Hitch Hiker's Log

Admiral Ambrosia Fuzzy


Ambrosia walked around the Bishen realm rather sullenly. She watched Woodstock and Four-Star get their beautiful Bishen dragons, and she longed for one herself. She was in a funk.
Axarr, who had not yet expressed much interest in having a companion such as they had, saw her associate and plopped down beside her near the forest edge.
"What's bothering you, 'Brosia?" Axarr nudged her furry companion.
"Oh... nothing. Just that I love these bishel. Look at them all! They're so neat! With the wings, and the tails, and their cute paws! And the colors! You never know what kinda color they'll be... Will it be a flier? A red one? Or a blue? Or one with legs?" She drew in a mighty sigh. "I want to have a companion too. They're so adorable!"
Axarr grimaced a bit, around her eyepatch. "Ambrosia, they're not meant to be pets! I mean sure they're cute and all, but they're intelligent creatures -- to hear Woody and Four-Star talk about them anyway. And that big old Kailan fellow, he seems totally civilized."
Ambrosia leveled her friend with a stern look, as if to say 'duh!' "Well, duh! I know they're not pets, Axarr, I'm not dumb, you know. I *am* an admiral."
"... Sometimes I wonder..." Axarr muttered, but as per normal, Ambrosia was hardly paying attention at that point.

"So... why would you want one then, anyway? I mean, Four-Star tells me they're quite an effort. But his Tuz is pretty neat. I do have to admit that." She looked around and saw on the hill where their ship had crashed, that Tuzkigyo (was that how he pronounced it? Axarr always got it wrong) was helping "weld" bits of the broken stabilizing wing back onto the ship.
"I want one maybe so they could help me find ..." Ambrosia looked away, shyly, "other cute critters, who are pets. Maybe a Bishen would want to have a pet with me. If we found the right ones, we could have a cute little family all together, and if we got a boy critter and a girl critter they might even have little babies, and everything." She looked back up at Axarr with a full on beaming grin. Her eyes were half vacant dreaming about such a little family unit.
"... You have some family issues, don't you." Axarr muttered, while getting to her feet. She used Ambrosia's shoulder to help herself up. "Girl, why not go find that Kailan dragon. Maybe he would be able to help you out. It doesn't look like there are any eggs to be had right now, though."
Ambrosia stood and looked, sly, at Axarr. "So you HAVE been looking out for the new eggs, haven't you?" She nudged Axarr's shoulder, and darted away quickly. Axarr was by far stronger than the fluffy panda-faced woman, and usually, much quicker too. But Axarr merely turned away and grumbled something about 'not the way you think I am, brazza frazzing cute cuddly...'

Ambrosia watched her friend as she stalked away. She shrugged, and told herself, "of course I love families. Families are wonderful things." As she walked along the path, she said, "just because I never had one except for the Imperium's Grand Fleet... It was nice of them to raise me."
Finally, she located the Kailan's particular roost. She noticed that there was an announcement of sorts plastered to a post nearby, and she read the rules about this latest nest of eggs. There weren't eggs, there was a mystery. Fourteen images of various types, which were scattered about the Refuge which was nearby.
A sort of contest. Thrilled, she called up to the Kailan as he snoozed, "I'm going to go find these seals, sir! It'll be great fun, won't it? I think so! I'll come back when I'm done... I hope I won't be long, if there's an egg out there I don't want it to be alone any longer than it already has been!"
And with that, Ambrosia started along her journey. She saw a small number of others wandering the same paths which she herself trod, and giggled. "I'm sure others will be interested in this hunt. But I hope that the Kailan wasn't fooling. Fourteen Seals... That's a lot. I have more places to look than... I have fingers and toes!" She glanced at those same fingers, three fluff-covered digits and a thumb, with a similar foursome of nubs on her feet. She'd gone barefoot only a few days after they crashed. No point in wearing out perfectly good Imperial boots, when there were no other Imperials about but herself, Axarr and Four-Star!

