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His merry round cheeks and boyish face had a strong blush on them, but it wasn't due to any silly emotional accident - it was more due to the fact that he'd just climbed half a mile straight up a jagged cliffside to view some amazing reptile's nesting site. "Cor!" He exclaimed loudly, but with a hiss to his voice that said he was 'trying' to keep quiet. "Isn't this amazing! Isn't she a beaut!" He didn't bother to brush his tan colored hair out of his eyes, as it dangled and stuck to his forehead because of the sweat that had collected. It was like he was so intent on the cliff lizard that he didn't notice any petty things like fashion or appearance. "Croikey!" He yelled, when the cliff lizard spat an angry sound out and frilled up onto its hind legs. "She's a feisty one, she is!" He announced, glancing at ... someone, over his shoulder. His khaki outfit was soaked with sweat, like his hair, but again he seemed oblivious. "Now, this beauty normally doesn't come out in the daytime, but I guess because she's prob'ly got a nest of eggs in 'er nook there, cooooah!" He gasped, as the lizard continued to rear up, spitting angrily and doubtless scared out of her little lizard mind at the unnatural intrusion. "Ohha, she's gettin' a bit ferocious, inn't she!" He said, continuing his strange conversation though there was no one apparently near him. "Lookit her markings - she's just beautiful! Now, I'm just gonna reach in heah' and - maybe get a stick - and," The little lizard gave up about then, and scampered up the sheer rock wall, to view this maniac from a safer distance. No eggs were worth the confrontation she knew would come if she remained. The annoyance in tan clothing reached in boldly to the poor creature's hard-earned nesting site. She couldn't really understand it. She'd been nesting there for half a decade, and nothing dared disturb her eggs except the rare eagle or other reptile like a snake. Never a mammal like this. But then, nothing was quite like Stivr'wynn. He wasn't an amazingly big man, just about six feet tall, and while he was muscular it was an almost desperate kind of muscularity - the kind that was a body driven by nothing but testosterone and adrenalyne. It was probably true that he didn't have an ounce of fat on him, except what could be said was between his ears... Stivr'wynn was a man obsessed. With what? Reptiles, snakes, lizards and the like. Most other people couldn't really stand to be around him for more than a few minutes at a time. While he wasn't completely insane, or completely stupid, he was clearly somewhere just short of both. No sane individual would do what he did. Not only did he typically talk to himself, usually to a person or persons who seemed to be somewhere just behind him or over his shoulder, or sometimes opposite him, but he had one of the most obnoxious accents anyone had ever heard. He was good looking to a point, but not so much that he'd be a prize catch - his face would never lose its boyish roundness and his nose turned up a bit, as well as his always-astonished eyebrows. His parents were both animal experts, which doubtless had something to do with his interest in reptiles. But ... they were never quite sure where they went wrong. He was just *different* from other kids. He'd always be the one to hold on to the snake by its tail, dodging just out of reach of its painful bite - or sometimes not dodging - he was always coming off of things with bruises and scrapes. While he had some interest in girls, they were always secondary to snakes and such, to him. They tried to get him to study things like normal kids - but he always returned at the end of the day with some new story about which rock he'd turned over or what stick he'd used to prod at some dangerous lizard. So eventually they gave up, and sent him to a big nature preserve on a trip. They left, he remained. He had scars of course, several large sets of bite marks on his legs and torso, and myriad puncture wounds and bites on his strapping arms. But he was proud of each and every one - they all had their stories too, which he was more than happy to relate. At this time, however, in the heat of a long summer afternoon as the sun was busy festering in the last quarter of its time above the horizon, Stivr'wynn had his arm up to his elbow in dust and fine sand, fishing around for eggs. Regardless of the poor mother creature above, who still occasionally gave off a peculiar hiss or flattened her body down to the rock and flickered her bright tongue at him. Also regardless of whatever else might be in the nest - such as parasites or other lizards... "Hoah, heah's one. She's just laid 'er eggs about a fortnight ago," he said, voice lowered into a concentration-hush as he continued to grasp at the leathery ovoids. "I count about ten, maybe twelve eggs in there - here," he said, pressing himself against the rock wall and pulling his arm out of the sharp nest, "Isn't this gorgeous!" Holding up the soft beige colored egg, he flipped it into the air and gazed at it as if he were in love with it. The mother of this poor egg about died of fright. "Now, in heah' is a toiny-toiny baby lizard-kit, an' him an' all his brothers an' sistas will prob'ly hatch in about a week or ten days. An' you can bet that I'll be up heah' waitin' for that!" At that point, he put the egg back into the nest, admittedly he did so carefully but still, it freaked the lizard female out sufficiently that she was turned off that nest and would abandon it. Stivr'wynn chose to continue climbing up the side of the cliff, because he was nearly up to the top anyway, and it was quite the smooth walk back down to civilization from that angle anyway. Had anyone actually been there to view him, they would have asked him why he hadn't climed *down* from the top, instead of wasting half a day walking up to the cliff itself, and another quarter of the daylight scaling the wall of sheer rocks. When he finally reached the top, the sun was barely still in the sky. He stretched and got the kinks out of his back and shoulders, swept the dust off his knees and hands, and started walking back to his small hut down below.
