Welcome to Beeblebrox Planetary Tours!
Planetary Listing
On this portion of our tour, you will be shown around parts of the galaxy. The images you will see have been collected by our staff and researchers over the last 200 years, an extensive collection by any estimation.
Please do not liberate any of the images you see here. If you would like to take one home for your own personal use, please make sure to ask first, and if anything give proper credit for the effort which we have gone through to bring it to you.
Terrestrial Worlds
ZEKIRA - this world is a beautiful example of colonization. The population of Zekirans live with their world, not "on" it. Subsequently the world has not been ravaged like many by strip mining, pollution and overcrowding. The world has many fascinating landscapes to explore, from a huge desert to some of the tallest mountains and glacier valleys, rich woodlands and vast plains. The Zekirans are a colorful, fun loving bunch of people, if you've got it in your head to gamble on their flying Steed races, watch your step - you might wind up in debt and having to work off your bets!
Zekira - Ablan
Zekira - Cleft Bay Glacier
Zekira - Wo'ad Desert
Zekira - H'lan Valley Falls
Zekira - Fi'ir Peaks
Zekira - Le'ret's Black Point
Zekira - Pin Gulf
Zekira - Anilis Crater Lake
Zekira - Anilis River Outlet
FANG - a relatively desolate world of sulfur and fumes, however it is a beautiful if stark place to visit. Their underwater habitats make for elegant dining, but be certain that your breathing equipment works correctly, as they have little in the way of off-worlder medicine at their disposal.
Dragon's Teeth - Reservoir
Dragon's Teeth - Overhead
Twin Flats of Lepcho - A stunning world filled with maze like canyons, huge mesas, and wild winds. Good places to climb, exersize and generally show off to your friends.
Fracture 2 - Another fabulous canyon ridden world. There is little more to be said than... this is where the Gold was mined for the Starship Heart of Gold - Canyon of Gold
ABODE - this "world of two moons" is a haven for elfin and human inhabitants, as well as a plethora of other odd intelligent and semi-intelligent creatures. Beware of the trolls, but if you can capture a Preserver they are quite valuable and sell for exhorbitant amounts on the black market. When we visited Abode, it was for an amazing dragon mating flight, or as the hosts explained to us, "a big freakin' dragon orgy". We like Baeris and her Healing Den. We'll show you pictures of that once we figure out where it is. At any rate, Abode is a mostly unexplored wilderness, coming out of its most recent ice age. It supports both mammal and reptile remnants from their last eras, and one must watch out for pockets of "bad magic" left over by the elves' landing parties.
Abode - Cross Gender Dragon Flight Site
Abode - Golden Vale Sunset
Abode - Wide River to Vastdeep Waters
Abode - Celestia Landing Tower
Nexus - When someone drifted too close to the dragon riders, they accidentally got taken back to this place, we've got no clue where it really is - Trio Weyr Dragonsite
Gaseous Worlds
Slickren 4 - This glorious place of sushi and sashimi is hard to reach but well worth the trip. The difference between the atmosphere and the liquid ocean is about three drops of water. The people here are friendly ocean-dwellers - Green
Frozen Glow of Hell - need I say more?
Water Worlds
ALSKYR - This world is the most amazing chain of small islands and atolls I've ever had the pleasure of touring. The place is mostly warm and pleasant, most of the islands which are populated are filled with fun, great people - some of them ride dragons and some gryphons, and there are even some big sea dragons out there. We picked up a couple of their Alis-Gryphs and CaerLizards while we were there. Since our contact was on Paniya Island, we spent a lot of film on their Houses and locales, but we did get to a few other Isles to snap some great shots.
Alskyr - Paniya Island
Alskyr - Paniya, House Faustas
Alskyr - Paniya, House Chagga
Alskyr - Paniya, House Tsan Nu
Alskyr - Paniya, House Paveh
Alskyr - Dawn Cove
Alskyr - Hyoukai
Alskyr - Tropical Beach Mountain
Alskyr - Barren Peak Isle
Alskyr - Misty Isle Cliffs
Demisheth 2 - Deeply shadowed in a murky atmosphere, this world is a mystery of science and a wonder for photographers. The color scheme rarely drifts from green and a brilliant red sun warms the waters - Islands at Sunrise
Other Worlds/Effects
TURGID 4 - this forbidding world with the rather amusing name is not for the inexperienced Hitch Hiker. Its atmosphere is very caustic, but truly spectacular. Volcanic ash is usually found drifting in the air, and though there is water, it is mostly boiling.
Turgid 4 - Bay of Blood
Turgid 4 - Volcanic Spew
JUNO - This is a wonderful 'sunless' world, which has a bright moon and a dark sun. The sun is actually a very tiny ultra-violet quasar which has been stopped from spinning. It's barely weaker than a black hole, however it still sheds warmth across its system. Juno is packed with wildlife, most of it is predatory, so watch your back while camping in the wilderness here.
Juno at Night - Nest of the Moon
Juno at Night - Riverside
Chill at the Ice Scoop - This unique image was submitted by a novice Hitch Hiker, who did not leave her name and contact information. If we could please find her, it would be wonderful to know where it was taken, when, and credit will be given for the work...
Nexus World - An amazing planetoid of oil and gold, lit by some distant but perfectly bright white star. Nothing lives upon this world, and it is said that it once had an atmosphere, that was burned off it and all that is left is the precious metal and tarpits you see here - Slice of Space-Gold
More images coming soon, of course!