
The invites had gone out to quite a few worlds, apparently, and when Ksh'uush presented hers she was greeted by a smiling humanoid or three - and numerous dragons! Little ones, to be sure, but there were bigger ones beyond the main ballroom it looked like.

The Zeddian bit her lip and hoped beyond hope that when she walked through the place, nothing would break or go wrong. It always did, didn't it? It was so predictable. Now, fairly, it wasn't really true: she did have what some might call 'bad luck' here and there, but by and large like anything else, she remembered more clearly the times that things went wrong, more than those many more that went right. After all, she'd gotten an invite to this big party, right? That was something great!

She was sure to handle the wine glass and any other items with her 'normal' hands, leaving her gloved ones for special occasions and, well, items that weren't going to shatter or leave a trail of pieces.

Meeting Notes: Ksh'uush was politely able to decline yet another dance, she'd been enjoying the night with gusto since arriving. A few other Zeddians were attending, including a number of kids that attended that Twoarth school Crumbba or Coryamba or whatever it was? She was outside the age range for such a thing, still young, but out of school already. She could definitely see why some of the stodgy old politicians and the religious fanatics on Zedd would throw a fit any time anyone suggested they should have more offworld contact - this party was brimming with all the different people and styles that they'd kept a lid on for decades back home.

Why? Like no really, why?

And why would... well, why would she choose to go back, that was the real question. Their world didn't lack any of the technology or flavor of these others, in fact it appeared that they matched most of it pace for pace. They had computers and television and cruise ships and even knew about space worthy craft. Let alone their powers? Apparently not every species had some 'extra' thing they could do - but Zeddians had what someone nearby was talking about as 'Vortal powers' that were 'still in their infancy, but worth looking in to'.

Well of course they were! Well, worth looking into! In as much as she could, Ksh'uush casually sidled around behind the man and woman talking about these things, one of them was familiar to her: the leader of the Caledrus, the ship that had been summoned to Zedd to bring folks interested offworld. And she was probably at least half-Zeddian by her four arms. Too colorful in skin and hair to be truly pureblooded though, Woodie was chatting it up with a tall man who then looked up to the balconies above the dance floor, and bowed out of their discussion. "I must attend to the Empress, I will be in touch," his voice was spooky, his demeanor polite but also very, very businessman. He teleported.

Right there, he just teleported up to the balcony and then poofed a whole group of people away? Wild!

Oh - oh so that's... what he meant. Zeddians were only a fraction of what he knew as powerful, but still, Ksh'uush considered, there were humanoids over here and over there that didn't do any of that!

Over the course of the evening, though, a bunch of wildly varied dragon hatchlings were brought out from their nesting areas. Right around that same time, when that odd man took 'the Empress' off somewhere else, these sturdy, dramatic looking dragons were on show. They certainly caught the eye, and there had been a lot of noteworthy dragons already!

One of them, however, paced slowly and carefully around the area, gently sniffing at people, bowing politely with its black-armored face showing that movement easily against its brilliant white body. Until... Until he spotted Ksh'uush. He straightened up, his long long wings betraying a sudden excitement - body language was easy to read for a lot of Zeddians, Ksh'uush had gotten used to the reactions of people that she did 'readings' for (please provide something that won't break... oh, darn, too late). It translated well across the ballroom floor.

The dragon walked to her, now not even pretending to be polite to those that he walked in front of or between to reach her.

I have found you, his voice was clear and bright, powerful, and it was in her mind. The stars on his wingsails, not-quite-reversed from brightness on dark, seemed to burst in time with his heart and mind. They actually did - they moved, just a bit, growing brighter and dimmer. Will we find a place where you come from? Or will we go elsewhere with those others on their ship? I would like to see many places. All the places, my one.

"... All of them?" Ksh'uush said, somewhat taken aback. "Well that will be quite the undertaking won't it?"

He looked proud of himself, yes it will. We have time. You can break all the dishes everywhere you go, if you want, maybe we'll only ever see them once!

Zeddian Ksh'uush
Gender: female
Markings: ivory white skin with small weak black mixed blotches and marks, on middle chest and on shoulders
Hair: buzz-cut, kinked, dilute black
Build: curvy and attractive
Powers: average strength psychometric ability to read items history - which then appear to break* from the stress if they are fragile
Mutations: no mutations
Disadvantages: *Everything they touch seems to break


Name: Supernova (SOO per no vah, as the explosion implies, this dragon takes more after his sire and thus has a name appropriate to a Pyrrhan dragon, though his clutch siblings might also have -TH ended for their mother's Pernese line)
Gender: Male (prefers females)
Size: 6'8" s/l/ws
Build: Burly, flexible
Physical Features: Pernese/Pyrrhan, four legs, two wings, all with claws; strong neck; spaded tail with double row of spine/nubs; hide with scaled armor (spliced features carry as-is to any Pernese, may lapse to scaled with similar pair); face sharp with back-pointing horns, external ears, spike crest; eyes may be faceted or pupiled
Colors: body marbled soft white with faint light grey mottling; belly light grey; armor high black; wings white with star markings in medium grey; dorsal spines grey, horns black; eyes pupiled blue
Stats: Strength 5, Speed 6, Endurance 2, Agility 3, Health 6, Intelligence 2
Abilities: 6 lives - this dragon is essentially immortal and is both very difficult to kill as well as maturing and remaining one age 'forever', this feature does pass a bit to his rider/bond; 5 nexus teleport, unassisted firebreath; 4 local teleport; 3 telepathy; 2 stealth; 1 verbal speech
Parents: Amrith and 50 Shades of Grey
Bond: Ksh'uush, Voluntary Impression (chose this path)

Zeddian Generator | Checkerboard Ball | Absolute Textures