Name |
Chyrexyn Yilden (chy rex eye'n) |
Status |
Pelatih / Dragon Breeder
- Researches and commands arachnoids, insects, and 'bugs', mainly those with toxins and venoms
- Added status 3 years ago with the arrival of Deepsting, serving to enhance the poison/venom research |
Age/Lifespan |
Female / prefers insect-spliced mates
28 / 360 |
Born Year / LAZ |
10595 / Kiran / Wo'ad / Yed |
Breeding |
6th degree, has 2 full parents but also extra splices |
Fertility |
Hyperfertile but breed-specific (see below) |
Parents / Family |
Mother Chiavdar Yilden plus modification splices
Father ** with spliced additions |
Bred To / Offspring |
None yet, is looking for the right type who isn't among the existing Yilden group, which is not easy since they're specialists... |
Int - 88 |
App - 66 |
Edu - 86 |
Cha - 63 |
Str - 66 |
Soc - 71 |
Hea - 60 |
Agg - 77 |
Agi - 90 / 60m |
San - 53 |
Rea - 69 |
Cou - 91 |
Sensory Mods |
Hearing 140
Vibration 140
Attuned Scent 140 |
Movement Mods |
None specific but can cling in unusual directions |
Body Type |
rolled 63+tail20
Holdings |
Land Total
Prior to 10620 Dragon Lands not included (854)
See descriptions below |
Land/Area/Zone |
Amount, Use |
Kiran / Wo'ad / Yed |
6, Observation |
28, Estate |
56, Laboratory |
104, Insects |
142, Dragon Land |
217, Wilderness Park |
Kiran / Wo'ad / Reant |
2, Apartment |
9, Observation |
32, Laboratory |
146, Insects |
154, Wilderness Park |
178, Dragon Land |
Bayaran |
9 - most work in Yed's insect area and wilderness park, 3 in Reant's |
Budak |
4 - 1 specific to Yed estate and 3 at the Reant Lab |
Savings |
125kc |
Profession / kc per year |
Desert Dragons and Antivenom Research / 44kc |
Powers |
Genetic Purity
Power Rank |
Minor |
*Keen Senses - Hearing, Vibration, Discerning Scent; all at 2x value
Dragon Healing - 8 points of either generalized or specific-location healing applied with hands-on or close proximity only; works best on Desert and Offworld, or ones with venom/toxin production ability |
Major |
Localized Gene Alteration, Dragon and Insect Only - Desert and Offworld dragons as well as virtually any insect-type including heavily spliced people, can be sensed and their DNA analyzed, as well as samples being easily manipulated in a clinical setting or if a simple insect in the eggs; this manipulation can only work on one small detail at a time, such as coloration, thickness of shell, etc, but she can go back to other pieces with rest
Dragon Affinity and Training - specific to Offworld dragons, those which have poisons and venom production, and Desert dragons of Zekiran origin; these dragons all seem to like her, and easily cooperate, learning at a much more rapid pace than those outside her sphere of breeds; notably any person with splices of such things will also be more attracted to and friendly toward her |
Special |
Scorpion and Insect Psionics - a suite of sensing and command over these insects including
- Sense/Locate/Identify within 500 spans can detect the quantity and type, genders, life stages, state of injury or distress, and other such features of any scorpion or similar creatures
- Summon, she can call to her side up to BT 50 worth of these insects and arachnids from within a 100 span sphere of influence including underground or in trees; they will be friendly to her because hey they already like her!
