Please feel free to put these on your site. If you want to link back (which IS required) please use the above button if you wish, and link back to this address:

Thank you! Have fun! (last updated 11.7.03)

The Architect
The Oracle
Neo (Bronze/matrixy)
Trinity (obviously, Gold)
Morpheus (Violet-Black)
Keymaker (grey marked)
Seraph - solo (White-Black)
Niobe (Gold-Black)
Ghost (Dark Bronze)
Captain Mifune (bronze)
Commander Lock (angry and brown)
The Kid (white bronze?)
Link and Zee (Brown-Black, Sunset Gold)
Merovingian and Persephone (Grey/Burgandy, Red-Violet)
The Twins (Grey - transparent)
Agent Smith 1 (Bronze)
Agent Brown (... Brown)
Agent Jones (Blue)
Agent Thompson - solo (Brown-Black)
Agent Johnson (Copper-Black)
Agent Jackson (Bronze-Black)
Smith Acquiring Your Flit (heh)

Bonus: Seraph and Thompson fighting (they did not fight in the movies though)

Bonus: Council of Zion - Hamman, Dillard (f), West and Grace (f) - these are the same as who speak with Morpheus, Niobe and (was it Ballard or someone else) in Revolutions.

Really extra bonus: Neo Vs Smith in the Subway!