Superheroic Character Information Page
Character Name
Character Aliases
None Known
Character Alignment
Character Gender
Female, She/Her
Character Age
Unknown, Adult
Apparent Age
Young Adult
Group Affiliation
Carramba High Heroics Department
Status in Group
Instructor; Paragon known as a Defender
Unknown, Exploring Possibles
Day Job if any
Instructor at CHS

Character Image

Brought from a far away planet in a slaver ship, H'zardus escaped during a routine cattle probing mission, and set off to find a safe haven. In the process of the slavers attempts to locate her, their ship crashed and caused a minor nuclear explosion. Fortunately, her species has a tremendous resistance to natural radiation. Unfortunately, humans do not. Meaning that she accidentally doomed several well-meaning farm families, their animals, and their crops.

She worked with Paragon sources to keep her radiation under control, and is attempting to make up for her earlier mistake by rounding up villians. Moving west to Carramba, her skills are far more refined, and she takes care not to harm anyone, it's second-nature to her now.
Freedom is so important, and she wants to make sure that everyone has a chance to do their best, whether it's for themselves or others

Though listed in Paragon's database as 'Technology' origin, that's only because she is an alien. Her powers are innate and natural to her species, apparently, though she's never met another of her own kind. She might be mutated, definitely not magical.

Shown above are her basic abilities, from alpha strikes and a sniping blast of radiation, to binding people in place, and reducing their defenses and ability to do harm, healing and protecting or boosting allies abilities, up to actually creating fire effects and siphoning energy from the surroundings (including enemies) to power herself; she can fly

Has picked up language and common knowledge from a variety of sources on Twoarth and Paragon, and as such enjoys learning, exploring information, chatting with people to hear about their own experiences and such. However she's also truly adept at heroic feats such as flight and aiming, seeking the right people to aid or protect, and oh yeah, paperwork afterwards...
H'zardus is inherently radioactive, and because of that she has to take care not to harm people around her. This is a constant struggle, but at CHS now, she's able to use both technological advances as well as other people and students, to help contain her radioactivity!
None, but maybe a dragon might find her interesting? Oh that would be great!
She is a small person and not built for heavy lifting
H'zardus has a very good amount of power to keep herself moving, active, and in the fight
Her fingers do have strange extra pointy bits, and this makes it a bit difficult for very fine control, but it doesn't hinder her much either
Quick on her feet and easily able to move around enemies or campus structures, both on foot and in flight
Smarter than typical, but she is still sometimes confused by very advanced ideas
H'zardus has a good enough education for specific things to teach them, but isn't as up on history or non-heroic studies as she wants to be
Even if the campus and Paragon city are filled with unusual people, H'zardus is careful who she approaches and befriends
Dramatically colored and unusual to look at, H'zardus isn't conventionally attractive to humans or furs, but she isn't gross or ugly either
She fits in with a lot of others easily, but is more of a self-starter than team leader or right-hand type. Also since she's small she tends not to make a big impression
As a hero she knows her limits, and sticks with what she's best at. She will join in a team eagerly, however, and can help defend those in need
Strongly powerful radiation abilities allow her to weaken opponents, she seems to be able to use nuclear energy almost as food
Knowing her focus on radiation and heroics, she keeps concentration on those tasks but isn't as broadly skilled as some on campus


Weakest --> Strongest; Good --> Evil / Order--> Chaos; Little --> Most


While she is definitely interested in helping people and teaching kids, she isn't constantly out doing those things, and likes having a bit of down time too She will not consider 'turning bad', her own struggle against hurting people by simply existing means she's keenly aware of her heroic status Since she is not human nor from Twoarth or even Paragon's earth, H'zardus has to concentrate on learning people's moods, and always wants to make sure folks are safe even if it's 'from her power'

Name H'zardus
Age Unknown, adult
Species Unknown, semi-reptilian in visual nature (is not a reptile), though overall humanoid with two legs, two arms, and with an added pair of membrane-covered wings, also has a thin tail
Post Instructor
Tenure 15+ years
Smarts/GM 4
Bod/Feets 6 (8 Fly)
Luck 3
Drive 1 (3 Flight Navigation)
Looks 3
Cool/Mouth 4
Bonk 6
Powers As above
Clusters Superheroics +4
Skills Teaching +3
Technical Repairs +3
Radioactivity +5/-3
Knacks Clever Quips +3
Period Class Teaching
5 Non-Human Heroics
6 Radiation Is Your Friend
7 Radiation Is Your Friend
8 Non-Human Heroics
Song: Escape From The Atmosphere / Mannheim Steamroller / Fresh Aire V
Dragon Catoptyr
Hatched (deviantart adopt)
Pets? Draca: Green and Dark Green Emerald, quite the ham during demonstrations, but Emerald keeps mostly to himself while classes are being taught

Now, she's been tapped for Carramba's Radiation studies, and is teaching Non-Human Heroics 5, 8; Radiation Is Your Friend 6, 7.



Name: Catoptyr (cat OPP teer)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 9' s / 54' l / 106' ws
*Colors: belly armor is rich green-black from chin to tail tip, and scales on back, body, limbs, and tail are that color with slender and evenly spaced deep green stripes; armor on face, strip between belly and back, and body / neck dots vibrantly neon green; limb and wing armor more evenly deep green; backs of wings evenly shaded deep black-green, undersides and neck frill brightly celadon and jade green with heavy mottling, darkest under wrist and paler grey-green at edge; claws and horns aqua blue-grey fading to paler at ends, dorsal ridges grey-blue, eyes black with sky blue
Features: Rainwing standard
Powers: Winged Flight, strong and sure in the air, but prefers calm, warm conditions most; can lift significantly more than expected but only for short distances, and yeah whatever he's carrying will absolutely have holes in it so make sure it's reinforced or held with straps instead
Verbal Speech, highly literate, surprisingly chatty, Catoptyr enjoys all the science and engineering he can get, which at a school like Carramba is a lot! Speaks English and is only marginally proficient with his homeworld's Draconic, however he's learning a lot of tech-talk and scientific terms as well as whatever H'zardus uses privately
*Color Shifting, with the greens as a template, Catoptyr can cycle his armor, spots and divider strip, as well as his wingsails (both front and back) into extremely bright almost-glowing shades, from as dark as his body on up to literally glowing near white; the stripes on his body and tail can also be changed consciously, though in more subtle tones of green
Rainwing Properties, such as those massive claws fit for clinging to huge trees and his prehensile tail are easily adapted to move around a cityscape although he does have to be careful where he clips or lands because repairs must be done afterwards... He also has an extremely potent venom in his spit that gets into wounds thanks to the markedly sharp teeth he's got, and he knows better than to drool on anything that humanoids or even other dragons will want a piece of. He often hunts offworld, thanks to the portals available to the local dragons for exactly this reason
Parentage: Unknown, pure rainwings
Origin: Adopted from and colors by FrigidBanshee on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: his name refers to reflected light, which he often resembles!