- Command, can then command up to 10 BT worth of them (which equates to around 40 of them) to move, act aggressively or passively, dig burrows, or perform other naturally-occurring behaviors, at up to 500 spans distance; this is very handy for arranging to collect venoms, and she's made sure that anyone working in the collection and observation areas is well suited to handling them, or adding to this obedient state
- Heal and Harm 8 points, which effectively means she could easily kill upwards of 10 of these large scorpions at will, or make sure that an entire nest of them being crushed or damaged will survive whatever is going on (flooding, etc); this power can be applied full strength to humanoids with these splices |
Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages |
Mutations |
*Minor Ear and Head Modification - large ears that extend over head pick up quiet sounds easily, but also act as antennae for vibrations in the air (feet also get ground-based vibration at normal levels); Lower neck flaps aid in scent detection and can smell insect-based pheromones with proximity under 50 spans
Special Level Suite - Scorpion Splice; this is an unusual arrangement since the legs are quite odd looking, but overall she has a 'human like' torso and head with a proper face, but below the waist is very much insect. This suite includes both mutations and disadvantages:
- Armored Skin: full resistance to environmental effects (not direct damage) of heat and aridity (suited to life in the deserts), and 8 point damage resistance to cutting and impale attacks; this feature is not merely her tail and legs, it does include her entire body, arms, and head as well - and as such when she Molts, once every 5 or so years, this is a very difficult week for her as her entire body is ready to grow by a little bit. Her exposed flesh is painful to touch, she loses all armor and defense, so she is extremely vulnerable at this time and must be protected from the environment as well as any other interaction. She also must be well fed before and during this, so her body has the chance to grow the new exterior. When she does grow, it is to length not height or overall build at this point in her life, she may even some day grow more legs as her body lengthens (perhaps by the time she's around 70 the next pair will emerge). This molt includes her hair, which can be considered 'ablative armor' in ways since it will break off rather than get cut
- Multiple Modified Legs: she has four slender and jointed legs with tiny splayed / clawed feet that allow her to skitter around and up tree limbs or other surfaces, though she cannot hold onto sheer walls, adding 15 to her original Agility; they do not subtract any Body Type as they add up to approximately two normal legs in mass
- Modified Clawed Fingers: has 1 fewer finger each hand, and they are jointed similarly to her legs, but also have long straight claws ending them, creating difficulty in holding small items such as data styluses and other people's hands... (-30 Manual Dexterity), however she can use them to impale for 2 points of damage each one, very pincer-like if she's holding items
- Large Scorpion Tail: adding a considerable amount of Body Type, this armored and shiny tail is segmented, and usually held flat but when she's actively looking for things or is angry it responds to turn upwards as a defensive posture; it has a massive curved stinger that can on its own inflict 8 points of impale damage and can even pierce heavy armor and thin metals, but also has potent venom injected at will that can do upwards of 16 points of damage over time to nerve and muscle tissue; since it tends to show her moods, she keeps the entire end of her tail wrapped in a specific durable material when she's in public so as not to suddenly kill a client...
- Immunity to Venoms, Toxins, Poisons: takes no damage at all from insect-based versions, and is able to shrug off 16 points of any non-insect toxins and poisons such as found in food or gas*, so even if the scorpions do try stinging her, isn't that cute, oh wait that might kill a large animal with half a dose, let's make sure to test this on something else...
- Specific Diet: eats things that most scorpions would, other insects, small mammals and eggs, lizards, no grains; because many in the Yilden line are also insectivores she has an extensive food supply system, and there's rarely a time she doesn't have a little beetle or something else to crunch on. (And thankfully unlike many in her family, she has a mouth, not mandibles, and doesn't need to drool on her food to eat it...)
- Breed Specific Hyperfertility: while she cannot naturally reproduce with a humanoid as-is, any with insect splices for their hind end will definitely be able to pair with her and produce up to twenty (!!) eggs which she then lays and must be tended to to keep them safe and develop. However she's unlikely to allow this to actually happen (... more than the one time it did...) without fully consulting other Peridian and Membayar to produce the right contractual results. This feature may be spliced out of her 6th Degree offspring, she's quite good for genetic engineering projects instead |
Disadvantages |
Minor: Affected by Insect-Tuned Psionics, other Pelatih or people with the ability to manipulate or command insects can ping and nudge her, though she is quite strong so can resist; potentially takes damage if attacked by such a power regardless of resistance roll
Major: Allergic to Specific Pesticides, those geared to block breathing in insects affect her strongly, taking 4 points of asphyxiation damage every minute of exposure. It is reasonably easy to avoid this by simply not being where that's done, but a couple of her Yilden family members actually make this as a service for pest control...
