Tsarm and Magpie Nightspark and

Image Credits: Airy

Name: Tsarm
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small 8'9" s / 40' l
Colors: Body grey with paler grey dappling along cheeks, shoulders and hind thighs, with belly being warmly caramel yellow-gold from chin to tail tip and brightest under belly; armor and spines denim blue; mane graphite, tail spade light grey
Features: Sever Skai Breed 2; canine like head with large external ears and a thick mane on back of neck; four legs with clawed talon feet with thumbs on fore, and having segmented armor on the fronts, can go bipedal briefly; body is flexible and muscular, tail long and thin; tall toxin-bearing spines along entire spine, longest on back, short on tail; Additionally this breed has acidic blood, their skin is built more like chitin and armor though it is quite flexible, and their teeth, claws, and spines are all remarkably toxic
Powers: Running and parkour , with powerful strides and confident strength, Tsarm is easily able to traverse most landscapes. She can climb nearly vertical surfaces thanks to having actual thumbs, clinging onto any little outcrop or beam, and occasionally finding purchase with her tail; she's big, so sometimes those beams collapse, but she's also durable so doesn't tend to take a lot of damage
Verbal Speech, a broad vocabulary and a keen mind, with a photographic memory common to her breed allowing her to learn at a staggering rate and keep things 'indexed' mentally until she can dictate them to others or input them carefully on datapads
Limited Invisibility, when remaining still, Tsarm is almost impossible to see with normal vision, though this does not discount the presence of other senses to detect her
Senses, extremely acute eyesight able to sense both infrared and ultraviolet (which also qualifies their invisibility, if you can see deeper into the spectrum, there she is); touch is almost absurdly good, she can sense vibrations with her feet up to 5 miles away, so she wears specially padded foot and 'hand' wear in the ship but removes these for exploration purposes
Survival, this breed can survive without oxygen and in a vacuum for extended periods, making them ideal for high-atmosphere or even deep space explorers
Acid Attack, spit from her mouth as well as basically any other hard external bits is markedly corrosive and dangerous. Her spit is accurate up to 25 meters and will barely drip outside a target area of 'about humanoid sized', and will utterly destroy that thing it hits be it flesh, paper, brick, or metal.
Parentage: unknown, progen; possible Xenomorph genetics added to Skai base
Origin: Aireona's giveaway on Nexus
Other Info: She must carry a nullifying agent with her at all times if she's aboard the ship, just in case someone makes a stupid error and tries petting her... getting bit, spat at, or speared with any of her sharp and pointy claws, fangs, or spines... will kill you. She has also been known to need anti-anxiety medication (usually in the form of a vape with chems from the nearby providers...) in order to prevent outbursts or accidental anger attacks. She does not have a 'temper' so much as a species-based defense mechanism, but only if something actually attacks her, will she fight back. Usually she'll hold her actions and make sure whatever happened was meant as such. Usually.
Skills or Profession: an explorer as many of her kind, happily moving through space without a suit here and there, to collect rocks or crystals from asteroids, or to jump through grasses and rocks on lush worlds alike. She enjoys the sciencing, but likes the collecting more... Extremely well organized, her quarters are clean and tidy, at least until Magpie showed up
Personality: typically quiet and observant in social situations, doesn't much care to get up close and personal to people. But if she's in a setting where those people also Do Science, she nerds out like a pro and will chat for hours with other explorers about this rock they found, or what that spicy water really had in it...
Events or History: As many of the dragons aboard the Caledrus, Tsarm showed up one day and because she had skills and abilities suited to it, the science team strongly encouraged her to apply for a research grant - which she got, because they also handle that matter... She goes off the ship even if it's nowhere near a dock or station, sometimes just drifting along tethered only by an emergency cord. And then Magpie showed up. She spends a lot more time outside the ship now.

