Superheroic Character Information Page
Character Name
Character Aliases
Character Allignment
Character Gender
Character's Preference
Character Age
Apparent Age
Group Affiliation
Status in Group
Day Job if any

Character Image Space!







Place what is known (or what you would like others to know) about the character's history - birth till present if they're quite young, or spotty incidents/important memories.
What drives this character to do what they do? Why are they evil if they're a villain? What made them choose good?
Where their powers come from, and what *specifically* they are good for.
Each person learns something in school, college and real life - what does this character do other than use their powers? Are they a good cook? Do they know more math than anyone else?
Everyone has a weakness - if it's a substance, person, moral failing or their own powers working against them. Enemies should be included here.
If the character has (or is) a sidekick - give a little info here. They should have their own sheet too if they are powered.
Silverfish aren't known for being amazingly strong...
She is still working on power management, but she can definitely use her skill and powers cleverly enough to make it through an extended battle, with a little rest
She has remarkably fine control, given that she can adjust molecules specifically, she has to be able to sense them, and does so in a variety of ways not even using her hands to do fine working tasks
Along with that fine motor skill comes the fact that she's named after a critter that can scoot into spaces unseen and often out of reach; her power allows this on any surface she can put two hands on
Quite smart and quick on the draw, she understands people very well, but also isn't shy around technical work, thinks outside the box
Her work and skill sets are quite specific, but she's always looking for new hobbies and will listen to students ramble about their own work with real interest
She has a strong personality and a wit about her when she needs to, though she definitely does use a lot of colorful language...even in front of the camera
Her mutations have made her a little on the 'weird to look at' scale, but she's a shapely and poised young woman none the less; she does squik people who don't like bugs, there's nothing she can do about that, it's on them not her
She is good at those PR drives, fundraisers, and pep rallies, and will certainly take charge when needed in a team
Sonith enjoys doing active and visible work, far from a shy silverfish insect...
Her powers are reasonable but limited, as many of them are geared toward very close manipulation and not the range that she wants to use
She still has it in her to learn more about how to use her powers, but that's what being an instructor is for - she takes time to learn as well as teach


Weakest --> Strongest; Good --> Evil / Order--> Chaos; Little --> Most


Sonith is a go-getter to say the least; even as a child she was very well suited to a leadership role, and takes initiative not just on a super team, but in the rest of her activities as well; knows how to delegate and is very organized She is a bit of an imp sometimes, but she'd never in her life dream of harming innocents with her pranks; Sonith is every bit the hero Well known for being compassionate toward those who are seen as underdogs, she does tend to snub those who are 'normal' in favor of helping mutants or others who aren't always appreciated