Starship Cherry Cream |
Lisa and Troy lurk at Lao Daemia until they can stand no more waiting. They are now at Abri! |
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"When will you stop staring at me like that?" Lisa growled. She was still a bit irked that Troy and she were meant to share a space only before they bonded - while their dragons were going to be growing up however, they would have to be in separate weyrs. She was pretty sure it irked him more. Obviously, because he was overcompensating by getting in all the lecherous leering and slobbering he could. Come to think of it, he wasn't really acting all that differently than he usually did. "Aww, come on, Lisa... We're supposed to be having fun." "We are supposed to be writing up our biographies so that the historians can record them with the other candidates, Troy." Lisa said, flatly. She folded her arms across her chest, and glared at him. "I know you do know how to write. Unless you want me to do it for you." "If you're takin' dictation," Troy said waggling his hips at her, "I'm all for that!" Before Lisa slapped him again, he ducked. "Stand still," she yelled, "so I can pummel you!" She chased him around the small room, until he froze and she ran into his back. "Idiot!" "Shh," he said. "Listen." Lisa indulged him, becuase she didn't really want to hurt him. She heard something scratching, maybe a little whine. She looked around nervously. "What is that?" "Maybe it's a little critter... something else to bring back to Caledrus?" "Maybe it is someone more important," suggested a deep voice. "I'm supposed to ask for your biographies now," he said, through the door, "but I can guess by the yelling that they're not done yet." Because there was precious little humor in his voice, neither Lisa nor Troy laughed. They were petrified. "Now I'd like you to pay attention," the mysterious dark-toned voice continued, "you must appear before the leaders of the Eyr, and some of the dragons who've laid their eggs on our sands. If you pass their tests you may stand." "I th..." Lisa said, and then moved to the door and opened it abruptly. There was a man standing there with a small pet-like draconic animal by his side, staring at the doorway. Both seemed surprised to see the door open. "I was under the impression we were to come, bond and train. We weren't told anything about any testing." "Yeah, what's that all about?" Troy asked, if Lisa was going to be ballsy so would he. "It is a recent change in the procedure, I will admit." The man said. "But it is necessary." He glanced at them both, noticing their odd synthetic clothing and Cherry Cream starship logo. "Ah, you are offworlders. That would explain things." "Well, I still don't understand what's up with this testing. How will it work?" Lisa said, holding the door open. "And come in, if you want." "Thank you," he said, and instructed his little creature to remain outside. "The testing is brief, but complete. It is meant to illustrate your abilities and your weaknesses." Before Troy was about to say something, he turned his gaze to the young man and with a narrow eye stopped him from saying something stupid. "The point of having your biographies ready is to prepare the leadership for their role. If they do not know who is standing upon their sands, how could they trust anyone to bond to the dragons here?" "It's a good point," Troy said, "but how can we pass these tests?" "By preparing, Troy," Lisa groaned. "And by asking the right questions. I know there are some things I'd like to learn about dragons - but we're also supposed to know things about how they live, and all that. We'll need to hit the books before being introduced to the leadership, I think." "I think you are correct, young lady." The man said. "So if you wish, I shall return at a later time, so you may prepare." "How long, like, a day? A week?" Troy asked, still a bit impatient. "Perhaps ten days," the man said, "and please try to have your biographies and work finished by then. You will not have the luxury of wasting much time, if you bond to a dragon - here or anywhere." At that, he bowed and turned, left the room and shut the door behind him. Troy and Lisa stood silently for a moment, and then both let out their breath in a huff. They sat down together on the bed in the room (a big wide, four-or-five person bed) and hugged. "I'm sorry I yelled at you," Lisa said. "Let's get to work, okay?" "I'll write up my bio, while you start with the book. Okay? Then we can change if you get bored or something." Troy suggested. "That works for me." Lisa agreed. Together, they put their words together and got down to work. Troy liked writing about himself, so he had a ball explaining how his education in wiring, metallurgy and electronics helped him get his quality job on board the Cherry Cream. Even though he did not say it specifically, it was obvious that he had a huge ego and would never cease to praise himself. When it came time to study he put his mind to it, but wandered a bit. His imagination was stronger than the bland texts he read. But he knew that male dragons pursued females just like in any other species. That was enough for him. Lisa was more or less