The Talon City Talent Agency was created by actors Grace and Kimball who used to star in a soap opera but once they bonded their dragons have become more flexible in the roles they've been asked to play. With their contacts throughout Talon, Hollywood and the Nexus they can hire almost anyone for a role, and they quickly gained a reputation for doing so among the actors and workers of the area.

Both would rather hire based on talent than any other requirement - they hire people off the street all the time. Both of them are somewhat laden with business cards at any given time. They're rarely off the mark when they spot someone in the crowd, and if they approach someone it's usually accepted.

Their dragons, Grace's red Zaltierth and Kimball's cream Kybrith, are rarely far from the pair. Soaring overhead or perched on one of the newly erected 'dragon stands' scattered around Talon's downtown area, Kybrith and Zaltierth enjoy their own kind of fame and fortune. They work closely with other dragons both in and out of the city.


Portrait Illustration Maker