Grace and Kimball paced around, trying to get the
hang of being on a different planet. One that had dragons. And bards.
And ... well, all those things that Earth just doesn't have.
"Earth has plumbing better than this,"
Grace muttered about the bathing chambers that they had to use.
"Give them a break, Grace," Kimball said,
"these are supposed to be the temporary quarters anyway. I'm surprised
they had indoor toilets at all, let alone a nice deep bath like this..."
He splished his hand in the water, and grinned.
"Well, I'd rather take a shower than sit in
a puddle." Grace grumped.
"Why are you being like this? You wanted to
come. You nearly dragged me here." Kimball said. Then his eyes
got all wide. "oooh, never mind. You need some chocolate. I think
they've got an import shop from some other planet down in the main hall."
Grace turned and was going to be really angry, but
she couldn't find the right words - he was totally correct, she was
all pms'ing and she wasn't even sure that this planet had proper hygenic
... objects... for women.
They were quickly summoned out of their quarters
because the hatching was supposedly going to occur any time now! The
eggs were rolling around and that got both actors all excited again.
They made it to the sands, and realized that there were so many ...
really different people here... A foxy guy, in addition to the dragons
and such.
A pretty little irridescent green dragoness hatched
first, and then was followed by a very bold, fire-engine red boy-dragon.
How did Grace know it was a boy? What in the world?
He took his sweet time getting around the sands.
After all he was up in a corner where all the eggs were in his way,
and he had to strut past the stands and the candidates alike before
making his choice. Up in the stands, Naeodin - whose gold this clutch
was laid by - grumbled something about hurrying up and making his decision.
Tiyanni laughed while the dragon made his choice.
He looked with a careful and rather snooty gaze
at Grace. She turned to look at Kimball who was all wide-eyed and amazed.
Grace felt something gentle, yet so strong and pervasive, touch her
mind. Suddenly she was aware that there were words, sounds, emotions,
coming from the dragon hatchling, and going right into her mind.
Let us go, my precious, before
someone steals our spotlight.
"You want me, Zaltierth?" Grace said.
Kimball wondered, had she known his name? Wow... This was pretty overwhelming.
Of course,
replied the red. He walked away with Grace touching his high wing, she
glanced over her shoulder to see Kimball waiting expectantly on the
sands still.
He'd have to wait, because it seemed there were
no hatchlings which desired his company this time. In fact, though he
was still a bit disappointed and saddened, Kimball was a little relieved
too. He wasn't ready for this. When Grace described, or tried to describe,
the way that she felt when she bonded... Kimball wasn't ready. There
were many things he had to get straight in his mind before he allowed
a dragon into it.

They added the name and such, of Grace's new bond,
to their weyr's placard - and Kimball was allowed to help Grace while
she fed and bathed her dragon. That was the best method of learning,
anyway. Some day, he'd have his own...
Earth (Los Angeles)
Earth (Marston, AZ)
Mousey Brown
Golden Brown
Healthy, rounded
Lean, strong
Zaltierth (m)
Born At
Gold Sasiath
Bronze Malbath