The night was hot and sticky. Stivr'wynn slept in nothing but boxers, which had little lizard designs printed on them. He stirred in his bed, the noise from the cicadas and the other native wildlife outside was almost deafening. Then, abruptly, the sounds stopped. At first, Stivr's mind relaxed into a fine half-sleep, for all the silence was wonderful. But the other part of his mind told the hair on his arms and neck to stand up. Something was wrong - nothing made noise out there, and there was supposed to be crickets or other eternal sounds. He sat up, and took a look out of his window. There was darkness, as expected. But there was too much darkness - no stars or other sky phenomenon could be seen from the window. Suddenly sober and wakeful, but excited beyond belief at whatever was making every animal in range silent like this, Stivr'wynn donned his tan shirt and shorts, and headed outside. He heard motion off to the side of his house, so he crept with a tiny bit more caution than he had ever used before. He bumped into something, something large and fairly warm. "Croikey-" he stammered, "there's somethin' big over heah'. Oi'm gonna git a stick." Quickly, he'd retrieved a good poking stick, and with it, he started tapping at the mass that blocked out the light of the stars. The sound of something shifting around on the leaf litter, a foursome of feet moving a bit, made him jump. From the distance that the far legs sounded, this was one large animal! A rush of hot air blew down over him, the breath of something huge. Stivr'wynn looked up, squinting, his pouty lips open in frank awe. "Cooah..." He breathed, almost silent for the first time in ages. He was trembling with amazement. For standing there in the hot night air was something that he'd only ever dreamed of finding. "Um, you could come along with us. For some stupid reason, my dragon tells me that you're going to bond. I personally don't believe him, but whatever..." There was a man on the big blue's back. The dragon snorted loudly, and nudged downward. The rider extended his hand, and helped pull the wide-eyed reptile lover climb up. "Croikey..." Stivr'wynn breathed, touching the dragon and feeling its skin to confirm that it was all real. "Where're we goin', mate?" He asked, again begining to tremble with glee. "We're... headed to the Dragon Soul - I think it's possible that you might just find some ... dragon... to bond you. Or something. Come on, Darrieth, let's take this idiot home..." *** It took forever. And each day waiting, was torment for Stivr'wynn. He was caught more than twice a day sneaking around the hatching sands at Dragon Soul - but eventually even the leaders there had to just leave him there. He'd just be back anyway. The mothers didn't seem to mind, as long as he kept his hands to himself. Finally the day of the hatching arrived, and Stivr'wynn was there wide awake and busy with organizing the eggs. He gave words of encouragement to the unbroken eggs - knowing there was something inside each one made him unbearably excitable. "Cooah, there y'go mate. Check'er out! See 'ow he's sniffin' loike that - 'e's checking out the laydies there." When there was a lull, people noticed that he'd been giving commentary the whole time. It seemed monumentally annoying but no one stopped him. And then, a dragon appeared that took Stivr'wynn by surprise. He had green toned skin, scales on his belly, and no wings. But then, Stivr'wynn knew that several of the pairs of dragons for this clutch had been wingless. But this green was male, an oddity, and had two tails to boot! "You're a Beaut," he said. I AM Beaut, the dragon replied. I want to know why you're here and I am stuck in a shell! I cannot walk yet. Teach me! "Well, firs' y'gotta put one foot out, loike this," he waggled his foot in front of the dragon. "Then yer otha' one, loike that," he continued, right off the sands, into the feeding chamber. Beaut followed, as best he could, curious as his rider was, about the world. |
*** Beaut and Stivr'wynn traveled with the odd Galactic Hitch Hikers until they reached a planet (or a place, no one was ever sure what with the infinite improbability drive on board Caledrus) called Lantessama. On it was an island, and on that island... "Croikey!" exclaimed Stivr', "lookit allathem!" Beaut gazed with shining eyes at the dragons on the isle. "They are many. I am only one, but I have two tails." "Y'sure do," Stivr' said proudly. Woodstock came up to the odd pair and said carefully, "You might want to know, they're holding a mating Run, for flightless dragons." She immediately moved away from them, because they were known for getting a bit... excitable. "Cor'! Did you 'ear that!?" Stivr'wynn said, loudly. Beaut nodded with enthusiasm, and beat his two tails against the floor. "I'll go!" Beaut said, "and you come with me, because you and I are a team!" They teleported down to the surface of the Isle, where they signed up. Whether Stivr'wynn's ever-present commentary would be welcome, that was up in the air. But the two-tailed land dragon was clearly going to fit in with the bunnydragons and such. --Beaut's stats (retroactive, because it's hard to say what they were originally, as none were provided)
(From the flight, 2004) I didn't want to copy everything but I did find these **With Anoleonth - camouflage-scaled bipeds x4** ** and also with Nantryth - scaled cheetah gliders x2** -- The 2004 Run results (old links or info left out I don't know that any of these survived geopurge) Anoleonth + Beaut Gambit Lanor and Camouflage Green Troylot (m) Nantryth x Beaut *** Page 2? Next phase in their lives, keep exploring!