Image Credits DD/DuG That 70s Vibe |
Name: Mill
Gender: Female, she/her
Age/DOB: 20, unknown dob but has a summer birthday
Origin: The Mall, nearby colony of drivers, pilots, and mechanics centered in a small airport and raceway
Family: Unknown, still living in the airport
Other: While she's usually not on the lookout, she will certainly entertain notions and pleasure with whoever stops by and is brave enough to proposition her
Height: 5'10", tall and bold
Weight: curvy and with long legs that will absolutely crush you
Hair: charcoal brown-black, loose and large afro as shown
Eyes: brown, almond-shaped, large, and intense
Appearance: often oil-stained and having long fingers, she is usually much more smirched and grimy than shown, but this is her cleanest moment... Dark skin and full features, often wearing a white undershirt and black fatigues or flight suit, or mechanic's outfit
Aggression: -1 she doesn't fly off the handle, just don't poke the beast
Coolness: +1 because obviously she's the one in charge of organizing and command...
Hardness: -1 would prefer others handle the fighty stuff
Hotness: +2 clearly one of the best lookers in the room, right?
Sharpness: +2 and quite intelligent to boot, what a package deal
Weirdness: +3 there is stuff out there she doesn't understand, but it happens for (and to) her anyway
Skills or Profession: Savvyhead/Gearcutter; machinery and tech are their bitch - she grew up with a wrench in one hand and a calculator in the other.
Semi-Psionic Quirks and Abilities:
Assay the Salvage; always seeking the most important or most valuable gear and items in a location, easily spots them
Things Speak; sometimes you can tell what something does just by picking it up. She doesn't know that this is called 'psychometry' but maybe she'll learn more how to control it?
Bonefeel; are we going to be cleaning up a messy locale? or are we going into combat? she's always got a grip on whether to take the rags or the guns, even without bring told what to prepare
Oftener Right; when someone comes to her for advice, she will tell them what she honestly
think the best course is. And many times, documented, she's been right more than wrong, and thus a lot more people will actively come to her for that advice
Reality's Fraying Edge; she has a particular pair of headphones that is uniquely receptive to the world’s psychic maelstrom, and she is able to 'listen to the voices', not the radio, but the voices of the Sleepers, the psychic group that monitors the world
Spooky Intense; when she does something under fire, stands watch, or baits a trap, sometimes strange things happen rather than those expected
Deep Insights; those voices have spoken to her for years, even if she didn't know it until recently, and she will continue listening to them
Events or History: She was expected to fill her father's role until his big brother came home with a pile of gear and gadgets, and she was all but forgotten. Snubbed and angry about it, she left the 'Port and headed anywhere but there. She didn't need to steal a motorcycle, she'd built the one she rides and maintains it even now that she's living in the Mall. She definitely thinks that Gasman is a little weird, and that Fix is even weirder, but she still works with Shiner even though that guy's a pervert through and through. That dragon of his though, certainly has a lot of her own personality traits, so she can't fault him too much. |
Name: Oedarith
Gender: Female! fertile even with firestone
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large 15' s / 78' l / 92' ws
Colors: Bronze, muted in shade but clearly metallic and definitely not 'gold'
Features: Pernese old-school, with webbed tail
Powers: Winged Flight, a massive wingspan and a strong body lend Oedarith her rank of wing leader, if the Mall ... has a wing to be led. It does, she's made sure of that with her patrols and long purposeful flights overland. The warm desert air east of there, and the nearly deserted plains to the north filled with dust where there once were crops, they are easily her favorite places to fly
Teleportation, she only teleports if she must, but when she does, it can be with a dozen riders or an entire camp worth of gear and people, a train car carried, since she can easily pick one up and fly away with it, if it needs to be put somewhere much farther or in conditions that aren't good for flight, she'll just up and move it with a burst of energy; she does need to rest after such a feat, and she wouldn't be of much use for Thread fighting to use betweening as a tactic to avoid the burning material, however she doesn't need to fight Thread here - and humans with guns think she's terrifying to behold already...
Telepathy, with a strong mind, sure of herself and willing to allow others time to talk or discuss things, she will eventually Make A Decision about something, and more often than not that decision is final. She takes command when needed, and is decidedly undisputed as a debate partner, eagerly learning more about the location and its weird history and tucking away details she only shares with Mill
Telekinesis, a grand and easy strength exerted can help lift that train car, though she must use it close to herself and not at any distance longer than about 10 meters from any part of herself. If others have this ability she can access it and boost their efforts considerably
Assisted Firebreath, they have a big bunch of coal on hand, transported from other locations and dug up probably decades before, unused since their energy sources changed after 'whatever it was' that occurred a while back. It's not technically 'firestone' but it will definitely do. And what she does with it is not shy of a miracle, pushing out a near-solid beam of heat that can reach up to 1km away with accuracy, or bursting a massive volume of heated gas into a fireball that is triggered by the very same jet fighters engines that it then engulfs...
Parentage: Progenitor
Origin: Sithean Weyr Giveaway 2023 / Ktrenal
Other Info: Though she comes from a Pernese 'old world' weyr, Oedarith would hardly fit in with most traditional Weyrs on that world, given not only her size but her ... being a she! As a bronze, normally a male rank, she still has the amount of boldness and strength of will needed to lead a weyr or wing. The fact is though that she is quite knowledgeable and willing to balance her stern instructions with kindness making sure that the lessons needing to be learned are done in a way that won't damage either dragon or rider. |