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Woodstock Desiato Beeblebrox-Beeblebrox, a 240 year old hitch-hiking expert. This native of Betelgeuse 3 has always had a love of travel and images.
Born GSY 3991/7 on Betelgeuse 3/Desertsun Sector 65-23
GSY 4002-4009 Educated at Carramba High School (from elementary up through senior) on a Nexus Earth called Twoarth - perhaps from her experiences here she developed her soft spot for humans
GSY 4012 Modeling for BodyForum Textiles gets her coverage in several major intergalactic magazines, and starts her career with photography/live performance
GSY 4017 Receptionist at AlterEgo Shops Inc, also does personality creation and works directly with brain-artist Paval Ruokilan
GSY 4018 Earned Starship Pilot Licence, shortly learned how to 'hotwire' starships that she didn't actually have the keys to fly, spends 2 weeks in a minimum security jail for grand theft starship
GSY 4022 Picked up by Zoom2000 in a hitch hiking incident, managed to save the ship from Vogon fleet nearby
GSY 4026 Employed by Zoom2000 at MegaDoDo Publications for first run on Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy
GSY 4033 Given command of GSS Suicidal Insanity for research purposes
GSY 4034 While on research tour, Woodstock covers a Disaster Area concert and becomes a temporary roadie and backup musician
GSY 4035 Woodstock marries Hotblack Desiato as a publicity stunt, subsequently divorcing him six years later and retaining a 'massive' royalty/alimony contract
GSY 4037 GSS Suicidal Insanity is 'refitted' for Disaster Area tour support crew and groupie-quarters
GSY 4039 All-Girl-Alien rock band Firebird Fox is formed with Woodstock playing double-neck guitar, with friends Zara Beeblebrox (no relation) on bass, Bree Tara-Nosheen with vocals, Blue Moon on keyboards, and Coelestaad on drums
GSY 4050 GSS Suicidal Insanity destroyed in an inexplicable accident involving a time machine, a stack of Oreo Cookies, and an 8-track tape recording of Firebird Fox's live concert on Amneo 6
GSY 4054 Firebird Fox goes on indefinite hiatus with the hopes that they will reunite at a later date. Unlike many other bands, they actually do mean to come back together
GSY 4055 Semi-cousin Zaphod Beeblebrox is 'elected' Galactic President, and assigns Woodstock a place on his cabinet. The Liquor Cabinet, that is
GSY 4057-4063 Woodstock tours Zarniwoop's very clever Artificial Universe, doing research on Earth and the like until the universe is shut down. Woodstock is responsible for bringing the last known Artificial Earthlings (Arthur and Trillian) to the 'real' universe
GSY 4066-4089 Hitch hiking across the galaxy and doing extensive research for MegaDoDo again - many of the locales which Caledrus is piloted to were first discovered on these journeys
GSY 4095-4099 Firebird Fox gets back together for their long-awaited reunion tour. The tour is a smash success, and includes a number of Lintilla clones as backup vocalists and groupie-controllers
GSY 4099 For Woodstock's 100th
birthday, she marries her semi-cousin Zaphod in Space Vegas, thought to be
another publicity stunt - however her second namesake (the 2nd Beeblebrox
to her name) has remained, and it is unclear if they take their 'marriage'
more seriously than they ever took any other part of their relationships
GSY 4104 On a Firebird Fox tour promoting their new album "Flash in the BrainPan", Woodstock and four of their Lintillas are injured in an accident. This accident costs Woodstock one of her eyes, and a painful scar on her arm prevents her from completing the tour. The album sells better than Disaster Area's current release, and there is talk of a scandal between record labels
GSY 4108 Woodstock wins the Galactic "Ahh-A-Thon", a massage and physical therapy competition held once in a decade. Her four arms are quite talented obviously!
GSY 4113-4136 Woodstock is back at the job she enjoys more than anything, studying uncontacted life forms in their native environments. Her camoflage skin coloration (all images showing her with strange skin or hair colors are true-color, no dyes or costumes were used) and her very clever use of clothing makes it easy for her to blend in with even the most suspicious natives
GSY 4138 Due to Woodstock's extensive research, she locates a race of people who are introduced to the Vogons to soothe their wild tendancies. At first leery of such a massive 'species intervention', soon it is learned that the people of Woolbat 5 have not only a vast tolerance for pain, but also the worst sense of poetic beat in recorded galactic history - and therefore find Vogon poetry to be fantastic. For the first time in millennia, the galaxy is in relative peace
GSY 4142-4166 For some reason, Woodstock is made interstellar Prison Warden. Zarniwoop's influence on the system probably gained her this position - which she took seriously for a while, and then like all good Wardens began to exploit her prisoners as well as their planets
GSY 4167-4170 Woodstock is incarcerated in the same system which she had control over before. Fortunately, the many ins and outs of every prison building and planet were known to her at that time, and she quickly escaped - laying blame on several unpleasant people for 'her' actions and framing them for the abuses which ... well, she was rightfully responsible for. I never said she was a goody-goody...
GSY 4172 Woodstock finds a company which is able to manufacture her custom starship, listing a number of needs and climate-controlled areas within it. The massive ship called Caledrus is finished 10 years later
GSY 4177 While waiting for the massive ship to be built, Woodstock reunites Firebird Fox one more time and does a tour with other space-bands. Several members of the band opt to be frozen in hypersleep capsules or cloned just in case the band needs to form up in the future
GSY 4183 Caledrus is officially comissioned and ready for research. This vessel is detailed elsewhere, but its purpose is to pick up and aid all hitch hikers it possibly can, research uncontacted worlds, and generally to party till the heart of the universe explodes
GSY 4185- to the present Caledrus, under Woodstock's command, has collected all the data shown on this site, plus an inordinate amount more which is shared on a need-to-know basis. Tours are regularly scheduled, and Woodstock takes great pride in leading many of them herself