Name: Creamery F106
Gender: Female
Breed: Wild
Coat: Brown Golden Shaded Barred Classic Tabby
Eyes: Orange
Genetic Code:
b/- (Hemizygous Brown)
C+//tcl (Barred, Co-Dominant with Classic Tabby)
Go//+ (Heterozygous Golden)
ShSi//+ (Heterozygous Silver [Golden] Shaded)
+//tr (Yellow Iris, Carries Pearl Iris)
Size: 40
Domestication: 46
Friendliness: 25
Noisiness: 11

Parents: Mother: F088, Golden Shaded, Abrico
Father: M083, Ash Red Bar, Beul
Siblings if known: (many)


Current Location: Lethe's Loft
Art By/Born-Adopted From: Dray/Nidus Corona

As an import from the Nidus, Creamery is doing pretty well here. She doesn't seem as nice or playful as others, but I think she'll get used to the other flappycats soon enough. She has a lovely pattern to her golden coat, so I hope that she'll get along well enough for little golden kittens some day.

Traditional Disclaimer and Copyright Statement: Lethe is me, don't try stealing me. The artwork on the main pages is mine. Any other art or world is credited where used. None of it is for use beyond this site and cannot be distributed by anyone but me, and that does include No Fucking Thanks and any collections online. If you didn't see it on my site it is stolen.