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With the four young men he and Ihrinnah created set up on their world to invade, Virus has some time to relax. Ihrinnah enjoys these times too - they've begun working at Carramba High School as well, one of the odder places that could call them a bonus rather than a bane. Ihrinnah instructs (of course) a number of plant-based classes, Hedge Mazes, Allergies, that kind of thing. So in her off time, she has continued to work on the wide garden where their children had been planted. "Oh look at this!" Ihrinnah calls out cheerfully, "It's almost as large as that Egyptan's coccoon was." "This hasn't coccooned yet," Virus points out. "But it's pretty, so sleek and black." Ihrinnah grins. "I like it." "Well I shall instruct Tabito not to devour it, that Egyptan eats everything he can get his mouth around these days." Virus chuckled and wandered off to find the glowing radioactive creature. After a few weeks of waiting, feeding the little black caterpillar whatever she could determine it wants, Ihrinnah notices that it had coccooned itself at last. A faintly sickly black tarry colored coccoon, moving slightly on the breeze. Soon, it would erupt into a larger, very different looking creature indeed! Tabito arrives to watch, as do several of the other dragons and folk. Pitch black, with glowing green wings, and best of all: a death's head design on its wing! "It's ... a hawk moth?" Virus asks, "Interesting..." "Well, it's a dragon," Ihrinnah says. "A little one." It would be only about the same size as Tabito, too, perhaps a little taller and longer, but not by much. The dark colored dragon picks up its nose and expands its wings, then, erupts into the air with a shower of dust! Tabito follows it, gleefully barking (Tabito sounds like a geiger counter, actually ticking...), and the pair of them seem to hit it off very well.
"Mot!" Ihrinnah exclaims, "Come back on down here, I've made some delicious tree rot for you." "Moth," Virus mutters, "You are terrible at names." "Mot is the god of death," Ihrinnah chides, "And you should know that! I thought you knew everything Humans did..." Virus waves his hand and laughs, and they prepare for yet another pet to join them in their home. - Name - Mot (death) - Cause blindness: when the dust from its wings enters the eye, it causes blindness From Mythology Giveaway 09, Maerwynn Next Virus bonded Henshuth at the Ring of Fire Ihrinnah bonded Uteneth at Firestone Cholera ... Variola ... Typhoid ... Candidiasis ... Escherichia ... Pylori Digitalis ... Conium ... Zigadenus ... Atropa ... Calla ... Amanita ... Datura ... Disporum Barren Men (unmade pages) |