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Cherry Cream Crew The Starship Cherry Cream rests in the lower hangar area of Caledrus' wide ship dock. Usually, a number of large dents can be seen in it's rounded dome hull, since it often takes a beating upon landing. Top down. Most likely on a large building's roof. The whipped cream landing foam is an... interesting, if a little lame, addition to the ship's deceleration process. It hasn't really prevented any damage yet, so the repair girls get a workout every time the ship makes planetfall. What's it doing aboard the big Galaxy Cruiser Caledrus? Resting. Waiting. Refueling. How many other excuses can the crew make up before they have to actually explain to their financiers that the ship's about had it? They're hoping to get it suped up when they find an appropriate ship nexus, maybe even --- trade it in for something newer? Uniforms for the Cherry Cream are pretty cool looking. Mostly silvery-white, with colored piping and trim, with a cute little "cherry" emblem or pin over their heart. Personal taste dictates whether the uniform is intact at the end of the day. Dione has totally shredded the sleeves of hers, Sharronn wears a terrific slit-skirt with her top, and Cara's always seems to look... "wet". The crew carry "guns", though not all of them like to do so. Of course, the "guns" are actually bananas. Cherry bombs are included in a small pouch. Aim. Pull Trigger. Throw cherry at target. Run away. Captain Ian Arnold - Fantastic hair. Extreme Chin. He's a 'handle everything perfectly the first time' kinda guy. It's a shame his crew are such total screw-ups. Sharronn - First Mate, literally. A sweetheart, if a bit um, 'vapid'. Her family and Troy's provided the funds necessary to build the ship. Gahn - Engineer specializing in growing his goatee and shuffling around in a tool box. Sam - Another Engineer with another goatee, but he uses special 'sonic screwdrivers' or something. Very odd chap. Nolan and Lyndah - a pair of multi-limbed Kthari, after leaving their home planet of Mahar 4 they soon found themselves in human space. Their many talents include computer repair and design, as well as being the on-board muscle for intimidation purposes. They are mated, not related. Lisa - Her clever design of the ship's systems earned her a full scholarship in a well-lauded university. It's a shame she never took them up on it, and had Troy build the darn thing instead. Troy - a whiz with a welding torch, and even better - he's got money for parts. He's also a complete lecher, and keeps his eyes (and hands) on Lisa a little more often than she'd like. Shawn and Sean - Pilots, twins, about as opposite as a pair sharing the same genes can get. Sean, the guy, is a hotshot showoff of a navigator. Shawn, his sister, prefers a more sedate methodology to her piloting but gets places quickly and safely. Both of them are big blues fans, and have a huge stock of old Earth music in their quarters. Allan - the ship's Doctor. More like the ships prescription-marijuana-supplier. He likes to think that the new glasses he wears make him look dignified. It's about time, since he's been about half-blind for the last five years. Terii - ship's cook, though everyone chips in she is able to fix a terrific meal out of just about any kind of space road-kill they encounter. Lucky Them. She's a cutie, if a bit tipsy most of the time. Cara, Errin and Dione - the Repair Crew. Actually it's possible that this trio of 'very friendly' girls just like to handle the whipped cream which they apply to the exterior of the ship for landings. They've been known to slip around in it for hours. Cara is the bubbly blond, Errin is a half-Japanese redhead with her eye on Sean, and Dione thinks her new mohawk is totally superior to her old 'fro. Chris - a writer, mostly. He's actually a MegaDoDo publications researcher, doing work with the fringe colonies. When will he publish his findings? Who knows. He sure doesn't, and he's been at it since the Cherry Cream first lifted off. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN SHARRONN FINDS A "DRAGON WEYR" ADVERTISEMENT?