realistic about her biography. She was born to a certain amount of money, which offered her a good prior education. When she went into systems design and environmental technology, she was welcomed into an advanced tech university. Even though she wanted to see her designs put into action by professionals, she'd already met Troy, and decided that he ought to be the one to build their first ship. Her study of the books led her to understand that the dragons were highly prized, very intelligent on average, and would require a lot of work physically as well as emotionally. Soon enough, and with some quick fire questions aimed at each other before hand, Lisa and Troy waited for the man to come back to their little part of the Eyr. "We'll just have to be honest about everything," Lisa said. "Because the dragons will know us, faults and all." "I have no faults, woman," Troy assured her. Lisa rolled her eyes. Would they pass their tests? Would they have to study more? Or leave entirely? That remains to be seen! *** "I can't believe this," Troy said, "after all this waiting you want to what - jump back out?" Lisa paced around. "It's not practical. The others have all probably found their dragon friends by now, and I ... just don't want to wait any longer." Troy ground his jaw around, "okay. But what then? Where are we going? And how are we going to get there?" Lisa eyed him, "that's solved. I have a friend with a flitter." "You have friends?" Troy quipped. *** "This is very unusual, of course," said Angeoria. "Abri does have two clutches on the sands, though. That makes this decision easier." She folded her fingers over the paperwork that had been sent through the Nexus. "I don't much like taking candidates away from other places, but I can see your dilemma." Troy gulped and Lisa gave a weak grin. "It's not that ... we don't want to appear disloyal or anything," Lisa said, "but you know. Enough." Angeoria nodded once more, and said, "well I'll get you listed up on our board as soon as I can. I understand you've learned quite a bit about dragons in your time waiting at Pelar?" "We learned everything," Troy sighed, rolling his eyes. "There was nothing else to do but read, and watch - but even the watching got kind of boring, because-" "Troy," Lisa hissed. "We did learn. I've got ideas for in-ship denning areas, and Troy can build them for us." She nodded once. "That's right," Troy said, "we've got models and everything..." He felt kind of glad that he'd left those in his baggage, pulling out a silly little papermache dragon den would be a bit odd right about now. "Well good." Angeoria said. "Welcome to Abri." *** The hatching was announced a bit after a few other candidates arrived to Abri. There were some extraordinary people at the hot sands - including a beautiful phoenix person, and a draconic type or two. Lisa and Troy both watched the shells intently for signs of activity, and when the phoenix took flight, it was the first to pair up with the newest hatchling. While everyone was watching the pair leave, another two eggs had broken. Not one eye had watched them, but it was quickly apparent to both Lisa and Troy that these were dragonets that they had to get a good look at. A blue and a purple, male and female. The female purple chose first, heading toward Lisa with a proud air. I am Sanakereth, she said. The wavey-colored blue walked with a distinct manly swagger up to Troy. He sat down, butted his head on Troy's hip, and then turned to look at his purple clutch mate and Lisa. She's cute, isn't she, Troy? He asked, and Troy might have wondered who he meant - dragon or human - but that didn't matter in the slightest. His mind was now filled with the hungry wonder of this beautiful blue. He could say, "She sure is, Darilayth." That was all. Lisa was in the same boat - her dragonet's mind was sharp, quick, and curious. Just as Darilayth's was suave and sly. This smart pair of dragons held the attention of everyone until the next egg hatched. But they held Lisa and Troy's attention for another handful of months! Indeed, their training at Lao Daemia had paid off - they knew how to feed, clean up and keep healthy their young dragonets. There was nothing like their first flights, though. Lisa had a better grip on Sanakereth's shoulders than troy did with his Darilayth. He nearly plummeted down to the ground, but the blue was faster without the human's weight on his narrow neck. I will not drop you again, my rider. Never again! You'd better not - my rider likes him, and you'd be in big trouble if he died! With that said, of course, Lisa blushed tremendously on landing. Their trainer gave a bit of a chuckle, but also reminded the pair to remain in their separate barracks until the dragons were a tiny bit older. That wait of another two months felt like forever. But eventually the pairs were allowe to head out where they wished - and it was time for them to go home to Caledrus and the Cherry Cream. How can we be on a ship? Will there be clouds and sky? "There will be enough room once we get where we go, the Caledrus is an exploration ship. We'll be able to ride over every planet you can imagine." Troy said. They headed home, at last.