(there will be some thing here but I honestly hadn't been thinking about how she might be integrated into their timeline)


Name: Clover Pepper
Gender: Female
Age: 44
Ht: 5'9"
Wt: 145
Skin: light
Hair: platinum blond, quite straight
Eyes: golden brown

Personality: steadfast, smart, a little bit sad after having lost her Quincy...

(gonna story)




Name: Trioth
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: very large 20'6" s / 123' l (37.4m) / 168' ws
Colors: copper, richly red-shaded; eyes color shift with mood
Features: Pernese, hide skin needing care, 4 legs with 5 clawed digits thumb fore, 2 leathery wings with 4 visible clawed fingers and prominent wrist claw, head is narrow with knobs, ridges along neck and body, tail is spaded; -TH ending names, gender-based ranking but lots of mutations run in line, including not requiring bond at birth, color variety, and bicolored or off-gendered dragons common
Powers: Winged Flight
Teleportation / Between
Carries Assisted Firebreath

Parentage: gold reith x black copper trisith
Origin: Weyr Eriol's Backward Frenzy, hatched in Circle 2
Other Info: With notable tact-skills, Trioth prefers using words over swords. She is peaceful to the extreme, even though she has the bulk and musclepower to use physical power to win an arguement. Rather daydreamy and prefers to stare out in the distance mysteriously to anything else.


Doll Palace, DollWizard