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BACK to the main page? Fix Age: 22 Male, might prefer women if any of them were into science geeks like him. Location in Mall: Fix works and resides in the local Radio Shack/electronics store. Fix is responsible for repairing all the electronics, keeping people's electric power flowing, and generally making keen toys and remote control objects. He's also a total computer geek. What a surprise. He's the only one in the Mall other than a couple of the teachers who has contact with people outside the Mall via their computer connection. While Fix was in fact born in the Mall, no one knows who his parents are. He's rather odd, so no one really cares. He occasionally sits around with Cook but they don't have a relationship beyond friendship. Mainly he's happy to log new recipies and print out things for anyone. Fix has a fun time welding things. He often stays up late into the night in the parking lot outside the Mall with a tank of gas and whatever scrap metal Shiner can produce. In this manner, he has actually created a lot of interesting and functional vehicles, armored observation areas, and defense positions which are installed around the outside of the Mall. Fix speaks in a whiny rather nasal voice, and is not all that interesting to people with no technical experience. He considers himself more intelligent than most others in the Mall, which is quite true - but he is also sadly lacking at most social skills. *** Everything was fascinating for this young man, from the way that the dragon flew to the volcano where they landed. The chill of the Nexus had done nothing unexpected - Fix figured that if the tall blue man got there through it without trouble, he'd be able to do so as well. Creepie vanished into the depths of the volcano's halls, where he looked to be far better suited to life. Fix wondered if there was a tech center, or something... Anywhere that he could get into a nice nook and get to work on something. "This place is huge," Shiner said. "Are you okay?" Fix nodded, "Yeah, they've got electricity so I'm fine... How about you?" He grinned. They were okay - they were present to try and bond a dragon but in the mean time they had people to meet and a room to secure, which they intended originally to share with Creepie if he was willing, but since he'd gone they couldn't find him and didn't try. "Did you know there's a party tonight?" Shiner said, after they'd been there for a few weeks. They had helped set up some of the electric wiring, lighting and such for the huge place. "But I've got this weird feeling that I'm not going to make it." "You sick?" Fix asked simply, but Shiner shook his head. "No, just... I don't know. Something's strange about this all. Don't you get the feeling like you're being watched?" "That'd be Creepie," Fix laughed. But shortly, the hatching began - effectively cancelling the party as such until it could be made into more a celebration for the bonders, rather than just a Halloween bash. Some of the party arrangers weren't all that happy about this. Not that they weren't happy for the dragons and their bonds, but they'd put so much effort into this party! A dozen or more dragons came bursting or snarling or creeping out of their shells - including one beautiful dark feather-winged one which latched on to Creepie when he came out from his shadows. When two dragons erupted from one nest - obviously from two different matings because they were quite different from one another - the first big bronze-silver one went right to Shiner. The other, however, stood a bit taller and showed off. He had wings on his back, but also behind his arms as flaps - a Hathian descendant. He was dark, but had thin transparent wing flaps - and lightning burst out from his mouth when he decided to announce himself! He had come to Fix close enough to make the human's hair stand on end with the resultant static charge! "That's certainly going to come in handy, Amphithorinath!" Fix said. He knew the name was long, but he was quite comfortable in saying it. Of course it will, the dragon announced happily with a grin that made him look even more like his bonded rider - he had goggle like markings around his eyes too! That's what I have it for! I can help with security, too! "That's definitely a bonus," Fix said. When they got to the kitchens and feeding areas, the big bronze-silver had gobbled up his own share and half someone else's, but Fix and Amphithorinath found their own bunch of raw meat. Creepie seemed to have dug into another bowl of meat like his bond, Fix noticed. *** Much later on, after weeks and weeks of intensive training and practice with their natural weaponry, Amphi and Fix followed Shiner and Gomanth out into the evening. Of course they wanted to leave then, because Creepie would have had trouble during the day. They would need to arrive in the night time too - but none of them was worried about scaring their Mall friends. The leap into the air was exhilirating for all of them, Creepie's graceful little cat-featured flier went low and of course Gomanth went high. Amphi was tiny even compared to Daritonliath, he'd be able to assist Fix inside his home. They arrived from the Nexus chilled but happy. They also found that several others had bonded, those who had gone to Ryslen weyr! Now they had a good number of dragons, and such a variety! |
Name: Amphithorinath Bonded at Ring of Fire! |
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