Major: Sanity Loss Incursion, she is low to the ground and skitters, and is actually kind of terrifying when her tail is up in the angry or defensive posture that sometimes her moods produce |
Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level)
Powers add 10 points |
Basics |
Literacy 5
Math 5
Personal 4
Land/Area (local) 7 |
Status |
Command 5
Contract Writing/Assess Debt 3/4
Style 3
Events Organization /Park Ventures 10; /Bug Collecting 15
Law /Hard Stock 5; /Land 5; /Pelatih Rights 10; /Dragonry Rights 10
Politics /Avoid 5 |
Professional |
Insect Venom Collection
^Adv Insect /Biology 20; /Anatomy 20; /Genetics 20
^Handling /Dangerous 15; /Small 10
Transportation 5
^Care 10
Environment 10
^Venom Collecting /15;
Analysis /10
^Notice/Analyze Breeding Traits /Scorpion 15; /Arachnid 10; /Other Insects 5
^Injury Treatment 10
Produce (non-venom food line) 10
Sales 5
^Desert Dragon /Anatomy 10; /Biology 10; /Care 5; N/A Breeding Type 10; Genetics 15; /Training 15
Desert Dragon /Environmental 10;
Transportation 5
^Offworld Dragon /Anatomy 15; /Biology 10; /Care 5; N/A Breeding Type 10; /Genetics 20
Offworld Dragon /Ride 10; /Environmental 10
Personal Skills |
Computer Use 5
Survival /Desert ^15; /Scrub 5
Navigation /Ground 15; /Aerial 10 |
Power Use |
Genetic Alteration /Accuracy 10; /Duration 5; /Recovery 5
Command Insect /Range 10; /Area of Effect 10; /Complexity 5
Desert Dragon Training /Accuracy 10; Range 15 |
Dragon |
DeepSting |
Bonded at |
n/a |
Dragon |
Name: DeepSting
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: large (big wings) 14' s / 70' l / 115' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind legs caramel; legs and wing arms, and backs of wing sails medium brown; body and armor scales tan, brown, and darker brown; fin lighter brown; under wingsails highly metallic brown-bronze with high contrast between shade and highlight; claws and horns charcoal brown-black; eyes golden
Features: Sandwing standard, melanistic in line so offspring will be dark shades
Powers: Winged Flight, DeepSting has remarkably strong wings and a powerful body, and uses her might to cross vast distances with grace and ease. She loves flying in the evening when the winds kick up but are still warm, and has an incredibly good idea of the lay of the land just based on the directions that the wind moves; can carry very large weights, provided they have been secured properly, and will precisely pick up and land it no matter how far it's been taken
Communication, she speaks the Zekiran tongue and a bit of her native Draconic. She has a very keen mind and technical knowledge, so she works with her rider on research, helps collect creatures and move them to her facilities, and donates with strong curiosity her own venoms
Desert Adapted, easily able to withstand the heat as well as deep night time chill, and very dry conditions in dune and scrub deserts, survives on less water than a typical human-sized person, and suffers no ill effects from the blaring sun and heat; can see in sand storms and adjusts for heat haze visually
Fire Breath, even if her body is easily adapted to the heat of a desert, her flame is not as hot as you'd think. Mainly her heat is useful for clearing morning mist, or keeping a night time excursion of park travelers warm
Venom Stinger, the end of her tail is weighted with a massive 3-span long stinger and huge venom sac. The stinger itself is almost indestructable and can pierce thick stone, brick, metal, and obviously animal carapaces and armor. The venom can be consciously applied, and she can also adjust its potency on the fly, though for any given night's hunt or fight against the Incursion forces, whatever she's decided to go with that session must be expressed or released before the next dose is altered. The weakest it gets allows it to numb or gently sting flesh; at medium strength she can kill a steed sized creature aside from the stabbing, with neurotoxin that stops the heart within a few minutes; at its most potent even a few drops will kill a humanoid within minutes - she reserves this level for when there is no need to take Incursion captives... or to get one of the deadly desert animals to stop eating the park clients
Parentage: Unknown, not present on Zekira
Origin: Adopted from and colors by FrigidBanshee with xTheDragonRebornx lines on deviantart; WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: DeepSting came through the Ski'nahket portal and was immediately attracted to the area due south - crossing the border between Le'ret and Wo'ad on the wing, and set her sights on a place called Reant. Knowing that she can put her intense venom to good use, providing both security for the people in her care on tours of the dangerous desert, as well as the genetics to create powerful fighting forces against the alien Incursion |