Name Ozhta Pahil (ozh ta pa hil - creates an army out of shadow)
Status Atasan / Peridian 6th Degree / Dragon Master
Gender/Age/Lifespan Male / 30s / Immortal
Born Year / LAZ 10506 / Zerin / Zuca / Reign Island
Breeding Natural 6th Degree
Fertility Hyperfertile
Parents / Family

Mother Tabi Hili
Father Dusk Paveh (Lines lead to Paveh, Sengihr, Marad, Kshau, Dahash, 'Roch)

Bred To / Offspring Oh he'll have kids. More than likely they will be from the Vahh clan, since he's already related to most of the Marad group...
Int - 90
App - 75
Edu - 85
Cha - 83
Str - 74
Soc - 79
Hea - 70
Agg - 75
Agi - 79
San - 55
Rea - 80
Cou - 77
Sensory Mods
All Psionics 160
Movement Mods
Body Type
90 (72+Tail)


Zerin - 819 (Zuca
Dragon Council
Member; 2 votes)

Curra - 502 (2 votes)

Kiran - 399 (1 vote)

Tana - 298 (1 vote)

Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Zerin / Zuca / Reign Island 31, Estate
114, Bio Lab (clone, cells)
230, Training Facility (riders)
340, Dragon Land
Zerin / Ka / Astan 48, Estate
56, Local Bay/Bud Apartments
Curra / Altem / Watek 20, Hotel share
34, Casino
46, Estate
122, Bio Lab (breeding, refining)
159, Training Facility (rider/shifter)
Curra / Mi'a / Zifan 121, Medusa Cloning Facility share
Kiran / Le'ret / Ski'nahket 45, Estate
50, Bio Lab (cloning, breeding)
108, Training Land (riders, large shift)
196, Dragon Land
Tana / Difar / Ablan 4, Estate
43, Peridian Office/Lab
59, Dragon Rider Training
192, Dragon Land

89 - 2 at any given Estate for upkeep and communication duties
4 at each Lab for cleanup and minor duties
4 at each Training Facility for paperwork, organization, and upkeep
about 6 at Ski'nahket doing lab work and training for later full time pay
around 3 at Zifan facilities for lab work, testing, and powers training for later full time pay
Remaining 40+ work at various locations including Casino and Hotel (usually because they became indebted there...)

Most Bayaran are indentured for short periods, and are usually traded among the Vahh group rather than the Paveh side, since they may exhibit powers that are useful for them


48 - 3 full time at each Estate (1 at Ablan) for upkeep and service
10 at Casino and Hotel for services
Others all spread among labs for cleanup and maintenance or lands for upkeep

Notably a few of these Budak have exhibited some amount of Dragon Tuning, though only the youngest of them will be brought before dragons eventually

Hires/Employs at least 2 dozen Kaumburuh for menial tasks such as food preparation, garden upkeep, travel arrangements and the like
at least 10 Tuantana who have that transportation and localized services available
Membayar as needed for paperwork and skilled lab research
Pemilik for any given travel or personalized duties, Steeds, etc
Suzerain invest in locations as well as training for powers
Pelatih all over the place for pest control, food needs, dragon food needs, and shifter power
Sehatan for medical research and assistance
Peridian from Paveh, Sengihr, and Vahh all at appropriate locations with specialties
Atasan and Penjagan supplying power, weirdness, Bayaran and Budak, and new lands
Dragon Masters and Breeders, mainly running the nests and training facilities at Reign and Ablan, and Desert-Specific at Ski'nahket
Savings 350kc, net worth around 1 million credits
Profession / kc per year

Power Specific Breeding / 25kc per breeding

Dragon Master "Recruiting and training" / 55kc, plus other individual payments

Genetic Purity
Power Rank
* Note that while there are stronger individuals out there, all powers act as Special tier for competitive purposes, range, effect, and duration. No Minor tier power, all either Major or Special outright

Dragon Tuning - Indistinct, because his father is a dragon rider, and there is all manner of exposure to them early on, Ozhta is clearly cut out for dragon mastery if not specific to himself then to urge others for their own dragons. His particular tuning allows for off-world dragons to take interest in him, though whether more than one might come his way is up in the air and depends upon the dragon themselves. However, his cloned and shaped 'selves' are suited only to local Zekiran dragons, and as such have an array of them in Ski'nahket, Reign, and Ablan available to that end. They mostly include Sky and Forest dragons.

**Power Swap / Dragon Only - With time and effort, **only after Impressing Zalnenth, Ozhta is capable of swapping one or more of the powers that either of them share with his dragon. While Zalnenth doesn't really 'use' any of those beyond perhaps the Information Transfer or Sense Intentions, Ozhta can temporarily tap the physical ability of Teleportation directly from his dragon now, and doesn't necessarily need to use other people for this any longer. He can impart knowledge of how to use his own powers to the dragon, but Zalnenth usually brushes

Genre Sense and Access From Others - from whatever source, be it Vahh and his innate dimension hopping ability, his own father's genre sight, or a dragon that can portal between worlds, Ozhta is capable of understanding how they move, and when he takes over their body ... um, when he duplicates their abilities in himself I mean, he is fully capable of using that power without training separately.

Information and Dream Transfer - Usually requiring touch, but with a lucid dreamer or anyone else with a dream-based power within about 500 meters, Ozhta can use his information transfer both ways without touching the subject. He can filter specific information and 'read it before be buys it', picking and choosing from memories he finds. Only those with PR of 0 may resist this if they choose. A transfer of information is usually 'technical' in nature, rather than skill-based. He has other powers for other uses...

Shift Self and Others - This is not just 'body shape' or appearance. This is a full genetic level shift including latent powers, active ones, psionic aura, and memories. He can filter those things, picking and choosing, though must concentrate harder to exclude things he doesn't want. Normally he must touch or have access to the genetic sample of a person to duplicate their appearance and powers, but if he's done it before, he can do it again with just a little hint. That scrapbook he has with him? It's filled with little packets of preservatives and DNA... And data crystal slices that he can plug into a reader for a quick memory refresh... And worse: he can do this to other people whether they can shapeshift or not. It helps if they can, it means that's less effort to coerse the cells to do their thing (though it does mean that person might try and resist the changes). He can do this at range up to 10 meters only, but he prefers being up close and personal, touching or even just brushing his tail past someone in a casino or busy street.


Nearly Illegal Level Mentalist - Ozhta is what some folks believe to be one of the most dangerous mentalists in the world, and they are not far from wrong. To be fair there's maybe a dozen individuals, many in his own line and some in his descendants' lines, that are more powerful than him outright. The combination of abilities he shows with mental effort produces both incredibly useful training and instruction, and markedly grey-area levels of legality. "Everything invasive" as he has stunning amounts of sense, control, and functionality for almost any mental power on the Zekiran Breeding Books...

-- Empathy, Emotion Control, Motive/Intent Control, he can sense the moods of individuals as well as groups, particularly enjoying the casino and racetracks for such a thing as it gives him a bit of a high. Additionally he is capable of casually discerning the current and deeper intentions, motivations, and alter any of those things. This is where he shines when Etan shows up: 'you're not really ready for a confrontation right now' is his usual line of internal dialog with that man, and yes he has had to use it, since Etan does occasionally slip under the radar when there are other things going on. Ozhta delights in watching the expression cross Etan's face, going from that snarky confidence to a doubt with a touch of fear. Generally speaking he reserves that specific power of "Intent Alteration" (a flip side of the 'group understanding' power others might show with this gene) to Etan and his people only. For everyone else, there's always the Emotion Sway and Control! Whee! He's the type who would show up at a rally just to throw the event in the underdog's favor, a well-placed holler and empathic nudge and suddenly everyone there will be voting another way.

-- Invasive Telepathy, Detect Psionic Mind, Numb/Stun/Cloud, Ozhta can hear what you're thinking when you don't even realize there's a thought in your head. Sensing where people are within 1km, who they are within 250 meters, and their hidden thoughts at 100 meters, he can then discern whether there are any threats to deal with. Sometimes 'threat' is 'I'm not wearing the right color jacket for this event hold on' and he'll just wipe away the memory of him being there until he can change. He can also 'dissuade' people from approaching him with a bit of a 'scary aura', or actively give a strong mental slap that causes them to reel and have a tremendous headache for an hour or so.

-- Dream Command, though he doesn't use this unless he knows he'll be needing it and has a good subject to mess with, as above he can find and use anyone who also has a dream-based power even latently within 500 meters. He's been both trained and chastised by Vahh with this ability in mind, since it can backfire if someone really has problems with what is done during the night. He could be of use for dream psych healing, but that's for nubs.

-- Gene and Mutation Control, overlapping with Psychic and Mental powers, these senses help him discern individual gene combinations, power uses, and how a mutation interacts with others to produce new results. As a Peridian of 6th Degree he is allowed to do whatever he wants with samples (contractually of course!) (OF COURSE, RIGHT?) and has the power to mix and match things both in a lab or using his own abilities. He uses all of this to create perfected clones in any lab - usually Vahh's but Paveh is trying, and Etan so wants this for himself hah good luck pal. Effectively he can soak up the information found among these bits and pieces, put them together in himself or in a ... volunteer, let's call them that, and see if they all work properly. He can undo these changes, but frequently doesn't, when the subject is okay with their new look, ability, or appendage. Yes, he can and has helped people escape notice by letting them effectively become someone entirely new.

-- Power Sense, Control, Boost, and Negate, He uses mostly the senses and controls when working with people in the Training facilities, boosting them if they're low-grade and making sure that if a power is mixed with another the changes could be made permanent using his ability above. He can also stop or trigger powers within 25 meters in individuals of PR 2 - 5, with those at 1 and 0 able to resist or block this.

-- Summon and Possess Human, like his mother Tabi, Ozhta prefers to bring other versions of himself to his side to fuck with Etan, or to dominate an Incursion fight. There are at least 6 of him tucked away at the Medusa facility in Zifan, about 5 in Reign Island's facilities, and one more in Ski'nahket for good measure. In this case however, he is able to tap into his Genrehop ability for this alone: they don't come running, they literally appear out of a portal he produces when 'stepping to one side'. There's now two of him, maybe more if he keeps moving. This power is exhausting, but he uses it in order to stand back behind the scenes right after bringing them there, and pulling their strings so to speak while they do the heavy lifting and endangering themselves on dragons. He is no coward, but sometimes the fight is not going in their favor and he needs to tip it somehow. He can use this power to also aid in training large groups of young Dragon Masters who don't realize that the class they're in all have the same instructor spread across an entire facility. He can use this power on other people than his own clones, but if he's at the point that this is needed, he won't have the power to overcome their personality and prefers his own that do not resist.

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Small Claws - on fingers and toes, each one is sharp and capable of a 1 point cut. While his hands are not affected for manual dexterity, he must either wear shoes that account for the sharp bits on his toes, or just go barefoot (which he prefers)

Missing Toes - has only 4 toes on each foot, no alteration to stats

Facial Hair (smexy) - the Paveh line has what most people consider the sexy side of weird facial hair. Zekirans don't have facial or body hair, but they wear it perfectly

Lovely Tail (tm) - with a hair-tipped tail thanks to both sides of his family, his is just as nice and adds BT as well as a subtle amount of touch sensitivity when he's wanting to be secretive about picking targets in a crowd

Velvet Body Spots - on the Marad side of the family this shows as 'birthmark', but since Tabi is spotty with raised skin, the Paveh body hair mixed liberally with this. Small raised dots with very short but present hair make touching him like reading furry braille

Regenerative Immortality - he can alter his biology at will, don't even doubt that he'll live as long as he freakin wants. He can also just clone himself either with technology or his own power, and move in permanently into a new body. Heck, the Medusa lab has 'template flesh' available for exactly this purpose, and it's not just him that uses it... If he's injured in any dire fight, he will definitely pick the nearest humanoid and just leap right on in uninvited. Frankly he's done this once, but the body was already dead so he restarted it. He has plenty of cousins that do this all the time, shut up

Disadvantages Look, when you do the things he does with the regularity that he shows interest in doing them, he will wind up Exiled if Vahh or the Paveh clan doesn't keep careful watch over him. He won't do these things maliciously mind you, and he knows who the enemy is (and hint: it's not the Incursion, they're just a distraction). But he is very casual with his shifting and memory theft, so at some point, he's going to anger the wrong person with too much money. Both the Vahh and Paveh groups send specifically trained - and resistant - Budak to follow him around, doing what he bids them but also reporting any errant behaviors right back to their real Lords. It's not that either of those families don't trust him - they know they can trust him with their secrets. But they don't want the overt attention that a big court case or public incident spread over the vids might cause.
Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level) ^ Power +15
Basics Literacy 5
Math 6
Personal 10
Land/Area 6 (10 to specific locations where he visits by teleport)
Status Contract Writing / ^Debt Assessment 5 / 15
^Command 15
Style 10
(^)Law /Hard Stock 10 /Hold 15 /Peridian 15 /Dragonry 15
Politics /Dragon Council 15

Professional / Peridian 6th Degree

Professional / Dragon Rider Training

^Advanced: /Biology 25 /Anatomy 30 /Genetics 35
Tool Use /Natal 10 /Vat 10 /Breeder's Network 10
^Breeder's Eye /Powers 20 /Mutations 20 /Pleasing 15
^Condition Recognition (Genetic) /Combinations 15 /Deadly 15
^Condition Recognition (Physical) /Injury 15 /Sickness 10

^Breeder's Eye: Dragon Rider Potential /Local 15 /Offworld-Typed 20
Ride /Dragon 15 /Steed 10 /Speed 15 /Bad Weather 10
Dragon Health /Superficial Injury 10 /Serious Injury 5 /Sickness 5
Tool Use /Tack and Harness 5 /Cleaning 5
Dragon Care+Feeding /Environment 5 /Food 10 /Entertainment 10
Aerial Navigation 10
^Events Organization /Parties 15 /Breeder's Gathering 25 /Dragon Riding 20

Personal Skills Lie Through His Teeth /20
Emulate Someone You Know Too Well /20
Power Use *Any power that applies these, gets them*
Range 10
Area of Effect 10
Duration 20
Join Powers 20
Understand Powers 20
Hide Use 10
Combine Powers (Not His Own) 10
Dragon Radiant Brown Zalnenth
Bonded at Nidus Ryslen


"And you're saying that, my father went to some other place, off this planet, visited you in the past, and then came forward in time to continue living here and now..."

Amaranth nodded gently with that smile on her face.

"You are my great-grandmother," Ozhta said, in the same faintly-astonished but well-covered tone. Again, the pale violet colored woman, with a tail very similar to his own, nodded.

There was a long pause, as Ozhta's eyes drifted away from that woman, and upwards, behind her. Nearly the same color as those eyes, a golden-yellow head and shoulders, wings, and then a darkness rich as night on her hindquarters and wings could be seen. "And you ride a dragon, that dragon."

"You catch on quickly," Amaranth chided, knowing that he was more than smart enough to have connected all those things momentarily.

"So why are you here with me now?" He was, however, still young - not a teenager any longer but hardly developing in his full extent of abilities. He'd passed his Status exams easily of course, but how would this new information sit with him? He couldn't, for some reason, read this woman's mind. But he could read her genetics, sense her power, and more. He could sense their connection through those genes, and stood a little taller as he assessed what he found there.

"Now you understand," his great-grandmother Amaranth Marad said proudly. "I am indeed here to Search you, as these old-world dragons like to call it, to stand for a clutch at her very own birthplace." She paused, narrowed her eyes and looked to be pondering something, "well, something like that anyway. It was a Weyr when I was there, but it's a Nidus now, you'll learn about all that. Should you want to, of course."

"Why would I not want to?" He said, just-a-touch excited. Obviously he had tried to maintain what appeared to be a professional air, but it was still the case that whenever a dragon was around, even one from local hatcheries like that on his mother's island, people tended to take note. Becoming a Dragon Master was something that anyone from Budak to Atasan would aspire to.

So it was with that in mind, that this lithe woman with the two-toned dragoness bid him to collect his necessary items, take a good long look at the calendar and skies to dedicate to memory, and come along.


"There really are more eggs than I expected," Amaranth muttered, but her dragoness trumpeted something to which she giggled. It was still all a mystery to Ozhta, since he was yet unable to pry a single stray thought from her mind. And although he was markedly curious about these 'too many eggs', he was more curious as to why she could resist.

Which, apparently. She could detect. And she let off just the tiniest hint of that notion into the aether, which he picked up with at-first-eagerness... That rapidly declined into a deflated huff.

"I understand now," he finally muttered.

"You haven't been put in your place often," Amaranth said, confidently, "don't worry, I'm fairly certain it will still be a rare occurrence. Particularly," she nodded toward the eggs they stood near, "after this clutch hatches."


She was quite correct in that regard. But she had brought them there reasonably early - a few weeks before the eggs would actually hatch. She explained how much work there would be, and set him up with the lessons that he'd need. Care and feeding first, anatomy and dangers, and then how to navigate and ride. They had those things in spades back on Zekira, what with Steeds being as popular as they ever had been. Riding and injuries from falling from a flying Steed were very common indeed. Dragons of this sort weren't all that different from a leather-winged Steed, he noted, though of course, their size and that very long tail, and other things differed. Internal differences too - thus he spent most of his time with the infirmary staff and those who could help him get a grasp on the mental aspects of what would be needed.

Of course, Ozhta had already just yoinked most of that information straight from their unprotected minds, even while sleeping, before clarification and refinement in a class...

By the time the hatching did occur there were more Zekirans on hand, including his own father, and several that they'd brought along just to see or maybe hazard a try at the eggs. Ozhta noted the similarities as well as differences among the host dragons, some small and lithe, others with multiple sets of wings, many different types of psionic abilities as well.

And he walked away from the busy sands with what appeared to be the shiniest brown dragon that most had ever seen! But they had seen the expression on that dragon's face before - because Ozhta's was very similar... They had bonded thoroughly and quickly, but it would be a few weeks before they'd be ready to travel back home.


"Busy day," one of the Budak that was quite interested in helping out with their Sky Dragon nests at Reign Island wiped the sweat from his red brow, "I don't think I've seen the sky so full of dragons!"

It was true, and as Ozhta uncharacteristically slumped into the wall in exhaustion, he nodded and sighed. "Fourteen Skies and several Forests, and a few of the others," he nodded briefly toward his brown Pernese, "against twenty ships and a cruiser... It was hard."

But the Budak, whose name was Hond, eagerly nodded. "None lost! I saw you fixing that wing and the other's leg," he indicated a Sky dragon which was now testing that wing, the Forest had already retreated to the recovery center nearby. "Some day I ... I know it's not my place, but it would be such an honor to see that up close."

"It's messy," Ozhta commented.

To his credit, the Budak Hond leaned on the mucking rake he was holding, and sarcastically smiled at it. "I've never minded the mess, my Lord. I wouldn't want to bring mud and shit with me to a healing session though!"

Even more to his credit, Ozhta thought. There was a 'ping' from his dragon, and Ozhta continued to look at the slave, who had gone back to his work of making sure the pathways beween buildings were free from the debris and rubble that had fallen or been dragged down by those who flew. Ozhta said nothing more than a brief 'see you later' which got a deep bow from the young man, but after his thorough shower and new outfit... he started looking into paperwork. That Budak could certainly be of more use than cleaning up around the place.


Name: Zalnenth
Gender: Male, chaser
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 9' s / 33' l / 60' ws
Colors: Radiant Brown, body is very shiny chocolate brown with wingsails similar but with more brown; ridge and tail fork darker brown; 'radiant' coloration seems to be molton and bright depending on the angle you see it
Features: Mostly standard Pernese with headknobs, thumbs, 3 fingered wings with wrist thumb, forked tail, and dorsal ridge from head to mid-tail, faceted eyes
Powers: Winged Flight, sleek and swift in the air, Zalnenth is a capable and durable dragon in good or bad weather conditions. He's exceptionally good at dramatic entrances, combining his teleportation and style with arriving just in time, or soaring overhead to scan for issues before making a perfect landing
Teleport, Genrehop, Time Teleport; This ability is what his rider truly loves to play with, and the moment Zalnenth was able to teleport even once, they began exploring in both physical ways and theoretical ones. With how good Ozhta is at figuring out this power among his own kind, having access to any form of it with a tight mental bond meant the learning curve was quite short. Perhaps unusual because while 'theory' is as close as most human riders get to learning how to teleport, Ozhta's ability to actually do it meant his young dragonet learned from him directly! They have been to many worlds, and with a little bit of experience and expermentation, traveled through time on individual locations by virtue of that 'star chart' training of theirs back at the Nidus; he can handle 20 to 25 year increments back and forth, or one longer 50-year stretch in the same location but this specific power does tend to wear him out. Normal teleportation range for this dragon on-world is around 200 miles per pop, or directly to a location that they know and habit frequently. Their experience between is about as weird as you could imagine, given that some dragons, Zalnenth included, seem very able to hear and even speak to the 'dead' or those who are lost in this null zone.
Telepathy, Nexus Communication; Once bonded, Zalnenth and Ozhta's minds have established a state of almost perfect coexistence. The Zekiran uses this at times, when someone 'bad' may be poking around, to substitute the dragon's thought processes with his own, leaving no trail or trace of himself, and at the same time the dragon is capable of seeing through the man's eyes and understanding what he sees. They can communicate at any distance, even world-wide, and also dimension-wide, though with an amount of distortion involved. Zalnenth is able to reach into the Nexus and pluck thoughts, memories, and sometimes even historical personalities from it, some of which give him inspiration for new 'adventures'
Assisted Firebreath, they have a good supply of synthetic 'firestone', coal, or whatever else this dragon would use as a catalyst, though he doesn't tend to actively use it. While they can pose as combat fighters, the fact is that with the skills that either of them have, they make a much better control team than active fighters even if they're out flying against the Incursion. His flames do burn very well, and if he's given specific catalysts he might even be able to produce napalm, though he says this stuff tastes beyond nasty...
Telekinesis, fully functional only when given a bit of a power level boost if there are riders or dragons around that have a strong version of it, but Zalnenth is able to assist others when they have a strong leader to combine all efforts. With it, he's assisted in taking down a much larger Incursion ship, as five or six others coordinate their efforts to break it apart. That was quite a sight!
Parentage: Anodized Gold Big'oon-lelth and Brown Aiuroboth
Origin: Nidus Ryslen
Other Info: Zalnenth is as clever and devious as his rider, and will eagerly participate in whatever scheme he's got going. Their bond is tremendously close and as such they can use this to their advantage if things start going bad. He will easily and eagerly impart his extended abilities to move to his rider, 'meet you half way there' and swoop away from or into whatever dangers they're facing together


** Note that Aiuroboth and Blue Sastrath are clutch siblings so all these offspring are cousins/half-sibs

  1. Blue Lalzarth (Dracleia )
  2. Green Chinuriath * * (DF )
  3. Green Jelianth * * (Nomi )
  4. Blue Saimarth (Trix )
  5. Green Criariath (Molly )
  6. Green Nenelirth (Starfire )
  7. Green Fiarmioth (Dray )
  8. Brown Zalnenth * (Zekiran )
  9. Blue Bazairth (Kin )
  10. Gold Maikiortioth (Lakota )
  11. Green Ziorenth (Kyra )
  12. Green Siornalairth (Birdie )
  13. Blue Henlomorth (DMage )
  14. Blue Lelsulsarth (Phoenix )
  15. Bronze Cilzozioth (Ktrenal )
  16. Bronze Briomegliath (Ty )
Anodyzed Gold
Opal Lelohinith
Lilac Opal
Gold Melodith
Bronze Lockith

Mates and Descendants

Location / Date Partner Offspring Notes
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