Hitch Hiker's Log - Woodstock DBB
Wow -- the guys at the Guide will just flip for what I've found here. A beautiful world filled with clever dragons called Bishen.I wasn't actually thinking that I'd become a keeper for one of the eggs that was found recently there, but sure enough, me and four other lucky people got to select an egg and now...We are waiting for them to hatch!I don't know what will come out of mine. There are so many different types to imagine... What if a green, arboreal one came out? What if she or he is red and grows legs? Wow...I'm really blown away. The thought that these beautiful and smart Bishen will allow people to help tend their children is really amazing. I hope maybe... That this dragon egg of mine will grow into a dragon who likes hitch hiking as much as I do...For the moment, we're going to rest (me and the egg, that is) near the Bishel's home lair. It's a comfortable place I've found, with a cavern that has enough air flow to make it livable and keeps out the rain and elements, a little fire pit keeps me (and the egg) warm, and now I discovered something really great when I got up to check on the egg...The walls in here are covered with beautiful glowing lichen! It's the most way out cool thing I've seen in centuries! I hope the wyrm likes them, when it comes out!
Here is my beautiful FEMALE Bishel egg! Wow! I didn't know I'd know what gender it'd be yet, but there it is!
I'm so excited I can hardly type!
My beautiful egg has hatched, and this teeny green wyrm has come out of it! She squirmed right up to me and I hope to keep her nice and warm. She really seems to like the cave we're in too, her eyes seem to light up when the lichen glows.
I have named her Zulda. I don't know why... But Zulda seems right for her. Now I must keep her attention on her studies. How odd, a wyrmling studying. But she seems to need to know how to burrow, where the fresh air is coming in to the cave, and where the water is. She stays clear of the open flames in the fire pit, but she likes to rest curled up and gaze at the fire for a long time before sleeping.
Zulda has finally grown nubs and now legs! Zulda has blossomed into a Terran Shrape. She stands and walks, and when she was learning to walk is was so funny! I would never laugh now, for she digs through the ground with such speed it amazes me!
I keep our fire lit only when I have to. Her eyes have become very sensitive to light, so when we go outside and stargaze, that's the most sun she gets. I have always loved watching stars, from a planet or from a ship's observation deck, so I know how she feels. As the days and nights grow cooler, she spends more time asleep. While she's asleep, I busy myself learning about this world.
I hope
that her burrowing skills are enough to keep her safe from the dangers
of the world. I can't always be there when she's digging around. Why does
she dig so much? Because she has little underground gardens of mosses,
mushrooms and lichen to tend. Sometimes she hides them from me until they're
ready to bloom. Then, I have to squeeze through her tunnels to follow.
But it is always worth it in the end!
There was a tremendous feeling of expectation around the Realm. Even though I wasn't born near it, I could feel the pressure on the young Bishel who had begun their lives not long ago.
Zulda paced about her tunnels nervously, but when I asked her if she needed anything more, she replied, "I have done what needs to be done."
I was surprised, because that was more than she'd ever said at once to me. Usually she would go about her tending and growing things while either completely silent or had a stream of quiet nonsense noises coming from her.
I watched the dragons as they assembled. There were so many! I had no idea! The other four Shrapes and Zulda came to be under the scrutiny of this immeasurably old red flier, the Kailan. He seems so old that even I am suprised that he's able to fly. One by one, he offered the other Shrapes their special ability in the form of a small bauble.
Finally when he got to Zulda, he smiled a bit. He spoke in strange almost-words, something I could not understand until Zulda told me later. "Lastly, Zulda, come forward. You are talented already with growing, so I will give you an object that increases your natural ability even more. This Garden Gem will allow you to heal sick plants and encourage growth in anything you breathe on. Use it well."
Zulda looked at me, and I thumbed up, smiling like an idiot. She'd been given something that could do miracles, if given the right place and time.
But I knew that Zulda would use it sparingly. This land was relatively lush... But I recalled having seen areas over head when I arrived to this realm that were scrub-land or even near desert. They looked like they could use some help.
I suggested that Zulda and I go to one of those areas, and she pondered this before announcing, "I shall go with you. But we will walk in the night. Under the stars."
I couldn't
agree more!
is the gleaming Forest Gem which Zulda keeps close to her. With it, I
watched her practice her newfound art of literally breathing life into
things thought lost.
Three seedlings sprang where there had been nothing but parched dirt. Grass grew up where only cracked mud had been. There are villages where these things mean the difference between life and death.
I'm so proud to be part of her quest to heal this world's dying lands!