Cook Age: around 19 Male, prefers males Location in Mall: An assortment of restaurants and fine dining - read: the food court. Cook was dropped off at the Mall by his young parents, and never saw them again. He immediately picked up on the food angle of life: it smells good. And far from being a "short order cook" or a "fry guy", Cook has actually set about learning the finer points of cuisine. He can prepare sushi as well as sandwiches, fries and fois gras. For any catering needs, Cook is there. In fact he kind of dotes upon the people who seem to not seek out their own foods. He often visits Cabbie in his nook, but also loves to wander around springing new dishes on people. He loves surprises, even though he doesn't look the type. Of course, he also likes getting flowers and shiny gifts from people - usually if they're a guy he's all over that. Cook wants nothing more than to be able to supply good eats to everyone he encounters. Devoted to this task, he's always asking strangers passing through to tell him about any other caches of food or restaurants where they've been. "How did you like their rat burger? Did you think it was spicy?" With a kind of squeaky voice, but an endearing smile and cute fluff to his whole demeanor, Cook desires attention from people but gets it by being a rather motherly and somewhat overbearing guy. Who could resist a plate of finger foods? Not too many of the Mall Crawlers, that's for sure. |
*** When the hatching at Dragon Soul took so long, Cook busied himself with preparing foods for the visitors and residents alike. Since the eggs were hardening he didn't know how long it would be, so he just dove in and started cooking. The locals had never had quite the same variety of foods in one month! But it soon became apparent one day, that the dragon eggs were about to hatch. While a number of them had already come out, Cook did not pair up and he had to wait while Hobbit and the other newly bonded pairs were busy cleaning and learning things about their dragons. The rest of the unbonded group went down to the big warm hatching sands, and waited. Then it took a while before the next batch of eggs started to hatch, but sure enough there was a beautiful "Wine-marked" champagne colored half-Hathian who swaggered up to Cook. At long last, the burgandy-colored muzzle of the dragon went up, and the dragon looked longingly into Cook's eyes. "I am Noir. I expect that you and I will become quite good friends..." Its voice was smooth, like wine. Almost generic, almost genderless. But Noir seemed to be a rather effeminite male, more than a female. He was very pretty indeed. They marched off, happy with one another, and shortly would rejoin the Mall Crawlers - maybe Noir could help with a catering service... Name: Noir |