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Back to the Main Page? DJ and Velcro - Bonded at Cy Dragonstake's Apoc Clutch Age: 18 and 16 DJ is male, and has bisexual tendancies. Velcro is female, and just loves DJ. Location in Mall: DJ resides at the Music store, which is adjacent to both a ticketmaster/head shop, and on the other side is an actual "music" store, complete with instruments and sheet music, not just disks and tshirts. Velcro typically habits a variety of the knick-knack stores, hair accessories and stationary stores. However she is found at the forefront of every event and meeting anywhere in the Mall. DJ and Velcro generally are found together. DJ enjoys all forms of entertainment, music styles and comedy, as well as being able to compose his own work. He usually has some kind of music coming from a battery-operated cd player slung somewhere among his layered clothing. Velcro is jumpier and highly energetic, and is often able to locate anyone by climbing up into the roof area and scanning the 'crowds' below. Velcro of course has gotten her name from her ability to put almost anything onto her clothing and have it remain there. She's got doodads of every kind, patches, whistles and all sorts of cute plastic writing gear all over her. She was born in the Mall, but both her parents have long since vanished. DJ was dropped off by his father - a traveling musician who inherited him from his lover in the last state he played. This pair is generally seen to be the "leaders" of the small group of young folks and some older ones who ally themselves together. When a decision is to be made, it's usually DJ that the group turns to; when implimenting it, it's Velcro who carries out her friend's commands. DJ is a very clever, almost secretive type, and of course Velcro is quite the opposite. She speaks her mind about anything - but knows when to shut up. Velcro welcomes a lot of the traveling folks around the Mall - but it's DJ who decides whether they can stay. Other groups of people living there sometimes complain that he's not really representing them all, but then again if they're not going to come to the group meetings in the center of the Mall, he's not going to seek them out to tell them news - that's someone else's job. *** Read the Experience! Read their own version! *** The trio would be able to gloat. Their dragons were very fine indeed, and they didn't seem to be so odd that they'd never adjust to having a dragon around. "A dragon!" Velcro laughed. Her Seranoth snorted and nuzzled her. Of course a dragon. What else? You would want to bond a hydra? "No way!" Velcro said, but her expression dwelled a little too long. You do! You think I cannot carry enough so you'll want a hydra? All those heads!? "All those heads would get in the way. You'll carry just enough, won't you?" This is Seranoth! Yellow, Green and Blue all at once! Of course I will! Meanwhile DJ was busy with his own quiet bundle of nerves. Demaris looked about, curious, but still wasn't sure what he was looking for. "Demaris, are you all right?" DJ asked. Demaris is a very subtle, clever dragon I am fine. I keep seeing things. Isn't there something missing? "Missing?" DJ wondered what in the world the little shining blue dragonet could be talking about. Then, when the dark-and-light blue nuzzled up against DJ, he felt the dragon drop something into his hand. Two small eggs? "Demaris, what have you brought me?" It is for you and Velcro. I know she will like it. The eggs eventually hatched into two very cute brightly colored flitters. The red was for Velcro, a male which she named Chili, while the bright yellow was a female that DJ decided was called Decca.
They would learn how to fly safely, and then with Hanger, they'd head back to the Mall! *** When it was late in the evening, after a long day of goodbyes and trading items or getting all weepy, DJ, Velcro and Hanger were ready to leave. Back to the Mall, where they belonged. Do you really think we will be 'all that and a bag of chips'? Asked Demaris, and DJ laughed. "Of course you will be, you'll get to meet the other dragons too." I am looking forward to that, Seranoth said. And I can just see it so clearly. We will go over the rooftops. Hanger will dangle! That will be funny! "It certainly will," DJ said, watching their third member as she hitched herself into the riding gear. They blinked through the Nexus, the way they had gotten there to Cy, and then back into their own reality. Several others were waiting already, and it only just occurred to anyone that there would have to be lots of food for these dragons of theirs... |
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