Image By: Bug

Name: Magpie Nightspark
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: 10'8" s / 70' l / 60' ws
Colors: body high-contrast white with small strong black spots, and striped forelimbs, grey armor on hind legs and forefeet; wingsails and neck webbing soft white; neck and dorsal spines, claws, and tail spade strongly black, beak white, eyes dark grey
Features: Nightwing Hybrid Mutt; four legs with taloned claws and segmented armor on fronts, forelegs have floof to wrists; head is long and narrow with a bony beak nose, large external ears, two conical back-pointing horns, and a tall webbed set of spines on neck; two leather wings with 2-3 internal fingers, strong wrist thumb all with claws; body is low in front and higher in back, slender, slinky; very long slender tail, spaded
Powers: *note that these powers can only be used in dragon form and not, thankfully, when he's a biped
*Winged Flight, Magpie is a reasonably good flier, but tends to favor quick, short bursts of activity, dive-bombing, and snatch-and-grab operations requiring a clear line and an easy escape route; he's big, and could easily soar and glide, but he just doesn't want to...
Teleportation, Magpie is here and gone in an instant and that's not just because he flies quickly. He certainly likes to distract people with raucous noises and then burst teleport behind them, snatch their stuff, and vanish by the time they realize anything is going on. Concentrates on short distances, so he has to plot just where he's going to arrive and where he'll need to head momentarily. Can fire off several of these quick jaunts in seconds, but if he has to either go long distances (over 20 miles) or keep up movement more than about a dozen pops, he must rest for a few hours before doing it again
Verbal Speech and Telepathy, noisy, grating, intrusive, and loud, but with an obvious intelligence that lends him to want to learn more fancy words to blurt out at people unexpectedly. He can telepathically connect with any other sentient mind including synthetic ones, but tends to speak, and not listen... unless he's needing to plan a getaway, and know where guards or other people are and avoid them
Shapeshifting (anthro version as shown below) - "oh he looks friendly, let's go talk to him! he will not shut up. Oh no. This was a mistake."
*Breath Weapon (fire), fiercely hot, and surprisingly accurate, he can shoot 'bullets' of flame in rapid succession, riddling an area with what people assume is gunfire. These short bursts tend not to do much harm and won't ignite things, but they will melt and singe leaving permanent damage; he can also adjust this to be more or less a hose of flame, spattering like hot lava over everything nearby, and this absolutely will ignite gasses, burn flammables, and cause tremendous painful burns if it's touching living things
*Venom Bite, do not hunt with him, his food will be really, really nasty; his nightwing side showing here, loves to find a juicy creature and bite it a few times, and come back in an hour or so while it's starting to dissolve in his digestive juices. Do not have a candle-lit dinner with him, for exactly this reason too. He won't share, and that's fine. He will OFFER to share. But it's a joke, do not take him up on this ever. -- Also note, he seems to be immune to Tsarm's venom. Whether this is because his own is at least as potent, or he has some kind of special method of dealing with it, her toxic spines don't bother him (well they poke holes! don't do that!) and he has braved her bite more than once, bafflingly able to heal from the wounds where anything else would be writhing in pain for days
Parentage: Lurrar Nightspark and Oriole Whisper
Origin: Refugium, Birthday 2023 gift from Bug!
Other Info: It is very hard to imagine this dragon being around his mother, as he is 'never working'. Pff. He's always done.

Yup, this is also Magpie. (Sailor Senshi 3, Doll Divine, flashpoint used)

Skills or Profession: Magpie lives up to his name in spectacular fashion. Both because he is a consummate thief, and his vocalizations are legendary. At least that's what he says, loudly, at 3AM, outside Tsarm's quarters...Basically he will steal anything from anyone, at any time. And as such, his skill set includes being able to find a mark, watch their patterns (see, Mom, I did learn from you!) and spot just where to be when they least expect it. And then, leave the area just as quick! Escape routes, second-story work, and occasionally he knows where to fence goods that are a little too sparkly and a bit too hot to keep on his own...
Personality: He collects shiny things, sometimes heedless of their importance or use. He knows that most people in almost any culture that the Caledrus encounters will dislike this behavior but so? They won't know where he's from, where he goes, or where the ship is headed. Because he's not stupid enough to do this at the start of a visit to an inhabited world. Notably while some might claim that catdragons like his ancestry, he shouldn't be so pally-pally with a canine-like Skai 2. Well, pff to that too - he'll win her over, some day.
(she whispers, he won't win her over)
Events or History: As Tsarm was settling in, and as some members of the Caledrus were gearing up to head over to the Refugium for some meetings and potential exchanges of sciency stuff, he snuck onto the shuttle - people think he's just another Zeddian, right? With wings instead of the second pair of arms! He's certainly in the right color scheme or lack thereof. He can't follow Tsarm into space, but if she's going to a planet to find stuff, he's right there with her. Bringing back whatever shiny object - whether it's a coin or crystal or someone's dentures - that suits his fancy and he thinks might impress her.

Magpie and Tsarm are hoping to add someone to their little group, whether it is in the form of a permanent bond to one or both of them, or just another individual that will learn from them and have adventures with them! From the BWR (trying for Triglav, Gu'maru, or Goforinyairzatenzadalth) Oh look, Triglav chose them!


"We... need to find a better outlet for you three than... this." Woodie wasn't exactly sounding pleased over the com, but that was probably because she was on a com being held by one of the local police, through the bars of their temporary holding cell. The locals had managed to capture both Magpie and Tsarm and stick a stasis field around Triglav for the moment, but all three of the hydra's heads were looking rather more angry than groggy.

"Can we maybe talk about it when we get back?" Magpie grinned widely, "y'know, when you- when you post bail?"

Magpie watched as Woodie mouthed the word 'when' with her eyes narrowed, but it was Tsarm that said, "we will pay it back properly, trust me on that," and for whatever reason, Woodie did.

Later, on the Caledrus, Woodie was pacing around with a data pad and taking the occasional glance at the trio. "Well, 'mister Pie'," she looked at the white and black dragon-man, "you and ... your dog and your horse will still need to perform civic responsibilities for the city for eight hours."

