Name |
Hirjem |
Status |
Pelatih |
Gender/Age/Lifespan |
Bigendered, They/Them / 38 in 10350 / 500+*
Note that lifespan is not a power, they are effectively immortal from long lines of similarly bred parentage and this feature will continue passing as will their biological quirks |
Born Year / LAZ |
10312 / Kiran/Le'ret/Gihal |
Breeding |
5th Degree |
Fertility |
Partial / 1 in 30 years if bearing, 1 in 10 if siring |
Parents / Family |
Unknown, unmarried lines, all Tuned |
Bred To / Offspring |
Unknown but will likely be tapped for splicing or contracts
Will probably sire offspring with both Soo'chuaa and Shpa Z'ot given their powers are all very similar and they get along well |
Int - 71
App - 53
Edu - 75
Cha - 47
Str - 47
Soc - 71
Hea - 63
Agg - 55
Agi - 78^
San - 48
Rea - 84
Cou - 68
Sensory Mods |
Hearing 160
Psionics 240
Movement Mods |
Gliding 150 |
Body Type |
45^ |
Land 664
*Shared with Soo'chuah
+ Shpa |
Land/Area/Zone |
Amount, Use |
. |
Zerin / Laiarta / Abto
193 |
8, Estate of local wood, directly beside ranch |
45*, Arboreal Race Course |
60, Forest Preserve and Pet Shop |
80, Grazer Ranch and Meat Processing |
. |
Kiran / Emosah / Busho
230 |
28*, Wind Farm Investment |
202, Dragon Flight Training Land |
. |
Tana / Difar / Ablan
7, Estate with pleasant gardens |
57*, Medical Plaza (Steed and Rider/Dragons) |
118, Dragon Land (with cherry tree orchard) |
. |
Tana / Difar / Lisar
59 |
7, Estate |
52*, Animal Show Arena (Prep Area) |
Bayaran |
11, 3 at Estates for grounds and upkeep
3 at Race Course (non-Steed duties)
2 at Preserve as tour guides
Budak |
8, 1 each specific to Abto, Ablan, and Lisar Estates for upkeep
3 at Race Course for various duties (non-Steed)
1 at Ablan orchard
1 at Lisar Show arena |
* Most shared |
Kaumburuh, hires ~45 +/- a few seasonal give or take
2 work the Abto pet store
14 in Abto's Ranch and Processing areas
9 among others at the Wind Farm in Busho
7 at Ablan gardens and orchard
12 at Lisar Arena
Various Membayar working at each site for paperwork and assay
Several Pemilik dealing with Steeds in all locations
Suzerain at Busho who also Hold portions of the Wind Farm and do most of the paperwork
Pelatih of various types for all animal-related duties on any portion of the Holds, from racing tech to tree animal capture, sales and service, veterinary care, and ranch health, animal show prep, feeding, and travel
Sehatan on hand at Abto who are also investors for the Race Course
Several more Sehatan and Peridian at the Ablan Medical plaza local to the area
Several Penjagan who supply Budak for seasonal upkeep on Ranch and Forest grounds and Investments on Abto and Busho areas, and year round at Lisar
Several Atasan who have Bayaran for those duties as well as Investments
-- Dragon Masters and Breeders on the way, apparently! Mainly will be centered at Ablan and Busho since that is where training and full time residence for other dragons occurs |
Savings |
160kc, often spending on bets for the races but doesn't bet on their own group's Steeds |
Profession / kc per year |
Showy Pets and Steed Health Care / 44kc + per-need |
Powers |
Genetic Purity
Power Rank |
Minor |
Minor Harm Animal Only (8pt superficial) - While this might sound cruel this tends to work very well to keep any cattle or hoofstock away from tourists or dangers. A quick sharp tap with this power won't do any lasting damage to a beast with 120 BT and 2 Lengths... While it might be able to kill a tiny animal like rodents or pest insects, Hirjem prefers not to do so because animals are their passion, not toys! It can only 'penetrate' superficially, the skin or flaps, ears, thin tails, of larger animals, though anything under 20 BT obviously will get quite a lot more of a sting, often incapacitating a bat or squirrel, killing almost anything with less than 12 BT, so they must be careful about what is being smacked by it. This works at ranges up to 20 meters but can also be extended if the animal is large and in sight nearby up to 50 meters
Link Minds - This is an excellent ability to keep groups of ranch hands focused on moving the herd around, or a search party to see all of the surrounding evidence in a location. While it's technically a Minor ability, Hirjem is quite expert in its use, and has extended their range to 500 meters with up to 25 individuals to tap for their comments and imagery. Though this power can be draining if used for long periods, the people working make or break the amount of power needed, so dedicated search parties are people they know personally and have done this before, and farm hands that work with those cattle yearly. Hirjem can keep this up for at least 6 hours without showing signs of wear, but prefers fewer hours but higher intensity work
Dragon Tuning (Indistinct) - Though many Dragon Masters are specifically engineered, quite a few of their abilities and features have come directly from the Pelatih working with animals. Hirjem is clearly Tuned, and also well suited to a life around dragons. But though the Forest and Sky dragons that are trained near either of their Holds are quite intriguing, Hirjem is more likely to be asked to come to another world to find their own bond. The presence of Dragon Tuning at all will boost any chance of better Holdings and more important Breeding contracts!
