Alabaster Incorporated is a well-known business in Talon - but it is also known in many other worlds such as Zekira, Pern and places around the Nexus. It is in fact a nexus itself, with individuals who are duplicated many times over existing in different times and dimensions. Alabaster itself is an 86 story tall building - one of the tallest in Talon's downtown area and certainly one of the nicer pieces of architecture on the west coast. Built of glass and steel, with an open lobby and three-story high shopping mall at the base, it houses hundreds of smaller businesses but the main focus is up near the top of the building. Alabaster is not just, as you'd find in a visitors guide, a legal firm for entertainment and copyright. The company itself is responsible for dozens of television shows, cable specials and public service messages. It also has a completely different side. A research and development firm for communications technology is the front for that portion. A front for a front? Well, the virtual reality that they're creating is plagued by criminal activity. Alabaster puts an end to that activity. One way or another. In other universes they are varyingly known for their high-tech output, their medical advances, and their subterfuge and spy work. In this one, on Twoarth where animal people and humans mix with aliens and superheroes, they are more able to focus on entertainment. The leaders of Alabaster, Jeff and Kyle Engel (collectively known as Jake) are a father and son team. Much of their money comes from Jeff's killer deals and amazing record in the courtroom. Some of it however comes from mob, blackmail and less visible or attractive sources. However - they use it for one purpose: to keep people healthy and happy. If that means they create a new high-tech containment unit for an artificial intelligence bent on housing itself in the nearest human host, or creating scores of new television stars overnight, that's what happens. Either/Or. Currently they're happy with the entertainment side of things. Who wouldn't be? They're some of the highest rated, interactive, and family-oriented shows on the air! They have set up a huge dragonry for the people in the area who have become riders. It's just outside of the city, in the foothills near a desert area. All land having been owned by Alabaster for quite some time, really. They also sponsor numerous studies in schools around the area, concentrating on Crescent City's Carramba High school, a hundred miles south in a small city near a pretty bay. They fund technology, math and computer courses but also the arts and entertainment aspects of studies. They're also responsible for security there, so don't mess with the Tower... |
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