"Is that 'actual work'?" Magpie asked, knowing the answer but still wanting to hear it.

After a moment of searching for the right thing to say, Woodie rounded on Magpie and put all four of her fists on her hips. "Of course it's actual work, belgium, man, what is wrong with you three?"

"Nothing is wrong with us, we're free agents." Triglav hissed from the corner.

"Well you're only going to be free agents if you follow their local rules and regs and don't get into any more trouble." Woodie paused, "there, or anywhere else." She gave a significant look at Tsarm, "I hoped you'd be better than this," she muttered, and Tsarm vanished with her invisibility going full throttle under her normally-friendly but now-stern gaze. Triglav rustled and seemed to be about to grumble, but Woodie then turned to the massive hydra. "Don't even think that you're intimidating me with that," she growled, "Inga has been aboard my ship for a long, long time, I'm used to that hydra shit by now."

Everyone could see the paired shoulder-heads droop with that, and Triglav put his chins back on the floor in temporary submission. Woodie was, after all, the actual owner of this massive vessel they lived on, and worked from, and...

"We can become bounty hunters," was his response after Woodie had left their holding chamber in the 'dragon-sized brig' on the ship's lower levels. "We can collect, and have fun."

Tsarm gave that some thought, Magpie was on it in an instant.

But before they could do that, they'd have to actually do some real work for the locals.. maybe collect some things left behind when that hurricane blasted over the housing development they had to help clear...


Name: Triglav
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: large, 22's / 70' l / 70' ws
Colors: Black-White-Black as shown the drama king is here (Base Black, Pattern Extra markings under eyes Plus Extra markings under eyes, Secondary White fading to Black, Extra White, Eyes Green)
Features: Biped Hydra Mutt as shown, floof and feathers and claws and a stinger and heads with more eyes than should go around. Did you know how much stuff you can hide in that fur mane and shoulder ruff?
Communication: Telepathy and Verbal Speech, Triglav can speak with a rumbling, hissing, dissonant tone, but also just talk like a normal dragon-person. He does have a large voice, he's a large boy. But somehow he manages to whisper with a bone-chilling manner (that's his temperature power no lie) or shriek as a banshee, all of this to scare away people or intimidate troops... He knows numerous languages and doesn't rely on a Babel Fish like others might on the Caledrus, so sometimes he does misinterpret words. Not often though because obviously, he also has telepathic power to read thoughts and insert his own. He cannot control minds, but he can sense intelligent thoughts at up to 20 miles, and communicate in any language to those minds at 5 miles - just over half the length of the Caledrus...
Powers: Winged Flight, with big feathery arms this bipedal hydra is capable of massive takeoffs and landings, but also speed and grace in the air even at his massive size. His gait is lurching and you can feel every powerful beat of those wings, according to the bipedal-shaped Magpie when he's riding, but he does ride, long enough to get where they're going and then drop to the ground as a dragon. Tsarm will also cling on Triglav serves as the heavy lifter, the muscle, and the intimidation factor of the team
Teleportation, Accurate and quick, though not remarkably long-ranged, Triglav can move an entire house if he needs to, from one block to a new neighborhood nearby. We know this, because that was part of their 'civic responsibilities' - taking rubble from one street and moving it up to the recycling pile
Temperature Manipulation, you know what, he can't actually put out fires, but he can reduce the heat from them instantly. Or magnify a single candle's worth into a nice toasty hearth. He pretends like this requires fire, but it does not, he just likes flames as he works. >_> And he does like it warm, rather than cold, which suits the other two just fine, for different reasons. But he can drop the temp down to well below freezing even in a blast furnace, though it won't put out that blast so whoever's there needs to have protection still. All of this means they can hunker down in unusual locations overnight while on a case, and never have to worry about freezing, roasting, or anything else temperature-wise. Now, the humidity can go f-itself...
Physical Traits: Regneration, a super-powerful version that keeps Triglav from harm, in virtually any situation or fight. He tries not to actually get hurt enough that this becomes a problem, but honestly it's more his own damn fault if a piece of debris takes off the end of his tail, or even that one time when the locals didn't care for his attitude when they shot one of his shoulder heads ... it sprouted right back, the Major fainted, it was a gas
Venomous Stinger, the barb at the end of his lovely fur-trimmed tail is quite deadly, and not just because it's a meter long. Like his caretakers (pff) he too has a deadly amount of venom in the sac hidden under all that fur, which he does regularly donate to the science team for analysis and adaptation for use in more 'practical' things. It's not as acidic as Tsarm's, but it definitely packs a punch like Magpie's, so if they have to do exploration in an area with creatures big enough to worry Triglav, they're still covered. Unlike Magpie's bite, however, this is a very localized venom and doesn't taint an entire creature with its gross stank...
Parentage: Shudalvedaldeateezaneth and Amaru-Gin
Mate/Offspring: none yet
Origin: BRW Gen 5 Red
Art By: Phe
Other Info: Personality is Close-minded, Steadfast, Vicious, and Impractical. What a surprise, then, that he wound up with these two