The first thing Ambrosia did when she saw the Refuge, was to enter the kind of office-place she found. There, she met a very kindly woman who seemed rather familiar. She was a caretaker of creatures, and that made Ambrosia's heart swell.
"So you keep all of these wonderful creatures company? And keep them fed and warm?" Ambrosia bubbled over.
Indyana, that was the caretaker's name, grinned and added, "or cold, if they don't like it warm. But yes, all the creatures here are in good hands. Now, the Kailan has instructed me to hide these seals, so I've hidden them." She glanced her eyes across the room and somewhat pointedly looked at something dangling on the wall near her.
Ambrosia took a look first, at the map of the place. She set herself to it, got out her notebook and pen, and described herself a path. Very organized, this furry girl.
She thanked Indy and skipped outside. But just before she left the room she glanced up at the door way. There, she saw the first of the Seals! A pretty picture of a swan on water! She took a note of it, and turned to confirm it with Indyana. This was the seal of Homeland! Her first Seal! Ambrosia bolted back to Indy and hugged her, then ran back out!
She chose the Forest path to go on first.

On the path, the first thing she ran into was a beautiful green dragon! But there was no seal anywhere near, so she continued. Onward. Shortly, she met a beautiful young woman with two pretty feathery-creatures on her shoulders. U'haria, the woman, watched as Ambrosia almost tripped over the next Seal. It had a number of cute Flamingoes on it. "That is the Kin seal," U'haria stated, and Ambrosia sketched it down, wrote its name, and where she had found it.
"Thank you, I hope to see you again!" Ambrosia called, as she continued her travel. She did not spend much time with the winged leopard, though it was a truly beautiful creature. Another young woman with two more of the adorable featherdrakes approached, and they discussed this quest she was on. But since there was no sign of another Seal, she politely excused herself, scratched the featherdrakes on the shoulders, and went along. Around the next bend in the trail, she located an elf woman, and two astoundingly beautiful creatures she called Cypran. "I hope that I might find something as beautiful as these, with my Bishen friend, if I earn the right to have one..."
When the forest overhead grew tangled and dark, she ran into another elf, a male this time, and his own two lovely Cypran. He had a toy of one of them -- and another Seal lay nearby! One showing the big puffy clouds and a bright sun, the Energizing Seal! While he is putting it back where it was hidden, Ambrosia wrote down in her book its locale, name and description. It was not proper to pick it up and keep it, of course! Why, if she did that, someone else might not have a chance to find it!
Ambrosia met another girl elf, and noticed their habit of having featherdrakes around. They were lovely, but not what Ambrosia was looking for. Then there was a silly little man, with another little drake! The next step of her path was apparently the lair of two cute fire lizards, but then she saw a Bishen dragon!
"Jarod!" She called out, having been introduced to the green Arboreal Bishel before. They greeted one another and then Ambrosia was about to leave, on her journey. She mentioned the Kailan's hunt, and Jarod whisked himself up into the trees. He showed her a Seal, one with a whirlwind painted upon it. "The Zephyr," Ambrosia wrote. She nodded, and thanked him with a grin.
She saw two twittering dragons, brightly colored, in the next part of the woods. By this time, Ambrosia was getting a little winded. It had been a long day for her already, and she wondered when this hunt would end? She'd only found -- she counted -- five, of the fourteen. With slumping shoulders, she carried herself on. She was attracted by a shining, glittering object (when had she not been attracted to such things?) and guarding it, or being guarded by it, was a butterfly-winged creature. It rested near an egg, but there was no Seal. She moved on. There was another of the butterfly-winged dragon things, and even a pair of their grublike young resting in a bush nearby. Still, no Seal.
Just as Ambrosia thought she was going to drop from walking so much (as she was somewhat out of shape, here on this planet... what with no drill instructors and marching...) she was accosted by a monkey and a flying wolf! She cleared out of there, not much into monkeys... But as she realized that the trail was circular and she had found herself almost back at the Refuge's main center, she saw something glimmering in a bush. It was a Seal! One with two geese, or ducks maybe, flying over clouds. In her mind, she felt the word ... TRUST. And so she did, trusting that the Seal was named Trust, and that she was entrusted to put it right back where she'd found it, moving along back to the main cabin.
She would continue her search, tomorrow! After a meal, and some rest!