Starship Cherry Cream
Allan, Terii and Dione stagger in to the Dragon Soul Frenzy clutch!
When Allan and the others came down to view the hatchlings, they were making a lot of noise on the sands. The group of other candidates stood by nervously too. Several eggs had already hatched, and one of the odder dragonets wobbled up to Allan.
It - he - had two legs, and wings that came sharply off his forelegs. But he also had two tails, and two heads! But most surprisingly of all, this green-black dragonet seemed to smell lightly of a favorite substance, and had markings which bore a striking resemblance to a certain plant.
"Juana," Allan said - "is that right? Wow! Wow man!"
"You can say that again!" Dione said, looking at the green-black. "Neat!" she exclaimed. But then, another dragon came forth. She had an odd crest on her head, it looked more like a mohawk than anything else!
Are you Dione?
"I am - and you're... Siouxsie! I know your name!" The dark skinned girl clapped and jumped up and down.
She hugged her dragon, who was indeed a female named Siouxsie.
Terii stood around for a while, watching other people as their dragons chose them. She almost felt like she would be left out, until she felt a mind brush up against hers. It was almost like a hallucination - only it was more real than anything she'd ever felt.
I am Satine. Do you love me?
"I love you totally!" Terii said, jumping onto the sand and hugging her dragoness. "You're pink! And bubbly!"
I like bubbles, Satine said lifting her wings up and then tumbling over backwards.
Allan - male, Juana (as in mari)
Dione - female, Siouxsie
Terii - female, Satine