Superheroic Character Information Page
Character Name
Margaret Olivia Goddard
Character Aliases
Zekiran/Shard; Originally created 5.9.88
Character Allignment
Character Gender
Character's Preference
Got no time to be in love but won't hesitate to jump in the back of a car with a hot hero
Character Age
Bitch, Republica
Character Physical
5'10", 6'1" with headwings
Weight under 200 but she's all muscle
Light skin with freckles if you get up close; pointy hair style in flame orange and strawberry blond, is normally blond; brown eyes that when she uses her powers, turn a brilliant orange like her aura below
Mutant Human
Physically human, however mutations allow manipulation of energy and mental power
Group Affiliation
Carramba Heroic Studies, also own group ULTRA
Status in Group
Instructor, Team Leader
Unknown, seems to be a solo act until her team shows up
Day Job if any
Carramba High Heroics Instructor

Not really known. MOG doesn't have a local accent and likely was born in the mid-west, with a faint twang if she's just speaking like a human, but normally she's yelling... Something probably made her very, very angry at some point. She's not specifically angry at anyone, just loud, and no one is brave enough to ask her where she's from or what she's done before coming to the west coast and chasing away villains from the good people of Crescent and Talon Cities
MOG is a hero! That's what heroes do! She does want the spotlight, she is definitely talented enough to hog it too... She's not in it for money but she does love the attention
She is a mutant, that much is known. Her abilities include an array of energy blasts and concussive punches, as well as an aura of mental energy that can instill either terror or inspiration in those around her. She can fly quickly and for extended periods, but tends to hover over things menacingly for effect
Can spot crime in progress, just by listening. And even if she's a very abrasive person overall, she still manages to teach young hero kids how to assess situations, how to jump in or out of trouble, tactics and team exercises, and is exceptionally good with navigation around urban areas even in the dark

ULTRA as a heroine is perfect, flawless, and don't you dare assert otherwise!! MOG's ego is very, very large. However so far nothing has pierced it, so it's not really known whether she'd ever turn to the evil side of things outright if she was actually taken down. She is abrasive and noisy, not a remarkably likable person overall, but she does get the job done, so whether that's a failing or just a personality quirk who knows...

Also she is allergic to polyester, so her outfits must be specially tailored, and she is all about looking good

MOG instructs a group or two of students at CHS every year, so their roster may change per semester, she has no permanent sidekick; the 'team' she has is a very weird and varied group, more like they come together as needed (but they do have their own team surveilance and transport van)
ULTRA can definitely dish out the damage just with her fists and occasionally a swift kick to the enemy, and lifts heroically appropriate amounts of weight to rescue people or toss rubble aside
Can handle herself at full power for a very good amount of time, and even if she cannot directly defeat a powerful enemy, often may outlast them
Well above average, however she doesn't really need fine motor skills to aim and blast, nor to manipulate mental energies
Ultra's balance and flight motion is impeccable, she knows how to pose and float, and can worm her way through difficult terrain in flight as well as in heels
She is smart and canny, but doesn't really consider herself an intellectual. She does tend to outsmart her foes because being loud and annoying often makes people think she's not intelligent at all...
With a reasonable education, she's got enough to go on, but only attended enough college locally to make sure she could become accredited to teach
Ultra is... not a charmer. She relies much more strongly on her other skills and abilities; she knows that people are a bit put off, and leverages that
She might be considered plain, she's got a fantastic build and shouts a lot so her face is often a little too angry or contorted to be pretty
ULTRA IS THE CENTER STAGE, best stay out of her way. She will give others a chance at the spotlight, best use it while you can
Yes she is. She will absolutely do anything at least once, and if it works, she'll put whatever it is into rotation; this applies to food, fighting, flirtation...
Strongly powered, and with her ability to experiment and expand her styles sometimes it doesn't matter if she's low on reserves or against a spectacular opponent, she can still pick a good angle, or the right methods to defeat them
ULTRA has been doing this for a while, and uses her skills very easily. She teaches those skills that can be passed along though not without a bit of a temper...


Weakest --> Strongest; Good --> Evil / Order--> Chaos; Little --> Most


Ultra is as Ultra does. Positively driven, once she sets a goal, she meets it come hell or high water While she's definitely a good and heroic person, her methods are often rather chaotic and unpredictable and she brings an element of surprise to any battle Though she does certainly acknowledge that people exist, she's not the friendliest even to fans; she does tell good guys from bad guys by the reactions around them

Ultra is a member of the superpowered mutant population that has carved a niche and fights for it. She simply exudes confidence and bravery. She can be overwhelming and for some students that means they might need a little coaching from her assistants to manage a decent grade. But when her students do well she is apt to strongly praise them, and has been reigned in a little bit in terms of using taunts or beratement in classes. Having to remember that students aren't bad guys (well, unless they do turn bad) has proven to be challenging, but she's up to it.

If she's ever been a bit envious, it's of the dragon riders. After several years of teaching, the riders have almost outnumbered the superheroes in training! Eventually maybe one of them will be bold enough and strong enough to handle her.

In 2014 she and her team participated in the Carramba High Road Rally! Team Rocket Booster in their Superteam van: Drivers Ultra and Wyldfire (another superhero), Navigator Naris Colothan; and participants Lenelle Horace (Vesperwing), Kashmir the persian cat morph, Boreah the light construct, Daz Columbia the CHS Vice Principal (upper classmen), Risl Dawncatcher (local heroine), Dominque Talshoy (CHS poli sci), and Arothphael Imabrosia the Supernal choir instructor (dragon). They didn't place in the top-ten because they lack a true mage and missed finding Wonder until quite late. You could definitely hear her yelling about that from across the state...