Major |
Greater Animal Ability of Splice (1st to show) - As below in Mutations, their flaps are obviously of use in the windy areas and forests where that spliced creature lives! It's hard to imagine this tiny Pelatih taking a tumble, as they're quick to respond - and most of their clothing is designed in such a way that they can be tugged open to allow their torso and arms to be freed up for sudden falls. A secondary but very important aspect of this as a power, however, is that Hirjem knows how to fly. A thing that is both exhilirating and terrifying to many, this comes completely natural to them and they enjoy every moment that they're able to lift rather than plummet! (Skill boost below)
Sustained Power Trigger - This ability again works best on people that they are familiar with, and can be used in conjunction with both healing and shaping powers! Soo and Shpa both have been trained with and under the experienced eye of Hirjem, so when there are bigger projects they can get all of it done without even thinking about it. This also can help when there are latent abilities among the Kaumburuh or others who haven't properly started using any powers, and it's been said that Hirjem might also want to branch out into Sehatan training in order to fully realize this ability legally...
Flesh Shape Animal Only (limb/extras) - Able to alter the texture and color of hide, fur, and scales, but Hirjem can also lay their hands on a creature and force those limbs to change! While this can be incredibly painful, sometimes it's the best thing they can hope for if a calf is born deformed, or if their body needs just a little change in weight distribution. Hirjem concentrates most of this on winged Steeds and the cattle on the ranch, but with dragons around, has realized that their power can spare wingsails and broken tails without actively attempting to heal them while in flight. This power normally requires touch, but Hirjem can be touching any part of a Dragon, Steed, or even a spliced person with those traits, to extend the power's effects into the needed locations. While they cannot fix or change internal organs their ability can loosen scar tissue ridden joints to free them, reinforce armor plating or even create it where it's needed, and even shape dragon hide or bone structures to produce harness holds on their shoulders! A note: dragons which are touched with this ability do not feel the pain that other lesser animals do. Superficial external changes may last up to 10 years on large animals, and bone structure or sub-surface alterations may need upkeep every 5 years. However many animals don't live terribly long, particularly not those which are on the Ranch for food!
Special |
Regenerate Animal/Dragon - Though this is a high-tier ability it isn't one which Hirjem has practiced all that often. With Dragons however, they have suddenly come into their ability more fully. Having used it once or twice when they were younger, it fully exhausted them and they haven't gone back to it properly. But now with more training and focus they can maintain consciousness and return up to 48 BT that has been damaged or removed, with about 2 hours of intense concentration. Others may contribute to this, though they'll have to supply the link or mental connection, since Hirjem will only be able to do this power when it's in use. They can regenerate whole wing fingers and sails, replace a hip and thigh that's been damaged beyond surgical repair, even bring back a length of tail cut off by Incursion fire! Hirjem also relies on others to calm and subdue dragons or animals in such a terrible state. The one time that this fully came into use was on the race course, as a Steed had actually been struck by lightning and lost one of its wings! It won't fly in storms now, but then who would? It can still fly though! |
Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages |
Mutations |
Minor Suite - Leafglider splice - A 'flying squirrel' type of creature, the features of which are hardly noticed until they begin flaunting them... That is to say, they have pockets. Their skin, in fact, has pockets which extend between their arms and hips though remain tucked easily under any type of clothing. They wear a particularly soft binder for this reason, and must bathe (usually a dust bath) due to the furriness of their skin. The only thing Hirjem really wishes, is that they had a big fluffy balancing tail like some people get when they're spliced!
-- Small Sized, affecting Body Type and Agility (not over 60 BT, +15 Agi), Hirjem stands only as high as a typical pre-teen, quite small by Zekiran standards but only 'short' by Human ones
-- Pointed, slightly furry ears with tufts in their hair color, offering a modest bonus to hearing
-- Velvet Skin - Though not long, the fur definitely helps with keeping them insulated, and feels like velvet to the touch. If Bred to others with more furry bits, this could lead to extremely plush children indeed!
-- Teeth tend to grow more quickly than most (Zekiran teeth do replace after being knocked out or coming out every 30ish years) and Hirjem needs to grind them down a little every day so no that's not brushing (well it is that too) it's keeping those incisors under control. Their diet is heavy on the veggies and nuts, but they've been known to chew on bones and tendons alike
-- Gliding Flaps, when not constrained by clothing at least on their upper body, the pockets of loose skin can be spread and pick up winds, very good if falling from a Steed or Dragon from a short distance. Can break their fall at up to about 20 meters off the ground or higher if the winds are particularly strong. Cannot carry anything with both hands but might still be clinging to something in each separately, and cannot carry weights more than half their own otherwise. Also cannot take off using these flaps, this is an emergency fall prevention only
Disadvantages |
SMOL FRAGILE THING - If something smashes into Hirjem (rather than falling onto it, they're still light-weight even if plummeting off a Steed) they will take quite a lot of damage. Zekiran bones aren't all that powerful (their teeth are hogging all the calcium apparently) and Hirjem is careful to avoid bashing damage. They take 2x Bashing/Crushing damage only applicable if struck, rather than falling against the ground or trees
Affected By Animal Powers - Easily sensed as 'part of the herd' or 'that squirrel in the tree' by those with powers to detect animals, and if someone is flinging around actual commands it's all Hirjem can do to resist the call. However they will occasionally indulge other Pelatih to give their own mind link power a rest, give someone else the reins, and just do what they ask
Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level) * Power +5, ^+10 |
Basics |
Literacy 6
Math 6
Personal 7
Land/Area 8 |
Status |
Contract Writing / *Assess Debt 5/5
*Command 10
Style 8
*Events Organization /Steed 15 /^Dragon 20
Law /Hard Stock 5 /Hold 5 /Pelatih 10 /Dragon 10
*Politics /Active in Dragon Related duties 20
"This Pelatih has attained a political office and wants to keep it." |
Professional |
Steed Maintenance, Pet Care, Dragon Care
^Advanced Biology /Steed 20 /Small 15 /Dragon 25
^Anatomy /Steed 20
/Small 15 /Dragon 20
^External Styling /Small 10 /Steed 10 /Dragon 5
^Internal Styling /Steed 15 /Dragon 10
^Notice & Analyze /Illness 20 /Long-Term Disease 15 /Injury 25
Medicinal Tech 10
Pain Reduction Tech 10
Transportation Tech 5
Tool Use /Grooming 10 /Surgical 5
Environmental /Small 10 /Steed 15 /Dragon 20
Feed & Care /Steed 10 /Small 5 /Dragon 10
Tack /Steed 10 /Dragon 10
Ride /Flying Steed 15 /Dragon 15
Self-Flight 15
Dragon Riding and Training
Behavior Analysis /^Dragon 20 /*Rider 15
^Training /Flight
Pattern 15 /Tactical Maneuvering 10 /Emergency 20
/Search (For Lost) 20 /Hunting 10 /Group&Team 20
Personal Skills |
^Aerial Navigation 20
*Find Cooperative People 10
Blend With Humans... 5 |
Power Use |
Harm /Range 5
Link Minds /Range 10 /AoE 15 /Duration 5
Trigger Power /Understand 5 /Join (Link) 10 /Range 5
Flesh Shape /Accuracy 10 /Duration 5 /(Touch Any Part) Range 5 |
Dragon |
Copper Baziokuth |
Bonded at |
Ryslen Weyr 10.15.24 |
Hirjem realized they could easily wander the halls of this place, "Ryslen" and not really even get a second glance. Only until they got closer up to people, or perhaps brushed by them with their bare arm did they notice 'ears' or 'velvet'. They certainly didn't get as many double or triple glances as the dragon sire's rider... Who was the same rider that brought Hirjem here. Dusk absolutely loved that attention, everyone could tell that much, but frankly even Hirjem could look at that fine tail and enjoy the view. But where Dusk was pale lavender, Hirjem was the same sort of orange-rust brown shades as most of the 'humans' in the area. Sure there were oddities, but they even fit in for size.
Of course at Hirjem's size, they were also often enough mistaken here for a much younger person. But that suited Hirjem's style too - underestimate them please! A certain kind of satisfaction could be had when people realize 'no, that's a full grown adult with fully manifested psionic powers'!
They only wished that their partners could also have been here. But there was a strange twinge, Hirjem knew that both of his business-and-pleasure partners could and should find their own dragon bonds. And that those weren't at this particular nest. Nidus Ryslen was a busy place, perhaps there would be other clutches, other pairings. And from what Dusk had been yammering on about, it was entirely possible that those clutches would all result in dragons that could then meet up once more on the Zekiran home world at the same time.
Dusk's blue dragon was sure of himself, sure enough to have paired with a beautiful opalescent gold! And as the clutch was begining to shake, it looked like numerous other eggs... and proud sires... were growing in number. Dusk hinted to just 'shake it off' and deal with it. But then Dusk got the oddest look, pondering something. "I'll come visit you, in time." After the clutch was all hatched, settled, and checked for any issues, Hirjem 'hitched a ride' back home with him but when they turned to thank the Peridian and congratulate him on the lovely clutch... He wasn't even there?
But that was fine, because at the moment, Hirjem had their hands full with this beautiful copper-colored dragonet!
Over the course of a year or so, Baziokuth grew strong and healthy. And also grew to have a bit of an attitude! One he displayed vocally. With investments across the globe now to include dragon land, there was a bit of a twist to this tale. Tail, in fact. Because when another gold dragoness landed at the Busho wind facility's gentle hill, Hirjem had to stare at the tail as well as the woman who grew it, because she was the spitting image of Dusk.
"Oh he has been around, hasn't he?" Amaranth chuckled. "You'll see. But for the moment, you should come with us, I believe your skills can be of tremendous use to the Incursion protection dragons!"
So for the next few months, Hirjem practiced with a variety of 'Old World' dragons, those not found upon Zekira save in small numbers, from an offworld site here or there. While it wasn't beyond Hirjem's mentality to understand all of how that worked, honestly they felt it didn't much matter. Dragons from non-Zekiran sites were certainly easier to communicate with, being uniformly smarter and more independent (sometimes) than those native to the facilities here. But everyone who commanded or rode a dragon of any type could benefit from the collective learning system they established at Ablan's classrooms, and practiced up at the Busho wind farm! Sky and Forest dragons in particular worked well, soaring as they did with the Pernese and Alskyran and whatever else they called those non-native ones.
Hirjem consistently put their mind and hands to use whenever there was an Incursion as well - in conjunction with their healing and shaping power, and those of the people riding or helping, they could now claim to save the vast majority of injured dragons whenever those invasive jets and craft started shooting at them!
Baziokuth took tremendous pride in this, and said so at length. Even when his rider was exhausted from the efforts of the evening, watching the rubble of a pair of downed jets burn was almost as good as a bonfire on the beach. As Hirjem recovered from the healing of two horribly burned Sky dragons, Baziokuth walked carefully among the riders, staff, and attendants, nudging one here, quietly congratulating another there. Thankfully this time, no one needed consolation or comforts, the dragons and riders were all safe and sound.
'In time' finally came. They'd been working with Amaranth's offworld dragons for so long that it was something of a mystery how no one bothered to tell Hirjem... Dusk showed up.
With a new, young dragon. Hirjem stared intently at them both, as did Baziokuth. Finally realizing what had happened, in the hundred-some years since they'd been doing all this, Hirjem waited until Dusk and Sastrath were away, and brought it up with Amaranth.
"He's my grandson, yes," she laughed, seeming to finally recall that early meeting. It made Hirjem wonder whether Amaranth too did this trick, moving through time as well as dimensions. Thankful however that Baziokuth preferred remaining here and now, the Pelatih Dragon Master would remain as a steady influence on the defensive forces for many, many decades to come.