians are killed when their ship goes down over Utapau, and Djenzaa distinguishes herself once more by making sure that the rest of their group survive in the storms until rescue comes BBY 25, later - Kel Dor Master Jist Va picks up Djenzaa as his new Padawan, though as the next year's events unfold he knows that they must begin training as combatants rather than merely Acquisition experts. He is however quite sure that Djenzaa will make as great a knight as she is a seeker BBY 23 - with the death of Jist Va in a skirmish with Separatist forces, Djenzaa has become informally known as a bit of a 'cursed Padawan', and though she herself is not discouraged by this, she understands that she seems to attract the wrong kind of action. She addresses the Jedi Council directly and requests to be placed on Acquisitions permanently, and reasons that her ability to defend and survive will allow her to protect her young charges. They agree, and she no longer has a direct Master BBY 21 - with Cad Bane stealing children, Djenzaa decides to investigate other methods of keeping Younglings safe from harm, and contacts the Kaminoans believing that they have a much better chance of hiding them should things go bad BBY 20 - things go bad. Djenzaa brings 8 Younglings ranging in age from 9 months to 2 years old to Kamino. She is doing this completely outside of any Jedi Council orders, but since literally everything is going to hell there's basically no one left to ask for permission. She would have been tasked to return the children to the creche for training, but ... there's no one left to give that training. Given the rest of the timeline and battles that are going on, the Kaminoans she contacted offer her and her group sanctuary in their most-hidden facility under the sea, the Ontegeny department, where they are all frozen in carbonite until such time as the war passes and things can be 'safe' once more *** "Some Time Later" She woke ready to fight, even if her body wasn't cooperating. "Such disorientation is expected after a... lengthy stasis period," a voice chimed, female, high-pitched, willowy like... a Kaminoan? That voice shook Djenzaa out of her battle-ready stance, she blinked her amber eyes and looked around more carefully. It was dark, no - dim. There were lights coming from a variety of sources, none of them direct. The echo in the room said it was a recovery chamber, the direction of that voice's source said it was indeed a Kaminoan, hardly anyone was taller than Djenzaa after all. Certainly not the Younglings. "Where are- where are my-" she tried to speak, and had trouble doing so, more than typical. She always had to fight her own throat, it always felt dusty and tight, hardly ever smooth like any other person's voice. But the Kaminoan nearby held up her long tan-peach colored fingers and Djenzaa silenced herself. "They are still safely stored," she was informed. "We brought you out to... meet the others." She didn't even have to focus her mind, Djenzaa could already sense life nearby; above, somewhere on this domed sea-station. Strong in the Force, several distinct dots of energy, and a background noise that confused her a little. As the Kaminoan opened the door of the recovery room, Djenzaa's eyes adjusted quickly, her footfalls became more confident. Her two staves were still collapsed in their neutral state at her hips, as she'd left them when they took her in. This Kaminoan lady that escorted her was not the same one that led her into the stasis and carbonite ready room, but then she had hardly had time to learn any of their names let alone meet half the staff that took care of the Younglings. Perhaps there would be time! Djenzaa wasn't familiar enough with Kaminoans to know one from another by sight - nor even realize that typically they couldn't be distinguished by human-like eyes without being able to see into their ultra-violet color frequencies - but it was very easy to see the differences between this female and the male nearby, when they entered a large conference room. He was taller, brilliantly blue, to her pastel peach. And they towered over the weirder collection of humans and humanoids nearby. Mostly humans, it appeared. But... The one that caught her eye strongest and first however wasn't even alive. Djenzaa's approach was something that the otherwise normal looking human girl wasn't really prepared for. "Um, my- um," she stammered, but Djenzaa wasn't even paying attention to Lunen Daos, instead looking directly at the ghostly shape that only half the room's residents could even perceive. "Um. Well, that's... my sister Nula?" The young not-Knight-yet all but tried to shake hands with this Nula, "I've never seen such a person," she said, her voice surprising some in the room, and even more so when she boldly said, "I have never met a ghost!" Thankfully, Nula knew she was a ghost... ** This group has assembled under the waves at Carramba, Djenzaa and her group of children will be here only a short time, while assessments and discussion is done about dragons, the future of their home Galaxy (and dimension because let's face it they are absolutely not in the same one they started in) and how best to keep the kids both safe and instructed properly in the ways of the Force *** Djenzaa looked on with wide eyes as these magnificent dragons hatched and began searching for their bonds. Not all of them, a fair few seemed stand-offish, but this one, this big and bold black and white one seemed quite interested. Only a couple of the hatchlings were even close to his size, Djenzaa noticed one big red one, another one with plenty of black. But he stood proudly... and promptly wobbled to one side, ungainly big feet in the air and his little forelimbs with splayed fingers, seemingly wondering what went wrong. The Jedi bit her lips together, and took the plunge. Striding forward, she knelt to try and right the fallen dragonet and he scrambled up with glee once he realized this was a friend and not some imagined predator. She felt something... Opened her mind the same way she had as a child looking for her crystals - and felt his own seeking companionship. In a moment, this bond was sealed, but it would take much more than a moment for him to grow into the magnificent flier he would become. ** He positively loved it at the Temple, from the moment they came home. Karen's various dragons had taken her to and from this Burrow, how did they know where to go? How did they manage this... teleportation? Karen claimed it wasn't hyperspace, but to Djenzaa it sure felt like it sometimes? "Who needs teleportation when you have me?" Lin'linke asked. His voice was still high, child-like. He was not even fledged when he'd started talking, and he very possibly would never stop talking. "I would love to be a Jedi like you, but I don't feel the Force like you do. I feel it through you when you're close to me. It's tingly. I could learn how to use a staff like yours," he continued chirping and gushing about this feature or that glowing stone in the Temple itself, as Djenzaa made her rounds. He was barely as old as the eldest of her youngling group, when he eventually took to the air. They had grown together, but everyone at the Temple knew that this dragon was not a 'pet'. He did fancy himself a bit of an inventor, though, and he would take pieces of discarded crates, cargo netting, tarps, even cast off feathers from his own molt or that of Chiren the single-eyed dragon nearby. And with these scraps, he put together his own first harness for Djenzaa. She did make absolutely sure that it was going to hold her, before using it... And did comment to Karen that perhaps the next time they visited Ketvaozh they find an engineer or tinkerer to help him learn more about things like physics and the practicality of dragging a travois through the rugged jungle floor. She wasn't kidding, even if that first time was a bit in jest. So eventually, with his big powerful wings to propel him into the foggy skies around the Temple, there were pairs of youngling Jedi strapped into a kite and taken for glides over the place. Some enjoyed it more than others, let's just say that the screaming was finally interpreted correctly by the dragon and he would stall in mid-air and actually grasp the kite with his forelimbs, clutch the children to his own chest, and slowly glide to the ground. Even if impractical, he knows the value of life, and is always seeking ways to improve it for himself and those around him. |
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