Welcome to Beeblebrox Planetary Tours!

The purpose of this site is to showcase the wonderful photography done on tours of our beautful galaxy. Our staff and ship's computers are at your disposal for questions and information.

Please check the links to the left for Tour information. Everything from the description of our ship, to views of our onboard companion collection are available.

There are a couple rules which must be followed at all times, while on our tour.

1 - Please leave all animal species where they are. You may look at them but they are meant to remain onboard Caledrus at all times. If you wish to find your own companions, please follow the links on every creature's page.

2 - Please keep your hands inside the ship at all times. The images of planetary surfaces are available only by request. To request an image, please contact Woodstock with the information you would like to use.

3 - All works on these pages are copyrighted material. If they are not copyright to Woodstock, they are linked and credited. Respect those copyrights by not stealing any image, creature or information and claiming it as your own.

4 - Programs used in the production of this informative site are all linked on the left. Please visit them and utilize their services!