Starship Cherry Cream

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Gahn and Sam visit Sidra Weyr

Yes, this image was drawn in 1981 or so...

Kemoth and Shanith flew as an expert pair in the air. Their riders were excited at the idea of finally getting to head back to Caledrus and the Cherry Cream. It'd been just over a year their time, and both of the young men wondered if Sidra had had enough of them and their dragons. Born here or not, they were pretty annoying.

I am not annoying.

I think you are, snapped the brown.

Well I think you're just a fuddyduddy and that's what my Rider says too.

He does not!

"He does not!" Gahn said, "now both of you, hush up. We've got to time this right to get back to the ship. Woodstock left us Thumbs, but I don't think we'll be needing them."

"I think we should use it, just in case," Sam said, "it'll make extra sure that the ship is where we need it to be."

Gahn nodded, "yup," he said.

"That's my line," Sam laughed.

They put out their electronic thumbs and turned them on. A faint beeping could be heard from both small devices, and eventually they got the green light from the big invisible ship. It would be there when they were ready.

"Well, let's go. Sidra," Gahn said with a bow, "thank you for everything. We might come back and haunt you!"

Several riders below, not the least of them the brown rider who'd insinuated that the pair were 'a pair' so long before, waved them off and wished them well - well enough, anyway.

The dragons focused on the image in their riders' minds. The interior of the big ship they called Caledrus, which was to be their home from now on.

They made it, and met up with the few people who were waiting.



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