Name: Falni Zuhl

Age: 19, with a very long life expectancy

Species: Sephi, though seems slightly atypical, and may have another breed somewhere in her lineage

Family: deceased, unknown if any of her 3 siblings survived but her parents absolutely did not

Profession: Force using scavenger, currently Padawan

Origin: planet Thustra in the Expansion sector, but lived there only a few years before escaping to a series of other worlds on the run from both Separatist and later Imperial forces

Current Whereabouts: moves between Karen's 'temple' and Ketvaozh, and the Void

Height/Build: 5'7", tall and slender, she is toned but not burly in any way, and has a light build that would hardly put fat on; not flat-chested, but would never be considered 'matronly'

Appearance: with slightly darker skin tone than typical for her species; long and pointed ears; dark violet-black hair kept in snug braids and with an added Padawan braid now that she's learning the skills of the Jedi; lighter reddish-violet eyes; broad lips and slightly pointed 'fangs'; tends to wear layered outfits in pale shades of browns, tan, cream, white, and yellow, thanks to years living in a desert type community; her voice is high and chipper, sweet sounding, she does have a much bigger vocabulary than you'd expect of a desert-dwelling scavenger


BBY ** figure out, it looks like she should be born around 15bby, with discovering the void around 2bby, and being picked up by Karen in 2aby

She has a 'shrine' that would originally have been hidden in her closet where she kept the parts to a lightsaber that were scrounged around numerous worlds that her family had resided upon, every time they were spotted by the weird Inquisitors they had to run - but it was never really clear why they were targeted, as none of the rest of the family had any Force power, and Falni's were hardly developed beyond a modest sensing. But something kept drawing the Inquisitors to her, so she kept moving, even after her parents were killed in an explosion when she was 10. She and her siblings were split up in the chaos and she hid in a departing ship, winding up on Torega, finding the black market and criminal element both thrilling and difficult. She later fled to Tatooine, and resided in Mos Espa, where she found work fetching parts or shuttling goods back and forth to the pod racing arena for various mechanics and racing crews.

Finding a small object that was clearly not local: a three-pointed charm of bone and brass, bound together with pieces of leather and silver wire, but with a hidden centerpiece that she felt below the middle of it, and on unwrapping it, discovered an odd black stone there. She began having strange dreams after discovering this item and storing it in her hidden closet of ruined lightsabers and other goods. But only one of the dreams was a nightmare, and it brought her into the Void.

It must be noted that the Void welcomed her, an amused Leviathan seemed happy to have someone who was as eager and different as this girl visiting his realm. (Notably, he'd been around the dragonries and Carramba for at least a decade on his timeline by this point, so he's used to this now.)

At some point then, he will nudge her toward another exit from the Void, that lets her out in Karen's location. She will retrieve her goods and settle more or less here until also hooking up with those at Ketvaozh for her more proper training with others. Karen is not technically a Jedi and doesn't feel it quite proper to train her as such, if she wants to return to the Temple world, however, she'll be more than welcome to ask for technique help.

Around age 21 at most, Karen introduces the group to the Nexus, and it's all dragons from there.

Dragon Name: (meaning, pron, inheritances)
Gender: (+preference as desired)
Size: s/l/ws
Physical Features:
Stats: Strength, Speed, Endurance, Agility, Health, Intelligence
Meeting Notes: