

Age: 26

Male, prefers women.

Location in Mall: Hobbit resides in the local Discovery/Nature store. Nearby is the bookstore of his choice, a much smaller unit than the one which supplies others with their common press. A used bookstore is far more valuable to him than something new.

Hobbit is a very quiet, understated and extremely intelligent man. He rarely gets involved in any troublemaking by the other younger kids, but he has been known to lie for them when they are about to get into trouble. He has a healthy respect for the power of outdoor activties: he stays away from them if at all possible. He's not a total dweeb, but most people think he is.

While traveling on the road for several years, his parents and he settled at the Mall when he was around 4. Since then, they have moved away farther west, but he stayed because the place had children his age. He's long since stopped hanging out with most of the group of that age though, and has chosen to remain with the younger crowd.

With an extensive collection of bug-catching things, bird feeders and the like, he's often found in the outskirts catching animals for both food and enjoyment. Very popular with the kids are the still-hibernating insect eggs, which he helps grow into butterflies or whatever.

He is a strict vegetarian, though he isn't going to stop anyone from eating the big rats he can catch, or the chickens which are easily caught in his bird feed traps.

Not too many people know the sound of his voice to have ever gone louder than a hoarse laugh. He is hard to anger, but when he is angry one ought to stay clear. Yes, he's barefoot.


"I can't believe you came to me... You're lovely. Just lovely." Hobbit said in a quiet soothing voice to the new hatchling. "Darcy. A strapping name for a healthy young dragon."

Thank you - thank you. The dragon appeared to bow. His big brown wings showed off strange lettering, it didn't make much sense when Hobbit started looking at it but he assumed that perhaps some day, it would be more than just code.

Surely Darcy was one of the more ... normal looking dragons that hatched at this frenzy. The sands were filled with two legged, two headed, multiple winged (or no wings at all) dragons that defied description. But Darcy was different. He was almost typical, his coloration was a bit different with the patterns on his wings was all.

And I chose you. You are mine. Only mine. I wonder if your friend will find someone?

Hobbit looked at Cook, who stood uncomfortably at the edge of the sands, as a bunch of oddly shaped dragonets stumbled about.

"I'm sure he will. It's just a matter of finding the right partner, right?"

Correct. Now, you should tell me more about this person... Bilbo Baggins?


Name: Darcy
Gender: Male
Color: Browns, sandpaper speckled creamy-tan body, with darker brown point speckling on face, feet, tail, and wing arms; wingsails brown lighter on underside, darker on backs, with reversed shades of lettering on both sides; faceted purple eyes
Breed/Features: standard Pernese? No frills, three-toed feet, two fingered wings only one visible
Size: medium-small 8'10" s
Parents: (not officially known, but my best guess is Gold Rimmath + Bronze Heleth, but those are both old-school Dragonsoul 'don't have forelimbs' themselves, so it's a bit hard to tell where this dragon's front legs came from.)